Now that she's made her intent clear, that she aims to surpass both her sister and Haruna in Rito's heart...

Now that she's made her intent clear, that she aims to surpass both her sister and Haruna in Rito's heart, WILL SHE ACTUALLY DO IT?!?!

She behaves more like a wife to Rito than the other two girls, so yeah I could see it happening.

Momo is fucking shit.

So is your mother.

She already did.

Yabuki has been pushing her as the main girl.

Nope. We've got two series worth of proving that Rito won't change his mind.

Nemesis was the best thing to come from Darkness.

No. Rito is hardcoded to
- attract boobs,
- cry about MUH HARUNA when confronted by other girls,
- cry about MUH LALA when confronted by Haruna,
- cry about MUH MORALS when given a simple and efficient way out of this crap,
- not distract readers' with unnecessary shit like character growth.

He didn't get even a tiniest bit of development through entire Darkness. I don't see why potential next series would be any better, since TLRD didn't even bother with setting up a new conflict like the original did.

>First of the last two bangaihen chapters come out
>it's fucking nothing

Rito himself doesn't even know what he really wants. Everyone else got character development of mainly what they want, but him despite the fact that was what the majority of Darkness was for. The author chose a status quo end in which nothing really changed from how the series ended in the original, despite the fact the original ended that way because of legal issues while this ended because they decided to end it this way. Darkness was just pure fapbait and nothing more.

Say to my face fucker not online.

>will she do it

No. The series is over. We're getting two endings. The first one is the Haruna ending. The other is the Harem ending. No other girl will ever surpass Haruna.

I delight in thoughts of torturing you to the point of a mental breakdown where you will become susceptible to suggestion and I can then brainwash you into believing Momo is best gril. You will worship her without question and self-sacrifice in Her holy name. You will give ritual tributes of semen each day as often as possible. You will conform or die.

Well Rito's dream is to fuck her so I'd say she's most of the way there already.

>implying this chapter wasn't the set up for an ending where each Rito clone ends up with a different girl

Who gets the original then? Does it end up being shared by Momo and Nemesis like in the last chapter?

The clones get mixed and no one knows who the original is.

It's not even a Haruna ending because he is not going out with her until he settles his feelings with Lala. Nothing changed at all except the fact he confessed to Haruna and Haruna knows that he loves her. We are back to square one of him wondering if it's ok for him to have a Harem or not while being indecisive about it which was the whole point of the Harem plan to begin with.

That's horseshit.

She's both the biggest whore and biggest loser of the galaxy.


>3 jokers

>>implying this chapter wasn't the set up for an ending where each Rito clone ends up with a different girl
That's a HORRIBLE ending. Rito loves Haruna and Lala, and the clones that end up going elsewhere will all feel bad about not getting with Haruna and Lala.
Why do people even think an ending like that is good for a harem manga?
It's like getting NTR'd by your evil twin.




think of the TSUNKEN DOUJINS son


Third manga series soon







>To Love Ru still continues
So are we getting a third series or what?









Yabuki wouldn't end the series with every girl getting a clone of Rito, right guys? Guys?
That would be the worst ending possible.

Doujin material right here and now

>the extra chapter was barely lewd

It doesn't have darkness in the title.
Seems like they tried to go back to the roots with this chapter.

manga inception

>We've got two series worth of proving that Rito won't change his mind.
Actually no, series 1 was Rito being super Haruna lover at the start and then ending up loving Lala while loving Haruna too.
Series 2 was Rito struggling with the Harem Plan and ended finding out that even if loved Haruna, he can't let go of Lala either. At the same time this happens, Haruna's defenses for the harem plan weakens to the point that she's ok sharing Rito with Lala.

People not understanding the subtlety in TLR is hilarious.

>manga inception
meant to quote

In the last volume it seems that he said that he doesn't know if there's going to be more tlr. And if it is, it's possible that it's not going to be so soon.
Maybe Yabuki is playing us like a fidle!

>Maybe Yabuki is playing us like a fidle!
I guess they just don't want to promise things that are not 100 % certain.

No, she's probably going to become into another Run. I don't really think that the next series will have her in such a protagonic spot as Darkness

If their is another series I would prefer for her to go back to being a support character. I don't hate Momo, but she hogged enough screen-time as it is.

Quote from Yabuki in Vol 18.

"Since I'm thinking secretly like "magical girls" whose main characters are actresses and beautiful characters *laugh* I honestly feel that I should have places and timings that let me draw someday. Someday again...! "To Love-Ru" is immortal if everyone keeps supporting !! Thank you in the future! Kentaro Yabuki"

I don't know if this means he's leaving TLR to make a magical girl manga or if he wants to make a magical girl manga but can't because he's doing TLR forever (immortal) ?

In the sequel there will exist 3 or 4 Ritos.

Each one will follow a different path, some will pick 1 girl, 2, or maybe 3.
Ritos might even lose their virginities to their respective girls.

In the final chapter they fuse together again mixing up all of their feelings and experiences in one prime Rito.

i hate this

>Momo better than Mikan
Is this a joke?

She should really just move on if we're talking realistically.