i guess one of the family members investigated and found out it was destiny and his fans. he said hes gonna "set the record straight". this scares the manlet
Destiny fans harassing family of autistic girl
Other urls found in this thread:
shit fire i forgot the link boys. myb
thought this thread would get a lot more attention honestly. with the shit thats been going on lately.
destiny is gay
gunna get jf to murder destiny
bump because i like to see pseudish manletten get trashed
Got and proof?
>Skepticentrist. Ancap. Vegan. I'll trigger you. BTC/Eth. Socialism/marxism. SJW. Safe space. Anarcho-capitalism. Crypto enthusiast. Abolish the fed. Jewish.
my bad
>joined January 2018
fuck off faggot stop looking for attention
>eat shit from a stupid frog only capable of talking about biology
>resort to bullying legal retards
meltdown in process
idk. the guy claims to be related. came across him in a twitter thread. ask him.
Nobody really cares about the manlet and the kraut memes have died down quite a bit. But if your story is true it wouldn't be surprising that the followers of destinys cult would be harrassing someone while claiming the moral highground.
>6 tweets
>joined in January 2018
my dude...
Destiny fuck off. WE get it, you like to post you're vides here for hate views and attention
Destiny here, what's up my dude? So you think the age of consent should be 25? Why? I can make a very good ethical argument for why it should be 3. I would posit that pedophilia is morally neutral, and you say it's immoral. Therefore the responsibility is yours to defend your position. What makes sex with a 3 year old so immoral? Because if I have sex with a loaf of bread, you wouldn't necessarily say that's immoral, would you? So why is a 3 year old any different? More importantly, what is the difference between a 3 year old and a loaf of bread? Can you name any differences, my dude?
did i get baited?
big win for the marketplace of ideas with that post buddy
Thanks buddy
I would beat this faggot into a formless pile of biological goo then micturate upon it, pour gasoline on the remains and light fire to it.
Fuck this faggot
hes not disgusted by inest nor pedophilia
Isn't that the dwarf that wants to have sex with his own daughter?
Why post such an ugly creature. Something a CIA nigger would post. Are you a CIA nigger?
Someone should drop kick this little manlet like a football
holy fuck he actually looks like a dwarf i always thought he might be like 5'8 and called a midget for it
He got btfod in warskis stream by some guy who also threatened violence against de tiny
So this is the power of the alt right
I bet you are not even white. Flaggot
Pssh clearly a Rothschild plant. Destiny would be a fool to even bother with this fake.
Touche my black flagged friend
prof that the guy was fake and from JFs discord?
Destiny my gut be one of the most disturbing people out there. Can't decide who I should hate and despise more, destiny or Cenk?
Wasn't even the real guy dude. It was one of Destiny's (((viewers))) that he setup to look like a useful idiot. Paid him 100 dollars afterwards. Destiny is really into magic and has mastered sleight of hand tricks like this. Just gotta think critically.
>you are from the jf discord
oh boy, tiny goes all in
Oh hey its another Destiny gets caught grooming a 12 year old boy for sex episode.
So like we know that desTiny is colluding with the (((arabs))) and the (((jews))), but what about the ((((((blacks)))))) and the ((((((((((((mexicans))))))))))))??? Like if his audience is his big, he must have gotten a donation from a (((((((((((((((black))))))))))))))) or a (((((((((((((((((((mexican)))))))))))))))))))), which means that he obviously involved with both the black panthers and the cartel, right? tell me im not the only one making these connections
top donors are not some regular donors.
>when you hear a different point of view