Idea block

i make political youtube videos. i get a decent amount of views. im not gonna link the channel, but currently im out of ideas.

i mean i dont know what to talk about. and i dont know what i should do different to set me apart from other youtubers. any ideas Sup Forums, what would you do if you had an audience?

and lets assume i can make a video on any topic, what would you do?
or maybe not something strictly political, but relates to it in an abstract way?

idk Sup Forums school has sucked my creativity out of me

Other urls found in this thread:

Reading a book from the Sup Forums mega collection called "a defense of aristocracy". Really interesting shit that I don't see much on YouTube.

>a defense of aristocracy
what's it's idea that it's trying to convey?

Make a video about NatSoc economics

Also make one about different third position systems and how they differ from each other, for example falangism, Strasserism and Nat Soc

>ideas for youtube channel
for your 50 faggot subscribers and the 10 or so people that view your videos?
stop making videos and kys

Go to a spot where suicides happen, film a dead body, act shocked but laugh too, post it on youtube, dab on them haterz.

Link channel so we can decide if you're worthy of help.

I'd rather not link my channel. However, here are some analytics
I'm no economics expert, nor do I do economics on my channel, however I think the idea of a nat soc economic system is that it's supposed to change depending on the needs of the people.


It really depends on who your target audience is user. If you want to make something for Sup Forums make an autistic 45 minute video about how and why the various countries around the world arent white. If its for alt hype, go steal some ideas from some of them. If its for normies, see alt hype but be sure to add in appeals to emotion.

Talk about individualism vs collectivism and how it's all horse shoe.

Bringing this subject into political theory always makes diverse outcomes. Because of how it is interpreted

>seal porn

audience is a mix of everything.however i'd say the vast majority is redpilled people. (not sure what portion is autistic 4channers)
i really want to figure out a way to make something more intelligent and something worthy to talk about while keeping a bit of some autistic chan humor

gonna have to do some research on that. i fear fucking up and making a mistake.

also my ID changed. here for mobile posting, so just making a note of that

1. I think shorter is better. It's a good way to build an audience before doing super long 45 mins vids.

2. Content wise? No idea...but tell us something we don't already know. Or connect dots for normies.

Generationzyklon at gmail

Should hid your analytics ID...

500 part series on Niggers: Why do they Nig?


if you wanna stand out, produce a bunch of 3-5-10 minute documentaries across a political timeline. think "this week in ww1" but for the political side of lets say the civil rights movement, reconstruction, lead up to the civil war, war of 1912, barbary wars. the reagan years. something like that.

Not only will it force you to do some research and encourage you to stand behind facts rather than worry about opinions, but if you are truly interested in politics then you and your audience will be sparked to conversation about how the modern world relates to the happenings of yesterday. and that is how you can keep making freeform videos and not run out of ideas.

consider informative videos to be an anchor that you can riff on with more typical content.

Pizzagate is real bitch. admit it to yourself and your fans if you are still un red pilled at this point.

or do the secret space programs and breakaway civilization.

what are breakaway civilizations?

like us going to mars permanently?

If you want to be different be different. Read Rules for Radicals and tell people how to use it against the dems, its been the DNC strategy guide for decades. Republicans just get frustrated whenever they read it and burn it.

Start doing right wing comedy. It's time we start gaining some steam in the culture war.

extra gay. just wow. also already been done by the crash course channel. next.

Discuss classics of political theory and political history in relation to contemporary events. Ie machiavelli and the Saudi coups

Are you trying to stay political or branch out into other topics? I think a great transition from politics is into art and design. You can still work in politics into art history, but you can do a lot more too.

What is seal porn, link?

get off jewtube, go walk in the woods, end social contact with people you are not related to, grow your food, never come here again.

just talk about how much you love to suck dick OP

Political theory, day to day stuff has a short shelf life. You could try to do a series on different poltical theories ex: Marxism, Jeffersonian democracy, merchantalism (that ones more economic), natural right libertarianism, consequentialist libertarianism, fascism, etc.


babby's first video?

*natural rights

5% female? Get woke and start talking about the patriarchy. You need to get those numbers up.

Here's some grade A seal porn!!


to be honest, your fucked.

the white race is fucked

people just don't want do whats necessary

and get mad anytime somebody who isn't pure aryan comes up with a good idea

its over man

if u come up with a nice idea, they will label you a fed

the whites are even dumber and more inept than the blacks at this point

most of gen z hasn't lost their virginity yet

so.... just make dumbass vids for dumbass people

his fucked what?



ur just can't except truth

were all fucked
and people like u are to blame

bight me

Talk about Iran you fucking retarded.

And if you want to break new ground fucking go there and livestream like other successful journalists.

Mild coastal inlet you what?

Yeah there are people on Mars right now and it seems that at least in some places it has breathable atmosphere. The reality of life is that ets were helping Nazis and they figured out antigravity and colonized antartica. They hit earth up for resources and slaves every now and then and are always keen to be trading for new technology and life extension stuff with the other races of space.

>Be Tony Rodrigues
>Trash talk some illuminati's son while in grade school in Michigan
>Be abducted in the night by Ets or maybe military disguised as ets?
>Be tortured and trained as psychic
>Work predicting whether drug planes in Peru will crash in the mountains or not
>Be sold off to some Pizzagate slavers in Seattle when psychic skills are lost
>Live at the mansion until a drug regime change sickens him
>Sold off to Military Industrial Complex
>End up in a German Speaking Secret Space Program
>Do bad on aptitude tests and end up a slave on a cargo ship
>Slave away for twenty years
>Be age regressed, memory wiped and taken back in time to the night of his abduction
>Feel weird the next morning but resume a normal kid's life
>Start to remember and go public in 2015 before pizzagate breaks

>Be Tony Rodrigues
>Have schizophrenia

the main thing is not to force it - you'll only end up repeating yourself, and if you haven't got any insights of your own on an issue there isn't really much advantage to weighing in. in the meantime, try to read more - it will occupy the time that you would otherwise be spending making videos, and will probably give you more ideas.

I also have a YouTube channel that gets a decent amount of views, I started a fake sjw channel as a joke and now I have a cult of orbiters who think I'm legit, let's make some fake drama

No, it means I got 11k views less this month.
I'd rather not dox myself

Yes but many other YouTubers already do this, I'd like to set myself apart.

It'd work if I was a drawfag.

Murdoch Murdoch already does this and they can do anything I can do 10x better. The right is is winning the culture war anyway.
Yeah that's why I haven't been posting much lately.

space and mars are a jew scam
cover the flat earth its the ultimate redpill after Jesus and the satanic jews
found you faggot


I am serious btw

The anti-christ.
Name the Jew.


Find unusual topics others haven't covered. Old books and such. Bowden was very good at this. Or cover side issues from a .pol perspective

Ohhh, that's how it happened..

Attack Christianity

delete this or he'll stop posting

I want to shill my channel but I won't
OP just make videos on unusual topics and give it a Sup Forums perspective

>Find unusual topics others haven't covered. Old books and such. Bowden was very good at this. Or cover side issues from a .pol perspective
Nigga you reading my mind?

Do it faggot. I'll leave a comment and a like

You want us to spoon feed you your content. It’s a good suggestion and a good book. Read it

Kek I didn't realize
Let me just get the url

The average tubefag could never hope to reach Bowden’s level. Goodnight sweet prince.

Seal porn me senpai

learn another language to learn new ideas and gain alternate points of view for ideas you already had.

>end social contact with people you are not related to
I unironically did this 2 days ago

How old are you?

What? How

>those face cams vids
user, are you like 15 or something?
Well I guess the gen zed meme is real


What do women watch on youtube?

talk about how like noam chomsky like totally sucks totally

Do book reports for books most of us are too lazy to read. Talk about the themes of the book and what topics are covered i.e. meditations by Marcus Aurelius, etc...


>Not screenshoting
Damn it, faggot, you had one job


Talk about how the civil rights leaders killed the space program

Any source or investigation?

>Mr Scott Cummings

Rule no. 345 for augmented right-wing popularity and culture-war-winning:
Make catchy songs/jingles. You would be shocked to discover how effective a little tune can be when it sweeps over the masses.
Just make sure it is good. Don't half-ass around.

do a video about how disgusting niggers are

yo its PewdiePie

I'm flattered Estonianon

op is that rlly u

Not OP just trying to get support


have you faggots not figured out who op is yet.

this is depressing. so much redit.


> sealporn
fucking kek wtf ?!!!!

What is this seal porn you speak of..

I think OP's actual intention was to make a seal porn thread in hopes of finding other people with his fetish.


Compress your images properly. Its just rude.

You mother fucking nigger embrace the truth of the matter.

Google, it's on Hitachis official website, dumb nigger

dude there's absolutely insane shit happening all the time. i like some of you people on here, so i'll tell you, if you can just be yourself with it and you have enough interest in political current events it will happen. Also helps to be organized and concise, and clear. either way make the decision and don't revisit it.

Have you named the Jew?

Do a video on usury.

some of you guys are alright don't go to your bedroom tomorrow.


he cant be a muslim and a jew

Gen Zyklon is real