Was he right, Sup Forums?
The Unabomber
Concerning leftism is manifesto is spot-on.
>hurrr technology is bad
Dunno, but he sure as hell is boring as fuck. His manifesto is like 36 pages long and I can't finish the first one without wanting to swallow my own tongue and slip into a coma.
Not an argument
Yes he was right
Just because you can't focus long enough to read something doesn't make it bad
Wrong people too
He is just a world class asshole
I haven't read it either
I just saw the discovery dramacumentry and was wondering if there was anything of substance to it.
hes a good example of what happens when you OD on redpills. he was right, but being right wasn't worth it.
The final redpill is realizing he was right.
Which he was objectively right about.
Yes he's right.
The biggest redpill for people on Sup Forums to swallow is that technological advancement is bad and always leads to degeneracy. That's the main reason why he triggers people like this so badly
This is wrong how exactly?
>Just because you can't focus long enough to read something doesn't make it bad
Oh I didn't say that. I regularly read research papers. He's just a boring writer.
Same. I guess I'll never know lol.
Actually, that's wrong. Technology isn't the problem. Too many humans is. That's always been the problem at the root of all other problems. Nobody ever addresses it though.
>Implying social media hasn't hastened the dissolution of our culture and created large swaths of the population that actively believe far left propaganda.
Are you retarded?
Pretty much.
Maybe he is a boring writer. It's been a while since I read it so you might be correct.
God, it's literally like an autistic Sup Forums rant.
See: Do you love long-winded rants about shit nobody fucking cares about on Sup Forums? Yes? Then you will love the Unibomber's manifesto. Otherwise, you won't.
Augustus Invictus just read one of his books into audio format—super pumped.
t. brainlet
how many times do we need to go over this? yes he was /ourguy/
How many scientific papers do you read a year? Ever? He's just a fucking bore to read.
Was he celled next to Noriega in Fed supermax in Colorado? Any Colorado faggots have the juice?
1. The manifesto was a ruse, it means nothing, he did it purely for fun.
2. Yes he was right.
That's not what objectively means.
His whole argument is that tech makes things either way too easy or way too hard so we don't live satisfying lives anymore. To get a sense of satisfaction people turn to "surrogate activities" which are challenging but rewarding. They do these surrogate activities instead of actually trying to survive. I can't remember if he ever explained why this was a bad thing though.
>Technology REEEE
That faggot was trying to stop the waifu sexbot revolution
people forget he blew up a bunch of kids
He who increases wisdom, also increases sorrow.
He, like many, probably started off seeking wisdom with the idea that if he just knew the right information then he could fix things, but the sorrow comes from the realization that you can't fix prisoners with stockholm syndrome. You can't fix people when their greatest enemy is themselves.
>durr let's just forget all the science guys
sorry boys, science and nature are the source of all red pills. play by their rules, or die
I mean he's mostly right. People are so use to instant gratification now. There's not much effort put into learning or doing anything because you can get it so easily. Less people spend their free time being creative and instead use it to browse the internet or post pics of themselves. Even our digital entertainment is based on easy access for the consumer. Even video games are getting shittier because they are watered down to appeal to a wider audience. An audience who doesn't want to think or put effort into anything. Less people take up hobbies like music for example which is also made to appeal to a wider audience. No one gives a shit about anything other than their phones.
ITT Technophiles get triggered like the degenerate faggots they are.
He realized he couldn't stop what was happening to the world around him and that the best thing he could do is accelerate the collapse so that we might start anew.
Can't say I disagree :/
Yes he was right, but he is a perfect example of what happens when you’re born too smart for your own good. He reminds me of a friend in my CE graduating class. Absolutey brilliant; by far the smartest person I have ever met, but is eerily similar to Ted. Depressed, an extreme recluse, seems to hate the world and everything Ted complained about despite majoring in CE.
Haven't read his memo, but I understand that it's FUCK LEFTISTS; DESTROY WINDOWS 95
I think in the 90's we came closest to outright revolt than any other time. The unabomber, timothy mcveigh, the militia movement, waco texas, ruby ridge etc etc.
I think the overwhelming militarization of the ATF, FBI, DEA, and Federal Martials was calculated specifically to infiltrate and bring them down before the planned 2007-2009 economic plunge. I think that had the federal government not been quietley taking guys out a shitstorm of guys like ted would have kicked off the revolution by 2010.
I think we lost and they won. I think the grand happening we are all hoping for should have already happened but was strangled in its crib in the 90's.
>he doesn't write TK letters
What's stopping you? Not like you'll be holding political office.
Ted was subject to MK-ULTRA treatments in college. Google can explain this in greater detail.
How has overpopulation been the problem when overpopulation didn't exist until ~250 years ago? What happened ~250 years ago? Right, the beginning of the industrial revolution. "Too many humans" is the direct and inevitable result of technological advancement. Technological advancement also disrupts traditional, organic cultural arrangements that promote human fulfillment. Overpopulation is one of the ways technological advancement interferes with traditional culture.
tl;dr overpopulation cannot and never did exist without technological advancement and you're really fuckin retarded, sir, for not understanding that
Read up on neurasthenia if you found the manifesto interesting.
whether his ideology is right or wrong became moot when he went snackbar. spergs gunna sperg
Just started reading it, his analysis of the left is acurate as fuck, even for today.
>"surrogate activities"
Can someone explain why normies seem to get satisfaction from these surrogate activities? Do they get, or are they merely pretending?
The industrial revolution and the enlightenment were the biggest mistakes in humanity.
MK Ultra'ed so he is more redpilled than anyone posting here.
He had some good points.
John Nash was probably another genius that got mindfucked.
They also tried to kill off Turing, another code-cracker. People that are too smart for the system are ruined.
Nash died in a car "accident" at 86 when he was telling friends that he had a new theory to replace Einstein's. All of his legit code cracking is made out to be mental delusion in the movie "A Beautiful Mind"
Know that feel.
Why is this dude getting attention all of a sudden?
>Why is this dude getting attention all of a sudden?
cause theres a netflix show about him