ATF BUSTED PART 3: A Quarter Mile At A Time Edition

>tl;dr the ATF forged FFL documents to buy full giggle firearms with the FFL's own money and sold them to the Cartels.
user, as a regular gun loving /k/ommando I implore you to help get this info out.
He's making noise today, because the swamp is finally getting drained. We have to help.

Other urls found in this thread:

Parts 1&2?

You see, Mr. Felix here started making noise earlier today regarding fraudulent transactions made by the ATF using his Federal Firearms License, and his Gun store's Wells Fargo bank account as part of former attorney general Eric Holder's embarrassing Fast and Furious scandal.

>Previous threads
Thread 1: Thread 2:

>The fuck is fast and furious?


>The fuck is Wesley Felix
its a fucking leaf

The ATF wanted firearms that weren't from the government so they could trace Cartels you fucking retards when they commit crimes with them.

They wanted to frame whites for Mexican violence.


>The fuck is the ATF
Not your friends.

>The fuck should I care?
To drain the swamp you goddamned fucking bootlicking communist!

>Anons are spreading the word
Anyone and everyone who might give a damn
he tweeted @POTUS, RealDonaldTrump, Sean Hannity and more

I had wondered what fast and furious scandal was. Not sure how they intended to trace the guns after selling them.

Can any lawfags weigh in on what authorities can do about this? Obama saved Holder's ass, but can more charges be brought against these fucks? It seems like the case went basically nowhere the first time around, but would a fresh happening fall under that no double dipping rule or whatever the fuck it's called?

18 USC § 922(d). Punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment.

18 USC §§842(h); 922(i), (j) & (u). Punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment.

A. May not receive, possess, conceal, store, pledge or accept as security for a loan, barter, sell or
ship or transport across a state line any stolen firearm, ammunition or explosive.
B. May not steal or unlawfully take or carry away a firearm from the person or premises of a
firearms licensee.


bump for justice

Anons. Many of you are going to sleep soon.
I'm working nightshift today in a couple hours, I'll be able to keep an eye on things during.
Who is ATF Special Agent Adam Rudolph?
Does he have any connection to Eric Rudolph?
Who really is Tommy Ho?
What connections can be discovered?
I think we'll know in due time, but now I need to sleep.
Please, do not let this story go gentle into that good night.
I will return.

But if we outed the atf for corruption, who would control the dog population? No one would be safe breaking and entering people's homes!

Bump, and ftfy

Give that dog back to God

I used to work overnights as an ER security guard, user. I'll sleep a couple extra hours for you.
This was discussed during congressional inquiry.

didn't even notice that lol
thanks user


>The ATF wanted firearms that weren't from the government so they could trace Cartels you fucking retards when they commit crimes with them.

yeah, the problem with that is the ATF only put tracking devices on what was it, 2 or 3 out of thousands of the weapons so they werent really serious about finding any of the drug cartels


Not to mention the guns that had tracking devices were dropped off in inner cities.

Normie news already hyping the 25th year anniversary of WACO. ((( April 19 ))) ,,, the next las vegas ?

since when do prosecuting attorneys send letters to suspects telling them to call them and work something out to drop the charges?


One of these guns was used in France at the Bataclan.
Thanks to Obama, Eric Holder and ATF.

>The Phoenix gun owner that the weapon was traced back to was found to have at least two federal firearms violations—for selling one weapon illegally and possessing an unregistered automatic—but no enforcement or prosecutorial action was taken against the individual. Instead, ATF leaders went out of their way to keep the information under the radar and ensure that the gun owner’s identity was “kept quiet,” according to law enforcement sources involved with the case. “Agents were told, in the process of taking the fully auto, not to anger the seller to prevent him from going public,” a veteran law enforcement official told Judicial Watch.



Yes, it had nothing to do with the fact that the operation was so obviously dangerous that they wanted plausible deniability in case it fell apart.
I mean, every step of the investigation was checked out by multiple agencies and backed by proper channels - if it DID fall apart and people died the department was DEFINITELY going to step up and explain what happened.
There was no way they would leave it in limbo as a strange "hiccup" that can be in no way traced back to them.
Face it, dummy, they fucked up. The ATF thought they could backdoor an operation by falsifying paperwork and illegally arming the cartel with guns that weren't connected to the agency, but assumed they could track them all the same and walk out heroes.
I mean, you could be right though - the US government NEVER fucks up operations across boarders, especially ones involving weapons.

Did they actually even intend to track the guns though? They could have at least tried.




This is big.

what is this?


If it is larger than normal sized, it may indeed be a factual statement.

this needs more attention

>One of these guns was used in France at the Bataclan.
sauce please?

old spec intro for the docu listed above

gun running deals
anymore people involved?

What is up with this guys twitter? Why is it so active?


Alright OP back on deck.
Doesn't look like there's been much development so far. Felix said he sent what he's got to Tucker Carlson, but I'm not thinking anything new is going to come up until tomorrow.
I'll keep an eye out.

cartels get their weapons from modified AR's. f&f weapons were meant for isis. cartels just trafficked them for holder

>tfw your post made it into the screencap
also bump

Bump. This threads getting slid hard

Bump in the night

>He's making noise today, because the swamp is finally getting drained. We have to help.

A friend of mine lives in Texas and he is posting weird shit on his FB about stuff happening next week in America.

Is this pedogate all coming together?

Never trust specific time hacks, because plans change.
But seeing as President Trump declared a state of emergency regarding human rights violators and froze assets of a large number of foreign leaders that have been dug into and found to have connections to the Clinton Foundation, as well as declared January as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month...
Plus those >9000 sealed indictments filed in the past 2-3 months alone...

I'd say hold on to your dicks, because 2018 is gonna be one hell of a ride!

why does this need to be bumped so badly

All quiet on the twitter front as of now user.

i heard about a guy that used to run guns



Was ATF facilitating the full giggle conversion of these? Extra pin conversion not lightening links.

So is this fast and furious 2: electric boogaloo?

Start tweeting this at:

Alex Jones
Joe Rogan
Donald Trump
Rand Paul

It was actually originally operation wide receiver. That operation was made by Bush and the guns had actual GPS units in them. Then when Obama took over he had the GPS units removes and renamed it to Fast and Furious

the ATF already had the full giggle stuff to begin with, they were trying to sell it through this operation

what the fuck is a "giggle"

lurk moar


tough shit then faggot

I thought the point was to leave the breadcrumbs from normal gunshops? If the rifles were born with the third position they can't be traced back, this guy didn't supply law enforcement did he?

>if the rifles were born with the third position they can't be traced back
they can though, how do you think the military keeps track of their rifles?
the point here is that the ATF was stupid enough to think that just running the serial through their registry was going to be enough to find them back

It's moistly a french thing
not really a high point in their history

You like dogs?

lol 8/8



Tom Fitton from judicial watch has seen and responded on plebbit

But wouldn't that lead to them? Not to the ebil murican redneck gun store ?

it's not like you have to make that registry public, also there's only so far you can trace where something came from, especially if it's not moving through legal channels

I'll leave that to you, 'non
I honestly don't wan't to try and navigate that place.
Poor memories.



Holder is fucked bigly if this gets traction

Why is it always Vegas?
>Wonders if there is a Comped connection

he posted the sauce right with tthe pasta you idiot

because in nevada and arizona you can get almost any gun you want





it's nothing, now go to sleep already

The irony of the gun grabbers getting charged with gun running will be lost on so many libruls

In before this guy has his Twatter deleted, gets character assassinated in the media, then for real assassinated.