Since we're only 3 years away from 2020, what's the anime of decade so far?

Since we're only 3 years away from 2020, what's the anime of decade so far?


3rd season of code geass, mark my words

>only 3 years away from 2020

Anne Happy is the anime of the decade.

>only 3 and a bit more years until wizardhood

How is this possible? I lost my v card 4 year ago.

It's easy when you aren't a loser.

Your vagina card?

He stopped browsing Sup Forums then.

I'm a average guy.

This right here

>I'm a average guy.
For me.

Stop blogging already. There are boards for that.

what anime defined the decade?
Madoka Magica -> unfortunately

the cynicism and violence of this anime percolated out into the rest of the industry and colored most of what was released after much like NGE influenced most anime that came out from 96-2008

I would have posted Bakemonogatari or Haruhi because those two clearly started the light novel trend (Bake arguably more then Haruhi) but both of those aired at the end of the 00s. Their influence still is felt heavily in this decade.

The best anime of the past decade however was probably Steins;Gate, but then I'm a sucker for scifi.

Your standards for science [fiction] are low.
The show ran 90% in the modern world and 10% in "It's SCIENCE, I ain't gotta explain shit".

Yeah it's pretty clearly Madoka based on how it changed the industry. I mean your other choices for impact are shit like SnK, F/Z, or Idolmaster.

As for best, you will never get an agreement here.

>not love live

C'mon now.

never watched dr who?

Stein's;gate was dr who level scifi stretched out over a whole 24 episodes. It was glorious.

and yes, this show was classic scifi.

Ping Pong The Animation


sci fi has always been about the effects of strange technology on humans from a psychological perspective, not about star wars

>I mean your other choices for impact are shit like SnK, F/Z, or Idolmaster.

best selling stuff influenced the industry

Bakemonogatari and Haruhi started the whole trend of "self aware" light novel content. Where the characters are aware of their own genre tropes. Furthermore THIS has been the basis for most light novels written in japan since. The whole "transported to another world" is just a sloppy/lazy take on the same fucking thing only working with different tropes. LoveLive would have been a poor choice though IdolMaster probably should have been on my list as it clearly started the idol craze.

Remember, I was talking about influential not good. Bake and Haruhi and Madoka basically shaped 70% (this statistic is made up of course based on my observations and is not to be quoted as fact) of the anime that have been released this decade. My "best" anime of the decade was stein's;gate, an anime which started zero trends in the industry.

Keion!! or LL.
If EVA 3.33+1.11 comes out this decade then that would be the AOTD.

In what way?

Objectively Love Live franchise

Mainstreaming of darker Mahou Shoujo, yes they were always some out there but it was considered very niche.

Name 5 dark mahou shoujo anime since Madoka.

Idolmaster for 10's.

Kill la Kill
Last 2 are debatable

Girls und Panzer.

Non Non Biyori

But YuYuYu isn't a magical girls, it's a military anime.

Idols truly saving anime.

>Girls transforming and using magic to fight evil isn't mahou shoujo

The fact that you need 2 debatable titles to fill the list speaks for itself. And in the end even Gen'ei and specially Yuyuyu have more in common with classical mahou shoujo idealism than with Madoka's grit, they just pushed the suffering up a notch.

Sora no Woto
Ping Pong
Hibike Euphonium
Shinsekai Yori
Tamako Market
Really enjoyed that a lot and should probably watch it again sometime soon. Just a shame it got labeled as a Madoka wannabe despite being in development before Madoka. Luna best girl.

I genuinely have no idea. My guesses are:
>Ping Pong

>years away from 2020
Fuck you for making me realize it.

They're drafted by the government to fight enemies of the state.

And I forgot Cross Ange

They're drafted to be mahou shoujo and become mahou shoujo.

>Tamako Market

1980s: Dragon Ball
1990s: Detective Conan
2000s: One Piece
2010s: Himouto Umaru-chan

I got two month's left.

Stop taking care of your hygiene and see what happens.

Non non biyori, not even a contest.

Since you're talking about influential I'm surprised no one mentioned Free. Mindblock maybe?

What's wrong with Tamako Market? We got Love Story out of it.

Fujopandering was already a thing. Adding gay swimming just caused asshurt, it didn't change anything other than the shattered dreams of KyoAnifags.

No they become Heroes.

>What's wrong
It's shit.


90s: Eva
00s: Haruhi
10s: Madoka

This isn't even difficult.

By Sup Forums's standards, absolutely nothing is influential except for like, Evangelion. And people will argue about that too. It's a pointless discussion.

70s-Rose of Versailles, Galaxy Express 999
80s-Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Space Runaway Ideon
90s-Turn A Gundam, Utena
00s-Haibane Renmei, Planetes, Aria
10s-Sora no Woto, Shiki, Hyouka


Fuck off, MAL.

Haruhu season 1 was pretty comfortably within the mid 2000s, Spring 2006.

>having sex makes you a lose4
By that logic, eating and drinking make you a loser.
God some people are so fucking stupid.

>3 years away from 2020

I fucking hate how much reality hurts when you look back and realized you've not really done jack shit.

>90s: Eva
>00s: Haruhi
>10s: Madoka
>This isn't even difficult.

You're objectively correct and the discussion could be thus closed, but this thread is a good excuse for shitposting.

Hibike Euphonium so far

Fuck off fag

Hunter X Hunter (2011) so far.

>no Dragon Ball for the 1980s
>no Dragon Ball Z for the 1990s

Holy shit!!! Whats happen with my life!

>my face when i can't remember a single good anime since 2010

The last time I had sex with someone who wasn't a hooker was like 5 years ago.

Since this decade was about memes, why not jojo

Just use a prostitute, faggots.

Fuck off nigger.

Sora no Woto

Objective and irrefutable TV anime top 10:

10. Mob Psycho 100
9. Space Patrol Luluco
8. Mushishi Zoku Shu
6. Yuri Kuma Arashi
6. Ping Pong the Animation
5. Uchouten Kazoku
4. Mawaru Penguindrum
3. Space Dandy
2. The Tatami Galaxy
1. Kill la Kill

I tried, but I couldn't

I got fucked up because of this

Then be smarter about it next time.

>look mom, I'm cancer and I shilled Sora no Woto again
What a sad, pathetic life. How many times more are you planning to post it?

check your privilege bitches. You aren't on facebook.

probably kill la kill because it's similar to TTGL

Wow, 3 whole anime in 6 years, among the new 30 new shows we get every season!
Madoka sure revolutionized the industry!


What fucking privilege?

>kill la kill
user, you want people to take you seriosly with that?

This is the only correct answer.

Godspeed you glorious bastard

>Fellow prost ED.
I feel you user.
I tried twice and failed.

The anime of the decade? It's One punch man, HxH 2011, DBS, One Piece, Naruto and Boruto. They are the most popular worldwide and are broadcasted in many TVs worldwide.

Do boys count?

I take shower everyday, if you are wondering.


The anime of the decade? It's One punch man, Sora no Woto, HxH 2011, DBS, One Piece, and Boruto. They are the best

One Piece since 1999


People who aren't idiots at least.

Shirobako or Love Live

I also wonder. To become a wizard, you can not have sex with a woman, for a long period of time. But what about males? Do they count?

Love this meme.

I don't think this decade has an AOTY. So far, It's been pretty bad.

Shitpost away, lads.

What about horses?

Anime as a whole is bad.
I doubt an AOTY will ever be made.