The Truth changes you forever.
New Anons must read this thread.
Older Anons post your best!

>Crash Course: Life Race and Politics
>EUROPA - The Last Battle (Great Comprehensive Documentary)
>Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told
>Audiobook of Mein Kampf
>Text Mein Kampf
>How It Fits Together by Dr. William Luther Pierce
>American National Socialiasm by George Lincoln Rockwell
>Hey There Europa
>Western Civilization Documentary Series "The Western Tradition"
>With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations
>In Their Own Words

OP Pasta:
Redpill Info 1:
Redpill Info 2:
Redpill Info 3:
Redpill Info 4:
Redpill Info 5:

Other urls found in this thread:


Do you know how to make a mega upload of your images. I have a bunch (500+) that I recently organized. You seem to enjoy doing this and I'd like to give you what I have if you'll take it.


I have all my pictures in a folder that I load into Sup Forums X for auto posting.
I try to put a good timer on the posting so it bumps it ever 5 minutes or so.
(sometimes I speed it up to kill the thread so I can start a new one before I have to leave to do something/sleep/go to work)

I put a bigger timer so it allows people to post their own pictures.
If you have those images I can look through them and incorporate them into my folder to be auto posted.

But really, I'm trying to make this thread be an unofficially sticky thread.
Sup Forums only had influence when we were redpilling people.

I will try to make a similar set up for myself and just bump your thread with my images.






thanks. If you could. Please open
save it as a favorite.
So you can recreate these threads if you ever see the catalog doesn't have one.
I really would appreciate someone else to ensure that Sup Forums always has a Redpill thread. It is the heart and soul of what makes Sup Forums unique.
Yes we get kikes on damage control with their feeble attempts to discredit the info here, but that was always the case. People see through the bullshit and redpill threads are the entire reason why Sup Forums ever had any sort of power and influence.

And we didn't have them for 2 solid years due to the election.
I really hope that you help out and encourage others to do that same.

Thank you very much.





This redpill is really well made , but it needs an update badly.
>How is Trump still allowed by the kikes?
>Is Bannonism the new fake populism?









I'm looking for a movie scene where a British guy gives a speech in a fancy dining room that's racist and unintentionally redpilling. They're all wearing tuxes, sorry only vague memories. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

I'll do what I can. I've been on Sup Forums since about 08 but only on Sup Forums since late 14. I remember, only barely, before the election and how the caliber of people and quality of conversation was a lot higher.



kings man?

I hate how so much of history goes wrong just for human ego and stupidity.


what's the source on this




bunch of Queens mistreating their kids. I recall that they were made to face justice though.



Nah older than that, maybe 70s or 80s.

>only on Sup Forums since late 14
ive been here since the Romney Obama election, so 2011 ish.

But yeah 2014 you could have still seen the good old Sup Forums.
I can't remember when the ZimZam Trial and Dorner thing was. Did you miss those?



blacks + youtube comments = lol







Unfortunately I did miss them. I was working at a shipyard from summer of 11 to summer of 14 on 3rd shift and I did not have a lot of time for the Chans


Goddamn, are white people high 24/7?


lmfao wtf is wrong with niggers?

Oh okay, well yeah that was some magic.
Thanks btw for wanting to help keep redpill threads up.
I'm really surprised that Sup Forums didn't notice the infiltration and subversion sooner.




Canadians are black persons now?


What is beaver?



I've heard and have some stuff from them. Alas, I still missed it. As stated before I'll do what I can.





>the cyber police












The posts made by Quebec Canadian who will not need saving on the day of the Rake. He will already be fighting. Look at my earlier posts and you'll figure it out.


please post collapse


have some feel-good









from the mike brown happening



