What happened to Detroit Michigan?
ITT: Detroit
hardcore pawn
Is this some sort of trick question?
The auto industry left and with that so did most of the population. The only people left there are niggers who were too poor to move. There's no jobs there so there's no tax funds so there's barely any police or firemen.
beautiful social equality
NAFTA and Niggers.
need mo money fo dem programs
I've been hearing rumors Chinese billionaires are planning to turn it into the next Vancouver
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Niggers.
A better answer might be public sector unions, corrupt libtard politicians and niggers, but niggers does cover a lot of the same ground.
So I'm just gonna say niggers.
Average Americans started to drive Japanese cars, rich Americans German cars
horrible things. You cant really understand till you drive through yourself. i do everyday and it is equal parts heartbreaking and infuriating. i fucking hate niggers
This niggers channel is great. this is a video from 3 days ago. It gives a view of some of the most fucked parts of the city. As well as an idea of how well we clear roads.
cold weather
>Average Americans started to drive Japanese cars, rich Americans German cars
You're missing the "because" which is the most important part of this whole argument, specifically "because American cars became unreliable, warmed over, horse shit".
Just as plutonium generates ionizing radiation, niggers generate dinduizing radiation. This rapidly converts everything around them to the third world. Detroit was no exception.
The same thing that happens anytime niggers move into the neighborhood.
All the white people left.
What type of work do you do over there? Have you ever considered moving to the west side of Michigan like grand rapids?
You have gotten cause and effect exactly backwards.
Detroit was a thriving metropolis.
The Paris of the Midwest.
Amazing architecture, great music. Families lived and worked there and raised generations of hardworking midwesterners.
Then the ultimate chimpout happened.
And Detroit never recovered.
The auto industry is megafucked by two small problems:
1. The unions are greedy and shortsighted.
2. The management is greedy and self-serving.
So while the unions made sure the union contracts were so expensive no one in their right mind would pay for their shitty, lazy labor, the management made sure that the borders were opened to things like NAFTA so that they could screw every single city in the Detroit Metropolitan region rather than actually negotiate non-retarded contracts with the unions.
t. detroit fag
N-N-N-n-n-n-no idea ?
How come you have slums everywhere but everyone has pristine trucks and SUVs
This. For those who want to see the real Detroit in style, here is a protip:
Go to Grand River in Farmington Hills. Near the Starbucks, the old theatre and the Farmington Hills library. Start playing Arcade Fire's Suburbs and drive down Grand River toward Detroit. Take it easy. Enjoy the ride.
Selling EBT.
why are there so many black people there?
is there a reason they all went there from the south?
i understand that they breed indiscriminately....but why were they there in the first place?
>The Paris of the Midwest.
Don't give yourself that much credit, dude.
still can't forgive GM for sabotaging the tram/trolley cars in America
>Don't give yourself that much credit, dude
It was one of the wealthiest cities in the world
It was also the old headquarters of the freemasons back then.
Tfw bought a house south of 8 mile. Tfw sell it in 5 years for almost double.
as someone who lives in detroit
1000 percent, niggers. Our mayor fucking bankrupted the city ffs.
Also as another Detroiter the city is just too big for itself. There's large areas of abandoned houses that just suck the cities tax money because some old nigger won't move so they can stop supplying that area with water and electricity and just bulldoze the place. Detroit is a great city in areas and corktown, downtown, and even some of mexicantown is really nice.
i love this guys channel
this one is the best youtube.com
How come you burgers are so relaxed and jolly around this topic? Its like you are making fun of cancerous tumor on your pink toe thinking its insignificant.
Whats stopping from you city becoming Detroit? What are you doing to stop it?
>Whats stopping from you city becoming Detroit? What are you doing to stop it?
i dont give a fuck, i have good enough employment that I can easily bail out and move
somewhere whiter if it gets worse
Detroit isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. Right now I would say it's better than Philadelphia, Baltimore, and St. Louis. It's slowly recovering.
All of the corporations moved out and all the nigs moved in
Unions and Japan
Fact of the matter is the collapse of the economy in 2006-07. First it was houses then it was automobiles. For anyone who isn't a fucking retarded, you'd know that Detroit is also referred to as Motor City, and guess what happened to motor city when no one had money to pay their car notes, much less purchase a new vehicle? Yep, the shit collapsed. Detroit's central pillar of the economy moved out and everyone getting paid 30/hr. was now out of work. So suddenly 1000s of well paying jobs disappeared over night. The city repetitively filed for bankruptcy till the point a bankruptcy lawyer was appointed "emergency manager" (to sell off all the cities assets (including works in it's museums)) to keep the city running.
So, now the city is left as an 1st world exoskeleton, probably a 4th-world environment at this point in the hands of the taxpayer and residents while (((They))) made possibly trillions off extorting the system in the name of the welfare of the people.
>Whats stopping from you city becoming Detroit?
most cities don't have an industry core that just ups and dies.
>implying it wasn't niggers
It went bankrupt.
Fire and police department would not go to certain parts of the city.
There we’re some DIY firemen by black peepo in the movie I saw. (Doc)
Because for some reason houses would catch on fire... i guess it happens.
By the way, let's not forget the "Golden Parachutes" and million dollar bonuses handed out on the taxpayers dime BECAUSE IT WAS IN THE JOB CONTRACT. Let's not forget about all of them moving manufacturing over seas. In short, NEVER BUY AN AMERICAN MADE VEHICLE AGAIN.
... and there's the niggers you're wanting to point your fingers at /pol.
>You're missing the "because" which is the most important part of this whole argument, specifically "because American cars became unreliable, warmed over, horse shit".
You're also missing the "because" part of this statement.
>"because American cars became unreliable, warmed over, horse shit"
>because niggers
>The Great Migration was the movement of 6 million African-Americans out of the rural Southern United States to the urban Northeast, Midwest, and West that occurred between 1916 and 1970.
>There were also factors that pulled migrants to the north, such as labor shortages in northern factories brought about by World War I, resulting in thousands of jobs in steel mills, railroads, meatpacking plants, and THE AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY.
The majority of the Great Migration (5+million niggers) happened between 1940-1970, increasing greatly at the tail end.
Millions of niggers flooded into Detroit and other major industrial hubs, just as Civil Rights and Affirmative Action became a thing and factories were forced to hire them, at exactly the same time that US made cars went to complete shit.
What a cohencidence.
>Correction: American branded
>Detroit wasn't a shithole until the great recession
Detroit has been a nigger infested tragedy since the mid-60s.
The complete ignorance Millennials have toward anything that didn't happen in their lifetimes is astounding.