How does Sup Forums sit through such boring shows?
How does Sup Forums sit through such boring shows?
Because we're not autistic.
I usually have something else open on my second screen.
Not being 15 helps.
I usually watch it at 2x speed.
Not being digibro helps.
Q-tip: KLK and gintama are shit
user you are boring
>dialogue is boring meme
grow up
Yeah this one
>it is literally impossible for dialogue to be boring
Try again faggot.
Kill yourselves.
Katanagatari was only boring if you have ADHD.
4x speed 4 episodes at once is the only way to go.
>How does Sup Forums sit through such boring shows?
>posts the best show of 2010
This is how you make a bait thread. bravo.
I'm usually standing
>not dropping aderall to absorb all information watching all 13 episodes at 4x speed
>not smoking meth to read every fifth word of a summary on MAL then going to the store to stare at cereal boxes for four hours
Watching cereals is a better use of time than watching anime.
you better take that back ! altho i do agree with KLK but it had its moments
I don't see K-On!! in OP's post.
We don't have ADHD and/or aren't American.
I actually have ADHD, and I sat through every single minute of Katanagatari and I fucking loved it
>op bumps his own thread with another bait post
So there's literally no excuse for not liking Katanagatari.
Could you get more artifacts into that image before posting it again?
well you can always be clinically diagnosed with a severe case of shit taste
katanapastrami was fucking horrible
dick in hand
porn on second screen
Thanks for the contribution OP.
Just listening to this anime is pure porn and even with visual and interesting dialogue you're still bored? Litteraly how?
I thought katanagatari was a great show, but the ending was pretty depressing/disappointing. It sort of soured a lot of the show for me.
Yep. Any grinding in a game is basically anime or cartoon time
Being American does things with you.
When americans have to think, they get queasy, so they just go "boring" or "words words word" when they dont understand something.
Not being a 12 year old autistic faggot helps
i also dropped this.
i don't get it either.
different folks different strokes i guess.
>Sup Forums
>not autistic
Good one
I really unironically think this is one of the best endings of all time
Every time this image gets fucking posted, the quality decreases tenfolds.
So do I user. It's literally the end to several stories at once, and it's executed perfectly. Stupid dumbfucks like OP can only pay attention to the Togame/Shichika story so they dont get it or something.
It's literally a story about failure
You shut your whore mouth, Katanagatari was good!
Or, wait, maybe it was bad...? Hehe.
And here is itty bitty you, OP! Congratulations!
This is the only Gatari that didn't bore me.
Not OP, but what was the point of posting all of these? And why did you save all of them?
Because there are so many retards out there, and I thought it was a shame to not save them to view later.. or something. I forgot why, but now I'm now I'm too invested into it to stop.
Also Shichika's character was awesome, still one of my favorits ever
I will always remeber you as Katanagatari Screencap user-kun
So you save these pictures just to post them again on another Kataganari thread? You remind me of the Sup Forums guy who stalked another namefag by screencapping all of his posts
You made my day user.
The hero we deserve.