>Politics in my anime
>Unused space in my frames
Mobile Suit Gundam: IBO Episode 25
Is this yaoi?
I was expecting a silencer
This is honestly one of the few times I recall him not looking dead inside, other times like the first time meeting with Gali Gali, clubbing Monkey, that sort of dull smile.
Being killed in a toilet is the worst
bravo okada bravo
>they were more human than the rest of us
>haha let's go eat some meat
Fuck off Juliecunt and Rustal deserved to die just as much as that retard Iok. What a terrible ending holy shit.
Killing Nobbles still doesnt redeem this ginger twat
I will remember IBO for the sole fact that team meat made so many people angry.
you seem upset
She actually has that painting in her office? what a cunt
Why is it bad? The good guys( Rustal, Gaelio, Juliet, etc) won. Don't tell me you wanted Tekkadan to succeed.
Where was atra
and when did mika impregnate her?
Thank you based rustal for all this salt
>Politics in my anime
Welcome to 49 episodes ago
>They didn't play orphans namida in the ending
How did she keep picking fights with Mika and survive the full run.
plot armor
by being literally okada's self insert
Interruptions by everything.
Pirates, plot by running away, Mika fucking dying mid fight
Ah now I understand. Iok died because he syphoned all his luck to Julietta, making him a mortal man and helping her bullshit her way to the top.
Fuck you, I liked it.
Monkeys have good reflexes.
what was the point of this scene at the end?
>tfw hated Ride because Orga died for him
I'm sorry I doubted you, my boy.
Unlike Iok she was smart enough to retreat when shit was going down and Mika never really paid attention to her.
He will be the next (((gundam)))
They moved on with their life like Orga and Mika wanted them to.
Reminder that Shino was confirmed bisexual by Nagai himself and you can't deny anymore he was going to kiss Yamagi that very same night.
>tfw this smile was protected
He lived throughout to the end and even got a waifu out of it.
I was worried for my boy Iok there. Luckily everything turned out fine.
>Gali gets to pound Julieta with his meat every night
>Julieta is Rustal's heir apparent
>Rustal became one of history's greatest victors
Based Rustal was right
the fact that you were watching an end scene this entire time in the credits
He broke his neck though.
That's nice for you
Why was he in a hospital after timeskip?
delet this
they should have showed his sister's kid too who looks like maku girusu
They should've worked with Rustal right from the start.
10/10 user, literally laughed in real life.
>He want based Rustal ded
Eat shit Tekkadanfaggot.
if it was written nicely they could reveal that mcgillis and rustal were working together
and mcgillis knew that he, mika, orga, etc have to die
Galieo lives a thrill-filled life in the future. He probably just accidentally crashed his motorcycle while playing children's card games in the middle of a race and had to go to the hospital for rehabilitation.
he wrecked his body like mika but he can afford medical care
I guess he's hospital-bound due to that weird brain system he was using.
And those griffon sisters are orphans by now.
Iok-sama a best!
I'm kinda mad they didn't show adult Almeria, Cookie and Cracker.
Poor Mika, no farm for him, at least his kid is in the farm now
Almiria never got the Mcgillis seed .speaking of, did Galileo just forget he had a sister?
I love that Julietta fell in love with an edgelord gar mentor and is now stuck with a cheerful spoiled rich boy.
Gaelio never gave a shit about Almiria, just McGillis.
gundam a shit now
I love you user.
>mika gun
>mika sniffing autism
orphans namida
>one of the most standard gundam shows turned into a massive critique on the glorificaiton of self sacrifice and violence in media as well as poiinting out that revolutionary movements can have negative impacts worse than corrupt establishment
what the actual fuck this was never what i expected from this show, I can see why this shit was so divisive but this strikes me as something that massively improves the overall quality of the series and will be more well received in time than in the moment.
True, shitty way to die.
>good guys won
>evil forces btfo
>julietta got a good job and a good man
>peace and happiness for everyone except for Ride and whoever else was still to obsessed with vengeance
>kudelia will get the mika dick she wanted in 10 years
What the fuck Okada, where is my suffering?
kudelia is unpure, it is confirmed
>Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans: Almirider's Retribution The Movie
Iok died.
>massive critique on the glorificaiton of self sacrifice and violence in media as well as poiinting out that revolutionary movements can have negative impacts worse than corrupt establishment
Of course any show can look good if you spin it into something different when it wasn't the creator's intention
Oh yeah, the death of Iok-sama was a bit sad, he was a good guy who didn't deserve to die.
I can no longer tell sarcasm from an actual opinion anymore
It's amaze me how one person can miss entire point of the series this hard.
Jokes on you, Choco. Rustal was gonna do good all along!
I will miss our delusional lolicon hero.
His survival luck is finally crushed.
But that's exactly what the show said.
I thought he was just really pissed he didn't even renember orga and took a real deep breath to calm himself down
I guess...considering that those who were rich stayed rich, I fail to see why the hostility for giving mars a greater share of half-metal sales was a bad thing.
She is probably going to team up with Ride and do something reckless if they ever revisit this series.
entire battle field became green thanks to their sacrifice
So after the finale in S1 what makes people think anybody is actually dead? Nobody got hit with a regular gun other than fatty on the toilet.
Maybe, but in my eyes it's similar to how Mika gunned down Crank and then smelled his wrist.
can you explain this scene to your family
Series would have been a million times better if Shino's Dainsleif ripped through Rustal's cockpit.
GOD, that was a GOAT scene. Not so much because finally Iok got what he deserved, but because Akihiro got a last minute injection of character and went out taking one of the people who ruined his lives down with him. Its reaching a bit to Scirocco and Kamille's duel at the end of Zeta (though not as cool looking and without the investment I had in either character)
I knew tekkadan was screwed whenever they teamed up with choco-man. That ending still got me tho
I was half-expecting Iok to get saved at the very last second as one last "fuck you."
I know what you mean, but right before he did that "sniff" he had a real pissed off look like he was about to explode.
what is funny is no one gave a shit about his death
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans: Brilliant Ride (or Ride's Flash)
He's definitely shaping up to be the next Hathaway.
I wish we got to see Mika being chained and judged for his crimes.
Me too.
that would have been the best of endings
Them teaming up with McGillis instead of Rustal was the biggest mistake they've ever made. If they had worked with Rustal, they probably would have ended up as kings of Mars.
>I did it!
No it wasn't. Not all.
They are saving it for the opening of the movie.
>Iok died
Macky was too pure for this world.
>they never showed her all grown up
>probably killed herself after Choco died
please no!
>a massive critique on the glorificaiton of self sacrifice and violence in media as well as poiinting out that revolutionary movements can have negative impacts worse than corrupt establishment
I'm so happy that idiots like you will be drown out
It's pretty much all Orga's fault
Tekkadan could have been part of a bright future if they teamed up with Rustal. Instead, Orga gave into Choco's delusions and got a large majority of his family killed. The name Tekkadan is now reviled as an ally of a traitor.
Orga deserved his fate and I'm happy he died.
The designs were nice, but I'm not sure what lesson was trying to be portrayed here.
Rationality wins? Don't have a half-assed ideal?