Childhood is idolizing Death Note

Childhood is idolizing Death Note.

Adulthood is realizing that Liar Game is superior.

Liars game is shit and ends in a cliffhanger though.

Childhood is making template threads.


Childhood is thinking Musical Chairs was the best game.

Adulthood is realizing that Contraband is superior.

Old age is realising Homunculus blows them both out of the water

when did the ending matter?
shit is called "Liar Game"
only the games matter

>tfw liked Pandemic the most

You're not alone.

Contraband had some of the best moments, for sure.

I think overall my favorite was Minority though. Not that much less clever or exciting than Contraband, but far more succinct. Fukunaga's breakdown was also just as satisfying as anything else.

One day before you die you'll recognise the superiority of Shamo.

I liked the ending. Fight me, faggot.

>Teenhood is idolizing Death Note.
>Adulthood is realizing that Monster is superior.

death is realizing none of it mattered

>>lol martial arts tournament against twinkle toes
>>lol chinese circus
>>lol done in by a sperg from Sup Forums

Fuck that manga.

tomodachi game is more enjoyable but not really edgy shit

Only a child would appreciate that awful end/

At least Death Note doesn't have an objectively shit ending

It was good. Then it went on hiatus and I forgot about it, so I never read the ending.

Adulthood is realizing one outs is better

How would you refer to the time when you realize One Outs is far superior to Liar Game?

Literally what?

Childhood is idolizing part one of Death Note.

Adulthood is realizing part two was rushed beyond fixing in the overall edgefest of its anime adaptation, while the manga is a solid classic from beginning to end.

What are the differences between part 2 in the manga and anime?

I loved Liar Game, fantastic manga, the games were really well designed. It had some of the worst art I've ever seen though, look at the perspective here.

Liar - oh shit, I see what you did there!

One Outs is the best manga from Liar Game's author though.

Ending is probably the biggest one. Now there's so many plot points the anime completely removed it would take a while to list, I believe someone made a good comparison chart if you google it.

But in general the manga is paced much more calmly giving the room for characters and their relationships to flesh out much more to the point the rivalry between Light and Near had much more blazing moments than the one with L could ever hope. Near got the short end of the stick with the anime so it's no wonder everyone hates him, but if you thought Mello had the greyer morality of the duo you'd be sorely mistaken. Mello is nothing short of a tryhard jobber in the manga, sure he gets the note but after that he becomes a laughing stock. Also, the stuff people proclaim to be asspulls in the anime are completely fine in the manga, I believe there's not even the slightest hole, I dare you find it. I could never watch the anime more than once, I'd rather listen to the OST, but the manga is totally rereadable, especially since the monologues are literally uninterrupted walls of exposition text with enough visual eye candy to keep you engaged, and that's the way I like this kind of shonen.

Godhood is realizing Kaiji is superior.

>not being able to comprehend blatant jojo references

This topic is still here...

How's the live action version broskis? I had a friend who watched it instead of reading the manga and he enjoyed it apparently.

Looking forward to its spiritual successor's anime though.

Is your pic related any good? I need my gamburu fix.