my brother's home for Christmas, and my mom's out of the house for the week. my dad, brother, and I are drinking beer and loudly discussing politics with each other. they're shockingly redpilled on a lot of things, but absolutely deny the JQ. my arguments (won't list/explain because it would take too long) aren't holding water with them—how can I convince them? I need arguments and memes, basically a tl;dr of Culture of Critique (which I read half of a few years ago)
if possible, don't bring up holohoax just because that's a whole can of worms on its own... unless you can convince me that it's a necessary cornerstone of of arguing the JQ.
basically, my dad and brother acknowledge:
>"Jew" means "decedents of Abraham", "adherents of the Jewish faith", and "raised in Jewish culture" interchangably
>Jews are massively overrepresented in the US in key fields (media, banking, etc.)
>Jews are pretty unique in that they never had a nation of their own historically, and have always been a roving desert tribe that moved from civilization to civilization
>Jews are massively nepotistic
they argue:
>Jews aren't any more nepotistic or prone to interbreeding than any other ethnic monoculture in America
>Jews are culturally amazing at maximizing profit and power while in their "host culture"
>racial generalizations about the Jews are just like racial generalizations about any other more-or-less "pure" race in America—while perhaps useful at one point, are now largely untrue and downright harmful in modern society
>even if it's true that extremely successful Jews (Hollywood, international bankers, etc.) wield power and influence, it doesn't make sense to ascribe these traits to ALL of them
>Jews dindu nuffin and I just have hatred and paranoia about them
how can I make my arguments more robust? my dad and brother are smart dudes, Catholic, conservative Midwesterners, and my brother even knows 9/11 was an inside job... but they just won't accept the JQ.