>babby's first time watching the eva movie
Best girl being Best girl.
>Evafags think that looks "scary"
Whenever anime tries to be shocking, I just can't get into it. I just end up laughing at it. You can't present me with wide eyed moeblobs and then try to be this dramatic with them. Shinji jerking off failed to disturb me. Neither did Asuka getting beaten by the units. It's like Tarsem Singh desperately wanting his audience to be shocked, to think that he's some kind of genius.
The core plot was retarded and uninteresting. The characters remained static for 99% of the series. Eva was trash.
It's the breathing that makes it scary.
>Evafags think that looks "scary"
they've only seen 5 other anime thats why
nice tits, sauce?
The Ideon: Be Invoked
Just turn your brain off bro
end of evangelion
I thought it was pretty straight forward, I'm not sure what questions you could possibly have.
>everyone who has watched Eva has only seen 5 other anime
Ok then
Teeth girl was a decade ago.
>[s4s] was twenty years ago
Rly maeks yuo think
That can't be true.
The most eerie part of the whole situation is that this is a series that always had to had some semblance of logic. Then to see one of the main characters turn into a ghosts the size of the planet is rather unsettling
But it makes sense if you think about it.
I've seen at least 50.
kek nice toilet you got there f a m
Why? How?
2deep4u pleb?