Shitposting aside, is anyone else genuinely interested in this?
Shitposting aside, is anyone else genuinely interested in this?
That thing that KyoAni will adapt from a novel, like almost all of their recent works?
The Pv looked amazing, with a lightning that was astonishing.
I'm sure it'll look really pretty, but I suspect I'll be bored with the story as I am with nearly all KyoAni series these days.
Sup Forums would eat feces if kyoani prepared it
Why would anyone be excited about Kyoani adapting another one of their terrible LNs?
This is KnK all over again.
Yes KyoAni finally making some REAL anime and not retarded shit like Maid Dragon and Musaigen
Kyoani should adapt more classy stories like Hyouka and Violet Evergarden. Only Kyoani can translate real literature to anime well.
>Hyouka and Violet Evergarden
>real literature
Not an argument
Go read it. Oh wait, you can't.
Stay dumb, EOP.
I hope they stop gookwashing european culture.
Not really.
Go fucking read a real novel dumb Kyoanifags, instead of a LN and shitty young adult fiction.
Yeah, honestly why haven't they adapted Infinite Jest yet?
Actually yes. Maybe we'll see some eye candy AND get a good story this time.
I'm looking at you, Hibikek /u/phonium.
Not an argument.
Not really, after I saw that review of the novel. It's going to be the same as KnK.
It'll look nice, but have a bad storyline/character development.
Hibike had at least better writing than Hyouka.
Speaking of European settings, Ikoku Meiro no Croisee was weak and Gisele Alain is not an anime. Pretty sure Kyoani will handle European setting better, probably even better than most European directors.
She looks fuckable. Does that constitute interest?
>infinite jest
>real literature
Take your memes back to /lit/, please.
Did they mention going location scouting for it?
Isn't that always the main reason?
It's impossible to ever get a honest answer about anything from KyoAni on Sup Forums, because every troll wants to attentio-whore in these kinds of threads.
>Kyoani should adapt more classy stories like Hyouka
I would so look for-ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
This falseflagging sure is annoying.
And you had one to begin with?
To be completely honest, Violet Evergarden amuses me more than anything I've seen before.
Dem high laced boots and black fabric gloves, dat modest clothing and adult appearance, also cold tuna personality. Need to say, Kyoani literally nailed a feeling of artifical human with a ton of slightly visible but important details. In any other show about robot girls you can easily mistook "robot" with regular girl but here is something completely different.
This show will be a true miracle.
>he thinks i need one for reading superior literature
>non-linear, short story structure
>non-highschool, fantasy setting
>adult characters
>proper action in a war setting
Just saying that it's the same as every other KyoAni show bc it's a novel adaptation is stupid when it's so different in every other way.
I always look forward to GodAni and so should you
>comparing a comfy comedy about family values to a trashy battle harem about fucking nothing
Way to show that you don't know shit about either show.
Fuck off idiot, you're insulting this amazing novel if it's the only interesting thing for you.
>Kyoani is so stale with their teenagers in high school bullshit that even simple shit like that is considered out of the ordinary and reason for the show to be memorable
Phantom World had better family values than Maidragon.
Name 10 shows with non-linear, short story structures, fantasy settings, adult characters, and proper actions in warzones in the last 5 years.
>award-winning work
>feels more like real novel, at least Charles Dickens/Oscar Wilde tier, not your typical LNcrap
>XX century European setting with well-written and mature protags
>real, touching drama, not cringeworthy teen shit
>godtier design far from your typical anime and we already can be sure Kyoani nails it
>PV looks better than all 2010 shows combined
Re Zero x10
Man, the shitposting in this thread is already just as annoying and stale as in any other kind of kyoani-related thread.
Kyoani magnum opus.
Re Zero has a straight forward chronological narrative and a cast comprised of teenagers and lolis. It doesn't even count once, nevermind 10 times.
I swear, it's all Canadians fault.
I've give it a shot because it looks different enough from what KyoAni usually does.
Time loop is way beyond non linear, and we all know that Kyoani would not be capable of handling something so complex.
And Subaru is an adult.
I thought Subaru was 17/18 at the start, though that's older than your usual light novel protagonist.
Do things like that even exist? The only ones I can think about do not fulfill completely that description (Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita, Concrete Revolutio, Kino no Tabi).
The shitposting when this actually airs is going to be unbearable.
Every season I try most shows that aren't for fujoshi. Kyoani makes good cakes but they also waste good cakes, and that is their greatest sin. They have a bit of a penchant for overwrought melodrama, but their animation is undeniably well done for the most part.
Kissable lips.
The problem with excellent animation is it doesn't really outweigh poor or mediocre writing.
This is one of the best novels ever released ever, period. It's up there with Dom Quixote and Anna Karenina. This is not poor or mediocre writing, you ignorant mouthbreather.
>mob psycho
>gundam thunderbolt
>hoshi no umi
>one punch man
Sure it does.
Every single one of those has better writing than anything Kyoani has ever produced.
They would all be better if they were as well written as a KyoAni show.
>Time loop is way beyond non linear,
You don't know what non-linear means then. Re Zero's narrative tells the story of a time loop in a linear way. It shows the 1st loop. Then it shows the 2nd loop. Then it shows the 3rd loop. Etc. A non-linear narrative is one which shows the events of the story not in the order in which they take place. For example, if Re Zero showed the 6th loop, then the 1st loop, then the 4th loop, etc, it'd be non-linear.
>we all know that Kyoani would not be capable of handling something so complex
Except that they literally made the most ambitious and comprehensive time loop story of all time with Endless Eight back in 2009.
>And Subaru is an adult.
Subaru is a teenager physically, and mentally he's a fucking child. His character arc is entirely about him maturing into a more adult-like person who realises that he has to put in effort if he wants to improve his life.
All 4 of those unironically have better writing than anything kyoani has ever done though?
>Endless Eight
Yeah, and they handled it terribly. Also:
> the most ambitious and comprehensive time loop story of all time
Not an argument.
KyoAni shit is almost universally garbage which appeals exclusively to sexually frustrated teenage virgin males.
Grown male otaku faggots at least have enough taste to go for Touhou or Kemono Friends instead of trash like K-On.
Name a single, A SINGLE other time loop story in the history of fiction that has 8 installments devoted to the same loop and shows the entirety of each loop every single time.
Why would anyone other than Kyoanus want do something retarded like that?
Not everyone has brainless drones ready to eat up whatever shit they produce.
They really should have made it just 2 or 3 episodes.
"But they created a story which is completely original and unprecedented in the history of fiction."
Holy fucking shit, stop attempting to """""argue"""" already you redundant contrarian.
Only GodAni would want to create something so complex.
You call repeating the same shit 8 eight times with only minor differences a marvel of storytelling?
Honestly I feel like there are no Kyoani fans on Sup Forums anymore, just falseflaggers trying to rile people up posting shit like this
I call it something that had never been done before, and hasn't been done since. And, as I originally said, way more ambitious and comprehensive than any other time loop story. They knew it'd piss people off and hurt sales (which it did, IIRC Haruhi S2, despite being hyped more due to how unexpected its airing was, sold 30,000 less copies on average than S1), but they did it anyway. By being 8 episodes and showing 8 full loops, it gave a proper impression of what it was like for Nagato to be trapped inside it wishing to get out, letting us see first hand how it damaged her enough to cause the events of the Disappearance, unlike what most shows would do where they just tell the viewer through exposition, leaving no impact.
The exact opposite of generic and uninspired. I'm not a big KyoAni fan, I'm not even as big of a Haruhi fan as I was years ago, but seeing people saying blatantly wrong shit about Haruhi just because of childish studio wars hatewanking is annoying.
I think you are right.
Nah man, Endless 8 was entirely due to changes with Disappearance. Disappearance was supposed to be part of the second season, but Kadokawa decided in the middle to change it to a movie. This left Kyoani with 7 extra time slots with no good material that doesn't spoil Disappearance. Hence, E8.