Who's this?

Hey Sup Forums, haven't watch this anime in awhile. Can someone tell me their name?


Jolyne Kujoh.

his name is bob

trips confirm it

Ikihcuk Aikur

Battlefield Counterstrike?

hey Sup Forums, do you know who this is

final arc anime season when?
Doesn't have to 50 episodes. Just make it 24 or 12 and it'll be enough. Just give us the anime to complete the series

that's Luffy

No more Bleach please, just let it die.

You're gonna get more bleach in 2018 and you're gonna like it.

no shut up. Bleach was good.
Even dark souls copied bleach hollows

Remember when Bleach was good?

Fuck no, please tell me you'r lying. I hardly made myself finish last 20 episodes

Me neither
It was good for first 100 or 150 episodes, but then it was a mess

it's a good mess.
Even the final arc was 7.9/10 at worst

A very handsome boy.

what happend to her hair? JUST

The only good thing in the last arc was that moment when shinigamis arrived. The rest of the arc is just a bunch of nonames doing stuff with Ichigo. "Oh! I can put people into a doll house!" boo fucking hoo

Rita Moreno

I agree. Can't wait for new Bleach episodes! Everyone's going to love them.


It got cute


What's that user?



It's from boku no pico