Best tweet ever in the history of twitter. The fucking balls on this guy

Best tweet ever in the history of twitter. The fucking balls on this guy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Have we ever had such a bantzworthy president in the history of the US?

>like the press gives a shit

mfw he lines them up and executes them live from Guantanamo Bay

all the founders were, though libtards like to pretend they werent in order to create a fetish for meek "leaders" who wont talk back to their masters

He’s pretty great
Thwarts Israeli plans by giving them what they want at a time when it’s bad for them
Makes the media look like idiots by striking Syrian tarmac then doing nothing after they start praising him
Chuckles alongside duterte when he suggests that journalists are shills and spies
Humiliates republicans
May be jailing Democrats as well as corrupt republicans
Makes the press hated by pointing out their lies and bias
Helps economy along (hopefully he says “wtf I love socialism now” when the market falls)
Normalises “racism”
Points out and condemns left wing hypocrisy about violence
Refuses to disavow racists

He’s pretty good.

Lest I forget: says that among Charlottesville marchers were “very fine people”
Gives Hitlerian speeches about America having been sold out by its “globalist elite”
Has a spokesman who criticises people for their “cosmopolitan bias”

this is it

he's going all the way now

we must be ready

Are you fucking retarded, shill?
I can’t believe you honestly get paid for this fucking bullshit, please try harder for my laundered tax money you obvious fucking mong

>be jew
>make up fake awards to manipulate opinion
>make industry out of it
>trump does it
lets see what happens

Om Sri Kalki avatara

You're the 29y/o strayan that wants to become a superhero, right?

Everyone with his level of shitposting is on money.

shitposter n' chief

I never want to get off this ride.





Lincoln could talk some serious shit.

>The press is a gang of cruel faggots
What did Hunter S Thompson mean by this??

Starts war with Iran for zionists
Increases aid to Israel
Throws a hissy fit at the world because no one else bows to Israel

some of the stuff he does is alright, but i'm concerned at his kike streak

you do realize how utterly ridiculous it is associating trump with hitler when trump has sucked jew cock every chance he gets right?

>shakes globalist trade network
>defunds isis
>lets syria settle down
>moves embassy to israel
>forces anti-israel vote in UN
>cuts aid to them too
>travel bans iran
>shitposts about iran
>after selling saudis weapons
>and moving our military to the pacific

>deeply goncerned

Wrong. This is the greatest tweet in history.

He is a meme made manifest in human form.

Trump is a literal manifestation of kek.

He should give a special award to the Jews for being the master of lies for the last 2000 years

Oy vey.

I’m mildly concerned and I don’t know if he’s “white nationalist” or “natsoc” in the old sense, but he’s doing mostly the right things and opening up a window for white people to fight and get a good deal out of however this shakes out.
Him going full Hitler before he dies would be wonderful. His going after the press and his political opponents and erstwhile “allies” with corruption charges gives him a decent chance of being some sort of syncretist inspired by, or with the same personality as, Hitler, Napoleon, Alexander, Octavian etc.

>>shakes globalist trade network
>>defunds isis
as he should?
>>lets syria settle down
how? there's a 4-fold increase in troops and trump refuses to withdraw
>moves embassy to israel
supports my point
>forces anti-israel vote in UN
the UN has always been anti-Israel. LESS countries were against Israel than expected because trump threatened to cut off aid
>cuts aid to them too
he increased aid
>travel bans iran
supports my point
>>shitposts about iran
supports my point
>>after selling saudis weapons
supports my point
>and moving our military to the pacific
the military is stationed everywhere

>deeply goncerned
as you should be?


>Him going full Hitler before he dies would be wonderful.

but he's been Israel first so far. that's why i'm concerned

Lincoln in his early political career made fun of certain people he didn't like, and it resulted in one guy getting so buttflustered he demanded a pistol duel. Lincoln went through with it (I think one of them was wounded) but that experience made him stop shitting on people and did a 180 to always look at the positive in people.

if you really are that blind and dumb then there is no point in discussion. should just gas yourself before trump turns off Sup Forums, rounds us all up and sends us off to gulags for our goyness...

nou is not an argument.


Hitler, Napoleon, Alexander, Octavian were all the complete opposite of him. All whiny brat kids that followed liberal philosophies. Trump is more like Washington, Patton, Aurelius, and Caesar. A man of honor, but with a flare for the theatrical.

did you have an argument to make you raving lunatic?

youre the kind of person who says brutus would never stab caesar because they are bros.

>the kikes maaaan they are sewing confusion in the USA maaaan its the wars and the fighting and they just pretend that they like us maaaaaan the media maaaaan the UN maaaan

>i dont get it, trump is doing all this shit in the middle east. he must be a kike maaaan.

you are concentrated stupid. and not only is ou not an argument, but pulling the "crazy" card just tells me which cancerous user you are. how many times do i have to whoop your ass on Sup Forums before you find a new gimmick?


It really is the best one yet. NY Times manages to fucking write TWENTY FUCKING PARAGRAPHS about a single tweet.

Jackson took on the media. Some people say this is why Trump likes him.

Roosevelt was a supreme shitposter.

Oh fuck off you absolute idiot. None of the men that you mentioned follow liberal philosophies.


>Gives Hitlerian speeches
In his dreams

le epic president triggering libs and DUMBOCRATS xD

Who cares about a wall or being zionist dick suckers, COVFEFE AMIRIGHT PEDES?

Hahaha, totally not bread and circuses, we are EPIC! MAGA

u kno he fucks

He's saving that for his second term during the series finale.

The whole Lügenpresse of the world will find out that this fucking guy was the real deal. Screw NK, to hell with Iran and death to all the jews in America.

Hunter s Thompson would not be /our guy/ if he was still alive today



It's weird how you all wanted to kill Hillary to prevent WW III but now that your father substitute is trying to provoke a nuclear winter and doubling down in Afghanistan you think it's awesome.

It's almost like you lie the way other organisms breathe oxygen.


God I love that guy. What a fucking hero. If only he had the power to make Maryland's gun laws not gay.

high energy

>implying Sup Forums ever had morals
>implying any of us really care about anything but the right to bear arms and the freedom to shitpost



The year is off to a pretty good start to be sincere with you fampai

I can probably go on cnn's or msnbc's site right now and see something about this
Trump's tweets are the literal backbone of MSMs online articles

2018 is awesome so far

Fuck off t.nogunz memeflag larp sack of shit.

Is it really him or is it Barron having fun on Dad's computer ?

There is humor, there is banter, but international politics is still supposed to be serious business.
At some point he'll have to stop shitposting.

Fuck off bluepilled Republicuck dick-sucker, go serve your kike masters elsewhere.


I never want off this ride


>That isn't shopped.

He's going to cuck on DACA and be a one termer. Time to forget about electoral politics and go full 5PT.

>At some point he'll have to stop shitposting.

Says who?

So is this some kind of Twitter Trump ass kissing thats going on? Some game? A Twitter vote? Lmao! You guys act like children here on Sup Forums i can believe you reddit fags haven't realized Trumpy boy is a jew controlled puppet

Of course they give a shit are you retarded or something?

It is free publicity though, don't forget he is still a businessman

anyone have salt from these tweets?

The cucked halal frog.

Israel was the only country to support the whites in the Rhodesian race war. Let that digest before saying anything else fucking retarded based

>defunds isis
kek Americans are so fucked up I swear

>watch Sean Hannity at 9pm tonight

What did he mean by this?

>to hell with Iran
Nice one, kike.

>the subtle way he negatess the other guy's @
>11D chess

>At some point he'll have to stop shitposting.
Lets be serious. Theres no way we can actually let this man have access to our nuclear codes.

Says History.
Imagine if Caesar kept shitposting and banting.
Imagine if Napoléon did.
Imagine if Gengis Khan did.
Imagine if any leader just went on and taunted their enemies instead of using strategy and deals.

>cuck cuck cuck
>imagine that actions have no consequences
You sound like a feminist, dude.
>rapist rapist rapist
>imagine that actions have no consequences

>the award is a bullet to the head

Keep talking bitch lord! You love israel? Huh!?

Why would he stop now? He shitposted himself president, he might just shitpost himself Furer

Has he gotten to ya taday or what?


I think that tweet you posted is proof positive that the shit posting never has to end. What is the world going to do? Tell us to fuck off?

Might makes right, and we are the kings.

I wonder if le_Donald will get a spot. Anything less would be disingeneous.

it's always a meme flag doing it as well. has to be leafposts or pro-EU germans.

The answer to both questions in one picture.
If Kim is in the same state of mind, he just have to have had a bad day the day before, wake up on the wrong foot, have his tea served too cold, shit will hit the fan.

I am curious. who are you trying to reach? Most of us are past the 8th layer of irony and there is no way to tell what we truly believe anymore; but a post like this seems like its supposed to target the_donald or it is some kind of virtue signaling for a student look for college credits, Rebecca.

CNN literally blackmailed some random kid on reddit for making a meme that makes fun of them

>Imagine if Caesar kept shitposting and banting.
I would imagine if he kept at it his friends would all stab him in the back...
>Imagine if Napoléon did.
In this particular case I Image they would have thrown him on an island before eventually poisoning him with arsenic
>Imagine if Gengis Khan did.
He would probably fall of his horse and die from the injuries.

These are the greatest men you can think of?

Ess.: "I'll fucking kill you"

It's what fatty needed to be told

No American comes to mind, if that was the question.

Add all like digits of your post number together then subtract odd and add even.

I fucking love our President. Whoever comes next is going to be boring as fuck unless they are a complete failure and there are massive riots. I will miss the happenings :(

not tired yet

His shitposting is politics.

how does he do it lads? how does he keep upping the ante at every turn?