Can Sup Forums solve this mystery?
Can Sup Forums solve this mystery?'s not funny anymore
either stray birds and animals are stealing food, or people from Atlanta cant throw away food
Article link
Haitian voodoo, they think sacrificing chickens or leaving chicken carcasses/bones everywhere scares spirits away.
t. S Florida
Maybe the same as people leaving bacon near mosques.
I’m gonna say niggers.
It's a mystery
If litter disposal teams only dispose of recyclable items then then bones will be left after the swoop in
It starts with N and rhymes with chiggers.
Thats funny. Here on the East side of town I see that a lot, too. Plus empty 3-packs of cheap cigars... Wish someone would figure out whats going on!!!
Nice work Sherlock.
White ppl?
we aint using no cracka ass trash cans
Where I live they sell chicken and jojo's in a lot of stores.
Chicken bones on sidewalks is a sign of a healthy multicultural society.
I worked at UPS in Atlanta and the entire parking lot was full of chicken bones and Trojan wrappers every day
Whitey JuJu Magic.
I'm going to guess you wasn't a fun classmate in your special ed class
Weird all the ones I know eat the bones too...
Our UPS lot was full of those throw away hand warmers.
>fill city with niggers
>get a filthy city
Why the fuck would they do that?
wait, do niggers just walk around on the street WHILE they're eating CHICKEN?
what the fuck
>"people" from Atlanta
While Atlanta is being gentrified its still basically Africa.
Is it niggers?
Dogs can be killed by eating those.
The comments on that article and twitter are amazing. Are they all really this oblivious?
It's broader than that, it's nig voodoo. Cubans do the same shit, something about throwing it at a 4 way intersection, using chicken blood, and wearing all white.
Welcome to jeopardy special ed edition
We have a beach in our area called chicken bone beach. Same reason.
Guess it’s just their culture, google it it’s a legit thing, Black people eat chicken bones
This is racist and shiieet
Minneapolis has this 'issue' too.
Don't use the word nigger you piece of shit.
Chickinsss beeeee raciiis
kill whypeepo
welcome to niggerville, nigger
Fuck you nigger!
It is a well known fact in Voodoo that when a chicken bone is left out on a full moon that it turns into a niglet.
Why do you think niggers love chicken so much? It is a crucial element of their life cycle.
Lived in atlanta for 6 years. Can confirm. Its true.
Niggers are dirty, whodathunkit?
There are known knowns, and there are unknown knowns.
You racist white male.
Mystery solved.
Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger
Let this be a lesson to you that you can't police speech here on Sup Forums.
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Yes. I thought it was a killer (raw ones are ok). I guess only for dogs not people? And yuck. I get grossed out by even the meat when it gets close to the bone. But, If I could eat KFC once a week without crippling stomach pain and turning into a huge lard ass, I would do it.
A mythstery?
Been to Netherlands, people openly say nigger there. This is troll.
Doesn't it attract rats and other critters?
it was the scotts
Where I live, niggers will just walk and eat, tossing the bones as they go. If you walk a dog, you'll understand how terrible this is, since the bones can splinter and fuck up a dog's insides. Niggers are trash.
Ive been to Atlanta; the city literally smells like piss and chicken.
White people trying to make Us look bad?
The real question is how do we turn more niggers on to all the rich gentrified gays and lesbians living in Avondale Estates, Kirkwood, and Decatur?
There is just so many rich gay people living in proximity with blacks. This is an opportunity. How can we get blacks to treat inner city gays like money on the hoof. If blacks stole all the gays stuff then they would move out, the voting block would be disrupted... all sorts of good things happen when blacks rob gay and lesbian homes in East Atlanta.
I know this lawyer cunt who puts a BLM sign in her front yard so the niggers won't want to rob them... deceptive as fuck. They deserve to be robbed.
Catfishing men on Grindr basically guarantees a nice wallet when they show up to fuck.
>tfw white but love buffalo/hot wings
I don't think voodoo works with fried chicken. And if racemixing has taught me anything, it's how to ID old fried chicken.
- Your mom
>there are people who cant handle hot wings
>there are people who dont like hot sauces of all heat
>there are people who dont like ghost peppers
good idea. first step might be selling info on vulnerable houses in rich areas like bel air to niggers and spics
this requires further investigation
did you pay to doctor Steinberg to check your DNA yet?
The wish I made when I was 10 came true and the Riddler has finally become real to baffle police with his cryptic crimes?
>solve this mystery?
yeah real hard to figure out
My mom refuses to eat dairy products ever since her dad gave her goat milk when she was three. She used to always eat the chicken bones and crave sucking out the marrow.
When she got a blood test the last time she was pregnant the doctor said "You are very calcium deficient".
She takes supplements now and thinks bones are gross.
kanker NIGGER
Look up African superstitions. A lot of weird shit.
>Look at this Mulder - it looks like basket ball impact marks near the trail of chicken bones
thats the work of chupacabra.
Too bad about your condition, but the KFC sandwiches are good if you can try them.
it's no mystery. niggers litter and like chicken. sometimes I go to the nigger walmart because it's on my way home from work. the parking lot is littered with chicken bones. they literally one of the dirtiest people alive. zero respect for property or community.
Obviously white people like to eat chicken and watermelon. Oh wait. This was only chicken. Whites like chicken.
dem white debils be leaven chikin bones on da streets
whites know where the trash can is, niggers can't seem to find it. i hear they don't see in that spectrum, I guess it must be true
200% nigger
Yes. Anytime there is somebody who sets up a truck selling skrimps or fried yahd burd around here all of the niggers come out of the wood work to stroll around with their floppy splayed feet, smacking, slowly nursing their food, “kee kee kee luk at me I can affords dah skrimps life be gud” and dropping shit as they go. If it isn’t chicken bones it is shrimp skins littering the sidewalks.
I can see you're bucking for Detective, faggot.
It's the exact same in Croydon, south London.
I promise you that you cannot walk more than 10 paces without seeing a chicken bone anywhere in that entire place.
Niggers love to litter and they love fried chicken. Naturally in areas where they are prevalent you're going to see a lot of chicken bones.
>insert nigger jpg.
>Don't use the word nigger
>on this board
fuck off nigger you are in the wrong neighborhood
niggers literally leave all their trash on the ground
>tfw if i was born a girl my parents were going to call me atlanta
dodged a bullet there
nah, the fried chicken bones are just from niggers eating and walking. you're thinking of santeria where spics sacrifice chickens and throw them on railroad tracks or bridges so the trains/vehicles take the evil spirits away. both subhuman behavior, but a little different in intent.
Yep. Gas station/corner store chicken wings are hot sellers.
wy u gots ta wory bout my wangz n 2pc? fukkin crackaz erry dam tiem
I'd like to buy an "i"