These cute girls will definitely get a second season!
These cute girls will definitely get a second season!
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Kon will make it happen
Kon is best urara.
I want to rape Nono.
They made a whole episode after the climax of the season just to lead into the next one. It's clearly already planned.
Wasn't that an OVA?
Is this someone's self insert OC?
It's an Idolmaster girl called Koume. I guess that's the whole point of the crossover.
Why doesn't Kon wear pants?
Why does this have to end. Fuck.
No wonder she is a lesbian, she has two moms!
To give Chiya easier access.
She's a rape child!
Hopefully user, hopefully.
Need more Koume in my life.
Do we know who is her mom?
Give me one good reason to continue watching this show that doesn't involve jerking off to underage girls.
>we will never know the secrets of Chiya's origin
I wish I didn't get hooked
The manga will get translated eventually.
I miss them
I miss them too, except Nono.
>those arms
How will Kon fags ever recover?
Don't worry, that's Koume who is squatting behind her, preparing to give Chiya a reacharound.
who cares if it gets a second season or not
Every season there are at least 6 cute girl shows that people will obsess over for 4 months then quickly forget once the next season brings in the next patch.
Just make them boys and call it a new show, Sup Forums would not tell the difference.
You could say that about any popular genre.
It was a cute show and I enjoyed it, but I'll admit it didn't have that extra special something needed to warrant a second season.
I have not forgotten about Anne Happy, fuck you.
No, it just felt like one.
This one actually had a plot and some character development. It's a shame how groundbreaking that felt and how unnoticed it went. Most shows don't look this pretty either.
This, however 6 is a bit much
Omi is just an obstacle to overcome and make Kon's victory sweeter.
This, i came for the cute girls and stayed because of the development
Although some of the parts that felt the creepiest were probably parts that weren't meant to.
Koume had a cat face during the original changing outfits scene.
Whore face > cat face
She's not a whore she just can't say no to witches.
Nono can't say nono to her either.
Just finished this
Kon, Chiya and Koume best girls
2nd season when? One of my favorite CGDCT honestly
Need more source material, so it might take a while.
Oh, the manga isn't that ahead then?
Shame honestly, I thought it was great.
I hate to ask, but do you know how much it sold?
anons will just forget about Urara when New Game!! airs this summer
Still mad it's not New Game+
what manga volume did the final episode cover btw?
Credit-less Opening
That's a huge missed opportunity.
I think it went up to the end of Vol 2.
Hardly, shows like this stick out way more than the more conventional types.
My wife Kon has me anyway.
Chiya was literally perfect.
She still is.
Are there any raws of the volumes or am I going to have to order them in from japan?
She has Chiya.
No ED yet?
>least 6 cute girl shows
But only 2 Kirara adaptations if we're lucky. And no one gave a shit about the other cute girls shows this season because they were extremely boring.
It would be more popular.
Manga is just barely ahead, I think.
Anime adapted something like 3 or 3.5 out of 4 volumes.
Never ever yurishitter, it's dead along with Kirarashit.
>one liter of maple syrup have been deposited for this post.
Ask GJM if they can scan theirs.
Like Kurou divination?
Like snakes showing their stomachs in the first episode, or the crab behavior when they went swimming.
Snakes were just following what Chiya was doing because pheromones.
Neither snakes nor pheromones work anything like that.
Don't equate 3D with 2D.
why haven't you?
Post Koumedaki.
No S2 is Nono's fault.
My wife Kon is waiting for me.
Vol 1 sold 1059 copies.
Wow over a thousand. That's gotta be enough for S2 right?
She's waiting for Chiya only.
I am literally Chiya, so it is all good.
But she really did nothing.
Full resolution when?
Yeah, because when Sup Forums stops talking about a series it means they've completely forgotten it. Nothing to do with Sup Forums's usual practice of only focusing on currently airing shows.
You should definitely make a ton of threads that start with "Why does Sup Forums never talk about..." and "Am I the only one who...".
But I totally agree with you, more shows should shit up the board with useless generals that just keep going for no reason.
Kon and Chiya concept art.
Chiya used to look really weird.
Her clothes are weird but she looks pretty similar.
hidoi yo!!! nono is the best!
Kon prototype look like a killjoy, she changed for the best.