Reminder that pol is a satanist board. Following the left hand path is the ultimate redpill.
Kill yourself.
Your days are numbered.
Let us pray. God my savior. The great Satan Lucifer. Bringer of light and knowledge. Our hope for the years to come. The king that gives us tools to create. The destroyer. Son the father and the Holy Spirit. Who gave me nothing but pain. God the trinity. Creator of autism and birth defects. Creator of War and suffering starting with Adam and Eve. Hail Satan.
sage sage
>get that tranny out of here
Paradise for sinners
fuck off we're full
Shut the fuck up you pornfag.
satan is a fag
sorry sir but this is a Christian board
maybe. what's satan's policy on bitcoin?
That is one ugly chick with tits. Fuck, she should shave more often. And those horns. Big turn off. And what's with chicks and random tattoos on their arms?
go to hell kike
Thats not Satan, thats Baphomet demon king of Witches.
Satan loves porn. He understands our desires and fleshly pursuits.
Jesus Christ wins. :)
Fuck you die slow
Satanists deserve the rope
Every Islam user knows you're the worst op
Goebbles would be proud of that propaganda brother
I'm planning a big event, going out with a bang before my soul is taken to hell to feed Master.
So you expect us to follow the first edgy teenager ever? Seems about right honestly but fuck off anyway.
>Satan turns you into a fucking faggot.
Jesus saves.
Lol posts baphomet...says its satan
Christians deserve the stake.
Wat a nuphag.
Christians will get burned on the cross
I don't hail satan but i'm a thelemite. I have much more to gain from thelema/hermeticism than i do Christianity.
remember, once you die you're there forever
jews (satanists ) get the guillotine
Hail Satan digits of truth
Baphomet is not Satan, it's the link between "good" and "bad" or - and + and is that of a =
I love these, where do you find them and post more
Friendly reminder to all Sup Forumstards that only kikes shill here as satanists
Satan is a fag. The FIRST fag.
fuck satan the liar
Why the fags that get 666 are always satanists?
Fuck you, Sup Forums stricly practices chaos magic. Get out of here with your cum gargling rituals Crowleyite.
?? this one would be better if it was with one chick instead of 3
This thread needs the Eliphas Levi Pill:
>The Baphomets of the Templars, whose names should be spelt kabbalistically backward, is composed of three abbreviations-TEM OHP AB, Templi Omnium Hominum Pacis Abbas, the father of the temple, universal peace of men. According to some, it was a monstrous head, according to others, a goat-shaped demon. A sculptured casket, unearthed in the ruins of an ancient commandry ofthe Templars, was observed by antiquaries to be a baphometic figure, conformable in its attributes to our goat of Mendes and the androgyne of Khunrath. It is bearded, but with the entire body of a woman; in one hand it holds the sun, in the other the moon, joined to it by chains. This virile head is a beautiful allegory which attributes to thought alone the
first and creative cause. The head here represents mind, and the female body matter. The stars, bound to the human form and directed by that nature of which intelligence is the head, have also a sublime significance. The terrible Baphomet is, in fact, like all monstrous enigmas
of ancient science, nothing more than an innocent and even pious hieroglyph. Let us declare emphatically to combat the remnants of manichaeanism that Satan, as a superior personality and power, has no existence. THE DEVIL,IN BLACK MAGIC,IS THE GREAT MAGIC AGENT EMPLOYED FOR EVIL PURPOSES BY A PERVERSE WILL.
Mysteries of Magic - 1886
>The terrible Baphomet is, in fact, like all monstrous enigmas
>of ancient science, nothing more than an innocent and even pious hieroglyph. Let us declare emphatically to combat the remnants of manichaeanism that Satan, as a superior personality and power, has no existence. THE DEVIL,IN BLACK MAGIC,IS THE GREAT MAGIC AGENT EMPLOYED FOR EVIL PURPOSES BY A PERVERSE WILL.
it's true all true
hail satan what OP is really telling us is that he is an evil and perverse human being :P
what now christcucks
So are yours ;)
I think I am too. Stefan Molyneux was right, being a good person is hard, and being a good magician is even harder
If there's shitskins in heaven I'd rather be in Hell.
The million dollar question:
Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said,
“Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart,
and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell.
But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine.
This means that God can legally dismiss their case:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Then Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death. Today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as a free gift.
Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you.
All Hail.
So pretty much everyone is going to hell, no one in Sup Forums is going up and this is set in stone by the sky dude? Fells like a good reason to forget being a decent human.
your rabbi will diddle your kids
Someone tell me how the devil came about? Wasn't he a good person before?
Truth is Relative to the Perspective of the Observer Mr. 700 Club.
>not Sup Forums
yeah, youre not from around here are you, faggot
Oh wow. Blast from the past. I remember that Satanic Bible satire book wrote by a guy who couldn't even keep a job at a carnival. I think all the inside radio jingle parodies and silliness went over people's heads or maybe that was the point of the book since it was funny as hell. I guess you just had to be young at the time to get the humor back when Americans were more sophisticated and weren't so easily amused.
Pretty sure the blibical devil was a angel that rebeled against god because he was jealous of how he treated humans better, can't really blame him.
Some music for the thread
grab your left hand and shove the entire thing up your ass along with your satan's horn faggot
Oh okay. i see
Wait wait. Whats the point of worshipping the devil? Do you guys kill people irl?????? wtffff
We've been expecting you
satan shit in this music vid
Satanism is ultra-individualism. Marxism is collectivism. The closest political philosophy to satanism is anarcho-capitalism. Learn your shit.
Fuck off you moron
Satanists don't even truly understand the entity they worship. You're an edgy retard feeding a god you know nothing about and the wrong one at that. I hope you never have children or I pray for their souls.
Fuck of, Satanism is skeptic, centrist religion. it's about >muh individualism and it's retarded. Sup Forums is a pagan board
hail satan!
Fuck off. On your own pic s*tan is a tranny.
Trannies get the rope.
Gas the demons holy war now!
Satanists don't worship Satan. They don't believe in his existence.
Baphomet is the original and most based tranny
Satanism is for edgecucks, look into Chaos Magick.
Satanism is edgy atheism. But I will say that Satanists are usually anti PC and racists as fuck
Stupidstitious Catholics are amusing.
They are inadvertently feeding Moloch.
Jews are the satanic ones
Fuck off jewish cia nigger
Digits of truth.
What's Satan worship actually called then?
Spiritual Satanism is saving you all
no, Christ is saving us you decrepit kike
Theistic satanism but it's extremely rare. I never met a theist satanist and I wouldn't want to. The very vast majority of satanists are atheists. The believe in the philosophy/symbolism of Satan, in the same way that marxists believe in the philosophy of Marx. Doesn't mean they think Marx was a god.
Hail Satan
Says the idiot kissing that filthy kikes ass. But hey ignorance is bliss right?
Also you need to understand that satanism, even some forms of theistic satanism, is the worship of SELF, not Satan. Satan is considered a friend or a teacher but not a God to tower over you and control your life. Satanists that really do worship Satan as a superior entity (again, rare) are generally mocked by other satanists as "reverse christians" because in their view it's just swapping one illegitimate authority for another. They view Satan's message as the emancipation from all authority, and that includes Satan himself.
>all these slave moralists threatening to kill us
You will get stuck at the sixth layer.
It's a dead end.
I hate human trafficking and people that defend or practice child fucking and human trafficking. I don't give a damn if they say they are Christian or satanist or fish worshipers.
LHP Thelema FTW