>This is Komrade Beria's wife!!!
Youjo Senki
Other urls found in this thread:
>This is Rerugen's wife!!!
>This is Visha's wife!!!
Beria stop posting. The glorious Empire will fuck you up.
Tanya belongs to the volk and only the volk.
Do you think Tanya will successfully be able to tell HQ to play defensively against not!Russia until the summer?
>Play defensively
>Not speedrun into not!Moscow instead of detouring for not!Stalingrad
>During the winter
Nigga what?
Too much HoI4
>Reaching winter in the first place
>Not concentrating the forces that'd have been wasted in Stalingrad to capture Moscow as quickly as possible instead
Granted, it's not supposed to sound smart, it's supposed to sound stupidly suicidal. Alternative is playing defensively when the US is lend-leasing a disproportionate amount to the USSR which is picking up its military industry thanks to that, with Bongolia also breathing down your neck.
Best ship.
Just admit it.
Who has the one of Tanya in a suit and they look like they're at a ball?
Because speedrun = mapgore.
Aoi really outdid herself in those last two episodes.
Tanya is so smol, she has to be like 3ft and some change in that picture.
Why are Japanese salarymen so cute?
Well, that's why I said HoI4. In HoI4, deep winter is the second best campaigning season after summer. Why? Because all the mud are frozen and you got no speed penalty during your blitzkrieg. Attrition destroying your units? No problem, as long as you don't overload the abstract supply region's capacity and your stockpile doesn't run dry, reinforcements will continuously arrive.
In that interview posted in the last thread, Carlo Zen said that while he feels like he's playing as a commander in HoI2, in HoI4 he feels like he's playing as a manager.
Is this yuri?
If you can call Stockholm yuri.
Link for interview user
>Not HoI3 with BlackIce mod
>Not having to go through deep snow that acts like a fort modifier
>Not having to go through mud that also acts as a fort modifier
>Not going through both, penalizing your attack value down to the double decimals in total percentage
>While the game screams and crashes 24/7 over the amount of units it has to process more than tripling
If I didn't have a toaster that makes max speed look like normal speed I'd play it more often.
It's not Tanya's fault Visha got conscripted into the military. Besides, Tanya is pretty protective of her coffee maker.
Oh and I misquoted, the "manager" thing was said by the LPer, but CZ agreed with him:
>確かに、大規模迂回や機動力を活かした包囲殲滅戦みたいな、「急げ! 行け! そこだ!」っていう感覚のある戦闘は、『Hearts of Iron 4』くらいまで来ると、だいぶ失われているなと感じます。仰られる通り、『Hearts of Iron 4』は「後方で戦況報告を受けている指揮官の視点」だなと。いや、それはそれで正しいんですが(笑)。
>you will never be tanya's coffeemaker
why live
>ywn become a successful author because of your German blob
You don't know that? What's stopping you?
Picked this up.
I haven't felt the chills like this from watching an anime in I don't know how long.
Season 2 when?
Is that.... Alex Jones?
How will N U T do it?
drink your water with water filters
>That butt
>Those hips
God, I'm as bad as Beria
Does that include leaf water?
>mfw studio NUT just splices in 10 mins of duck courting and mating rituals from a documentary.
leaf juice is not water
Weakass drool game.
DOUJINS WHEN!!!!!!??????
>When you studio and she isn't ready
Tanya having fun with a cucumber.
>People saying I play too much HoI4
I didn't mean to make my approach sound like a game but to stockpile defenses then go on the offensive when the snow is gone it can be smooth sailings.
I love this studio's name.
>when the snow is gone
Especially if the snow is late in melting (like in 1941).
this is the best kind of content
>ice melting in rural russia
>smooth sailings
I'd sooner go with a boat than a truck with all that godawful mud
Alright, new plan. Launch V2s at them and tell them to fuck off.
Airdrop in and take over.
>This is a Youjo
>This is also a Salaryman
Therefore, mentally justifiable.
Reminder that Tanya's cunny is owned by Rerugen
>new soldiers welcome to hell
How heartwarming.
I'm going to assume you just meant V1s, in which case, from where are you going to shoot them from?
>250km range
>Assume the target is Moscow, the town of Vyazma is barely in range ~220kms away, Smolenks is already past 300km
>Have to go through the logistical nightmare of moving those V1s through deep snow and later mud
>To say nothing of the pisspoor condition of the rocket launch sites in addition to the sites practically having a gigantic neon "SABOTAGE THIS" sign on top of it, because unlike its use vs Britain, there's no channel acting as a natural barrier
>Airdrop in and take over
Well that's why you beef up your defenses along the boarder, this isn't to invade this is to tell them to stay back. If the rockets are hitting short just bluff and say they can go twice that range so you better stay out of this war.
So you're going for a purely defensive war?
When are you actually going to invade?
Remember, the more time you waste, the more forces the Russians accumulate. This situation has a time limit!
Tanya is not for lewd.
>this isn't to invade this is to tell them to stay back
>Staying out
How naive.
So what is my situation in this simulation?
Who are they?
Who is bugging my other boarders?
And if I'm fighting Russia defensively what advantages/disadvantages do I have?
Can't fight the Great Patriotic War if they're on the offense.
>Major! Look how cute you are!
Poor Carlo.
>designs were made to limit waifufags
>extreme waifufagging happened
>implying Stalin's plan wasn't to invade Europe all along.
His timeline was a little slower, and he made some bad decisions along the way, but it was going to happen one way or another.
>Asuna is number 1
I hope they fucking die.
That's fucking amazing for a duckfaced loli from a new studio and niche LN source about economics and logistics instead of waifubait and normie friendly tropes.
How many people were cryin Nazi after the first episode? I feel bad for the people that dropped this, it was too much fun.
Why does Rerugen look like he's about to shit himself?
Ever try to contain your boner at the worst possible time? It taxes a man.
Tanya literally just advocated for unrestricted genocide and he could not come up with a counter-argument.
Do you people require fucking translator notes to understand it or what?
I'm glad I picked it up. Tanya is no Nazi. A WWI soldier with some wicked agenda but nowhere near a Nazi.
The ignoramuses who put this masterwork of anime down should be impaled on Tanya's bayonet. Remove the unbelievers with extreme prejudice!
Sweating man edit when
>no episode this week
Sup Forums on suicide watch.
"I'll disembowel you, I swear it." -Tanya
>She's turned him
The French deserve it.
>BNHA chapters on Thursdays
>Friday is now blank
>But that's ok because a double feature of anime on Saturdays
>Burrito starts this Wednesday
not all is bad
Because he's realizing that she's completely right and that the war he thought was essentially over has actually barely just begun, and that the war will continue far past any thought of rational gain or thought of victory, and will only end when one side or the other is rendered physically incapable of continuing to fight.
Also, he's being told this by a 12 year old girl.
So. Are we getting a S2 or. . .?
Should've finished reading that world war thesis
Don't we at least get one more Shenki tomorrow or was #11 the last one?
Does anyone get that igawa sakura blow job pov vibe from the opening OP where they focus only on tanya's lower mouth?
I havn't watched any of this yet. Is it the new Girls und Panzer? I sense it's a bit Nazibooish
Just go watch it already, hope you like brutality.
Have hope user.
>Next LN chapter tomorrow
>Next manga chapter this weekend
yfw when they're at the same point in the story
>Hope you like ww1 trivia
Who doesn't enjoy ww1 trivia?
we are soldiers stand or die
So, you like the free market? I like the free market too"
He wants your input. Look, your opinion matters.
Because honestly he and the rest of the top brass were all stupid. For all their talk of not letting the war drag on and ending it quickly their early celebrations and inaction have ensured the war will not end until every other territory has been conquered, crushed, subjugated and beaten to the point that they're incapable of fighting back.
What is the doctor's eye condition? Like why is one eye smaller than the other?