What have you done to improve yourself today Sup Forums?
Today I opened my yearly roth IRA so my money will earn more interest that I can put towards purchasing land and a home.
What have you done to improve yourself today Sup Forums?
Today I opened my yearly roth IRA so my money will earn more interest that I can put towards purchasing land and a home.
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In b4 niggermods ban this thread
what happens after buying a land and a home?
I could buy a house and acreage, but then what? don't know anything about farming, volunteering as a woof seems to be the only way to learn here
You have the whole internet at your disposal user. You can learn anything if you want to.
>implying anyone on Sup Forums would want to live on a farm
How do I open a yearly roth IRA? What is it? Links and tutorials, user. Please.
Right now I am updating my resumé, will look up how to register an LLC, and then order a credit card now that I am old enough to not be retarded and get in massive debt like all my other retarded piece of shit acquaintances.
I do it at my local credit union, but I would assume you can do it at whatever bank or financial institute you store your money in. You just roll in and instead of going to the teller you see the people at desks who will help you manage your finances. IRA stands for individual retirement account. Basically it just means it's a money dump with a good interest rate. If you go for a Roth IRA you'll pay tax up front, but however many years down the line when you're taking the money out(and thus more money) it won't be subject to tax. Standard IRA is the reverse, don't pay tax on it now but the government will get its cut later on when it's a larger chunk of change. Other things you should look into are CDs, Certificates of Deposit. The long and short of it is that you squirrel away a chunk of money at a set interest rate for a predetermined period of time so you can get a higher interest rate. You can crack it open in a pinch if you need to, but there will be some financial penalty for doing so. So if you've got a whole bunch of cash just sitting in your bank account making shitty interest you're better off throwing it into a CD if you're not going to need it in the immediate future.
What benefits are there, if any, to quitting coffee? I have about 5 cups a day. Should I stop?
Take it down to 2 man.
I sweat less and don't get heart palpitations any longer.
Practiced learning French (not somali), Cleaned my apartment.
Thankful for this general cus if pol didn't have this it would be 100% shit. With /sig/ it's only 99% shit. Anyways what foods do you guys recommend I eat and stay away from? And general tips and life lessons anyone wants to share?
I tried getting into coffee myself but taste is falcon awful.
Try to stay away from processed food as much as possible. Same with sugar. Drink water, tea, and black coffee. Eat less and exercise more.
Should I stop eating sugar altogether now?
I'm trying to gradually masturbate less. I'm usually going at it 3-4 times a day so, to ween myself off, I'm doing once a day. Eventually, I'll move on to once every few days and then, ideally, just once a week.
I'm also working on consuming a more balanced diet. I eat too much meat and fat so I'm making an effort to eat more fruits, vegetables, and grains.
Lastly, I'm trying to work out more. I was doing pretty good with lifting and punching the punching bag but I've been slacking off lately. I've been making some good first steps and I'm excited to continue pursuing a better life.
here my friend
Pretty similar to me man. I jack off wayyy too much, multiple times per day. Really need to stop, you can really feel the difference.
One thing that helped me was cold showers. I don't know how, but that shit gets you off on the right foot.
With this fucking deep freeze we are in I've been taking hot showers in the morning and nothing is going right.
Also need to learn some good recipes, including more vegetables. I've got the workouts down with stronglifts 5x5 and bjj.
It's hard to quit cold turkey. Most people's brains are addicted to the stuff. I strongly recommend watching this video. Watch it on 2x if you have to. youtu.be
ive been a skinnyfat for a few years but recently ive been able to cut it down a lot. now its just my love handles that i need to burn.
i took a picture of it on the 1st of January which was a couple days ago and by the end of the month i will take another picture and post it in the /SIG/ thread on that day
maybe this will be the year i finally get a gf
Good luck user.
You really can. When I masturbate less, I am assertive, optimistic, and productive. For vegetables, I've read that raw vegetables have more nutrients and are more optimal over cooked. This is just from my recent experience in research and consumption. Keep going brother, we're gonna make it.
I read a lot of truth in this. I notice, when I refrain from masturbating and watching porn, regular sexual thought not only turns me on but they are very strong and can't be stopped, which is good. Instead of the usual degenerate fetish porn, natural sexuality fills my brain. Thank you user.
most people don't realize the skinny fat. im still working on it. Im not going to drink beer ever again. No more dairy. more vegetables. and excercize
Everyone needs to read this. It is the cornerstone of my lifestyle change.
/r/ that drawed picture where stereotypical liberal with beard, tattoos etc. hides behind normie mask and tries to be "rational".
If you get on a good weight lifting routine and diet, you'll find your body will start to look generally more defined. In fact, you can even lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. Use this calculator to help: scoobysworkshop.com
Good luck user, I believe in you.
two weeks sober tomorrow. may not seem like much but its the longest ive been sober in nearlu a year, hoping to quit the shit for good and focus on myself. i need to start working out, without opiates to suppress my hunger i am starting to gain weight.
Fuck off back to your cabin Chong.
I'd love to improve myself.
But how do you get the motivation to every day
if u guys want u can join my server mKdPr5B
Opiates really are the blue pill user. Nice job and good luck.
fuck you amerimutt
I start out the day with push ups and situps, this gets me up and motivated for the rest of the day. I'll drink some coffee or tea about an hour after I eat a high protein breakfast. Usually salmon and an egg, with cornbread. another user suggested cold showers.
Quads confirmed. Go to N.A. user. It helps reset a lot of bad habits even if you don't stay there.
Just remember everyday you are older. Be stronk.
Just be the opposite of this and you are on the right track.
hopefully these are good luck quads, i'm also three days without a cigarette, its too cold to smoke outside so ive completely switched to the vape.
I know, i havent laughed at shitty memes like i have in the past few days in longer than i can remember, it feels good to be myself. Also that pic is fucking horrifying.
Not sure about NA, Im in a new area and dont want to meet anyone who i could get in trouble with. Probably just going to go the one on one route with a therapist, i might as well, its free here.
I gave up tobacco for the most part. I have a pipe I puff on every now and then. Be careful with the booze too user, when i got off the Dopiates I relapsed one night because I had been drinking and gave no fucks.
Thank you OP been waiting for one of these for a while.
question for you Sup Forums, I'm a collegefag who is in meh shape overall a fucked up lifestyle but looking to make a change in the new year, starting with working out and nofap. Problem is that I have never had a routine in my life and don't know how to get started. I've heard a lot of opinions but have no idea who or what to trust since most are conflicting.
any chance that I could get a friendly user or two to point me in the right direction?
I'm no expert by any means, I keep it simple with push ups, situps, and dunbells. I'm trying to find a routine myself.
Would still hit that
I went to AA and it was really helpful for the opposite reason. "Change your playmates." Stop hanging out with deadbeat pieces of shit. But NA may be harder and relapsing or getting 13th Stepped may be a problem so maybe ur right. Anyways, you are new in the area which is huge. Choose your new friends wisely. Try Meetup.com for some sports or other straight edge groups. If you end up getting too cocky and start drinking with new friends, get shitfaced, you'll likely get bold and go to ghetto areas asking about drugs. Stay strong! I know you can do it, user!
Tobacco is one I'm still struggling with. I dropped soda for the most part, I dropped overly sugary foods, I drink very occasionally, I don't do any recreational drugs, but I still smoke tobacco every day. I know I have to quit but it really is hard.
My best advice is to not get too caught up in a routine at first. If you start working out immediately with a strict routine, it will make it feel all the more worse when you inevitably mess up in the early stages. Just make an effort to lift when you can and cover a wide variety of muscles. I've been off and on exercise for many years and, from personal experience, this holds true. Best of luck to you my friend.
>purchasing land and a home.
Why? You'll probably be dead in 30 or 40 years. Your house and land won't go with you. Silly goal.
I started a Soylent diet and I'm learning how to code. Soylent is convenient because it's full of protein and it's easy to consume.
should i look into finding a gym or stick to bodyweight stuff? i can't seem to find a consensus anywhere
it would go to his kids
>TFW I know a girl who gets this way when drunk
>She's practically falling apart at 20
It's really sad to see, guys.
>got a new phone before my old one completely carked it with a way better deal
>booked my car in for surgery
being proactive is good
I got some nicotine losanges instead of shitty gum. They actually worked with a bit of will power.
become self reliant
>Car surgery
wait to join a gym until after a few weeks of home work out. That's just my opinion though. Pre getting in shape, shape lol.
>D d don't buy land! How dare you plan for the future of your offspring! Be a nigger instead.
>N O F A P 2 0 1 8
Who's /withme/?
>I start out the day with push ups and situps,
How the fuck would that motivate you?
Literally just makes me feel like going to sleep and since it hurts so much.
If you have the money, I would recommend getting a decent home gym setup. If you get dumbbells and barbells that you can add weight to, you can cover everything you need right at home. If that's too expensive, a gym membership works too. Body weight exercise is better than nothing for sure, but the full range of a home gym or a gym membership is ideal.
It gets my heart beating and blood pumping. For me it works.
>Hurts so much
Are you joking here?
>need to learn more recipes
Just a grilled piece of meat, a carb, and a veggie dish will take you a long way. Olive oil, salt and pepper are your best friends, stay away from other spices unless you know why you're using them.
Nigger. Your physical health is dependent on your mental health and vice versa. Be smarter than your brain. True intelligence is being able to psyche yourself up.
Don't be the horse, be Atreyu. And trust us, once it becomes a habit you will realize it snowballs and you will be happier. Stop overcomplicating it!
Hey, I've been running a self-improvement discord since April for Sup Forums.
Right now we have:
>bimonthly book club
>bimonthly film club
>weekly bible study
We are a small close-knit group of about 9 fully active users. We're looking for a couple more people to join in. We're primarily all monarchists.
Right now we're diving Evola's work and are reading Revolt Against the Modern World and will have a meeting over it this Sunday.
Invite is only good for 5 users:
You set up land for a chink to take away from your future kin and get to trick yourself into feeling like you did something for your race by setting up a bastion for YOURSELF and trying to ignore the fact that you're under full spectrum dominance and if you're not going to follow up by turning your farm into a training compound for revolutionaries than you may as well have wasted your entire life.
If anyone is trying to get into shape and has no idea where to start, I would highly recommend 5/3/1 by Jim Wendler. One of the hardest parts about starting to work out is knowing what to do, where to start, and, perhaps most importantly, staying motivated to continue. 5/3/1 isn't magic, but it lays out all you need to do, it doesn't take longer than maybe 30-45 minutes, and if you stick to it, there's literally no way you won't make observable progress.
PDF of the book:
xl spreadsheet:
When I first started working out, I remember just having to guess what workouts or routines to do, and getting frustrated when it seemed like it wasn't going anywhere. 5/3/1 takes the guess work out, focuses on the essentials, and like I said, you can observe your progress which will motivate you to actually enjoy the workout.
Thanks user! good pic btw
started a course studying python
With all due respect, simply having college classes isn't improvement.
Anyone have a reading list?
>good pic btw
I blew it up and made it into a poster, now have it hanging inside my locker at work.
If you have any questions regarding working out I'd be glad to help you out. I am by no means an expert, but have been working out for a few years (started in the military) and I would like to think I am somewhat more knowledgeable than the average person on Sup Forums.
Thanks. Currently researching your previous post
If you want, join our book club here Otherwise, we have a short list of books and films we thought were the most notable. Pic related.
I may join up user, thanks
Today, I made a mature, move in a new budding relationship I have going with a young white lady. I didn't persist in steamrolling her into a quick lay, we ended up building trust and communication, and we're going to see each other in a couple days.
I've literally never pulled back the reigns like that before, so that's a big improvement for me in not leaving a trail of destruction behind me wherever I go.
I think Becoming a Barbarian by Jack Donovan is a much better book, much more thought out and well written.
>pushups and situps hurt
Maybe don’t be a 5 year old girl...
Lurk /fit/ for a month too, you'll get the gist of it
We read that and we all agreed the 1st half of the book was good, but the later half read like ramblings and was very disorganized.
I would actually recommend skipping that book and replacing it with Handbook on Traditional Living, and then getting into Evola
Yep, one of the most harmful substances around.
Have you ever read any Paul Waggener? I've not read his books but the stuff he puts up on his website is great. He's a good friend of Jack and they're both in the Wolves of Vinland which is where I discovered him.
Can't say I have. We read some stuff based around tribalism and the concept of fraternal organizations, but used it as a prep for a reading list on fascism.
You mean political ideology?
With all due respect (which ain't much), learning is self improvement. Now take your smarmy, passive-aggressive ass outside and play with your peers. Stupid and smug about it is no way to go through life, son.
Shilling for my /sig/ discord that's been going since April
Bimonthly book club
Weekly Bible Study
Bimonthly film club
small close-knit group
Invite is good for only 4 more uses.
Self-improvement should be happening outside of your career choice or education for your career. You as a person are a separate entity form just a job and need to find yourself.
who said hes learning python for his job?
>You as a person are a separate entity form just a job and need to find yourself.
Liberal snowflake horseshit.
What books are you reading this month?
Our current reading list is
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Revolt Against the Modern World
Ride The Tiger
we'll be adding more as we go, but we're on the first 100 pages of Revolt. Zarathustra is a must read.
look into "almost a miracle" its about the revolutionary war in USA.
Steppenwolfe certainly fits into the theme of those books, if you're looking at existentialist literature.
going to hit a new deadlift PR in 30 minutes for her
Kicked the weed habit and I am finally feeling creative and in control again, plus I'm not eating like shit anymore.
Advice to newbies don't take on everything at once, start with changing one thing for a few months and then add another. For example my diet is still sub optimal but I had to kick drugs and booze first and start exercising before I knew I would have the ability to eat better. Slow and steady wins the race.
Also, any advice for fasting? I keep trying but always end up eating when I'm at work.