> Is America the only 1st world nation that puts out war propaganda? Like do European nations, or Russia turn soldiers and war stories into celebrities or is that only an American thing?
War propaganda
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Lots of other countries do.
You retarded? Of course every country does the same thing.
You always hear the Russian fags saying how proud they were for fighting the other countries even though Stalin had a higher kill count
Europeans haven't done anything noteworthy since ww2 and yes they had a ton of heroes.
This guy killed 500 communists with a rifle that didn't even have a scope, he hid in the snow all day & put ice in his mouth to prevent his breath from showing in the cold, cut off multiple toes like they were nothing
Singapore do.
In Aus we have a tonne of war propaganda, memorializing ANZACs and so on. Funny, considering our greatest battle, Gallipoli, was a defeat.
Winged hussars saving Western Europe from ottoman scum
189 pope Swiss guard sacrificed themselves, holding off tens of thousands of invaders buying enough time for the pope to escape to safety
The 300 Spartans that also saved Europe from Persians
It just goes on & on, I mostly used this as an excuse to share good music
Yea but I didn't know if they actually produced like large budget action films to convince the goyim.
>first world nation
Return to your feeding trough burgermutt.
Europeans hate their history tho
>He says as his ancestors destroyed their own history
>He says as their descendants pull down historical monuments on his own clay
>He says as unironic Communists erect literal statues of (((Lenin))), again, on his own clay
This Leaf is right
Singapore has never even been in a war
Just because we're fucked doesn't mean that you aren't.
murica isn't first world nation, its an insane uncivilised joke harvest pen of the world.
> the common core grasp on history
Nah. No one talks more shit about "winning" world wars back to back than americans. You make retard tier statements about Stalin and you're surprised when Russians don't take you seriously?
Other countries like China, Israel, Syria, Turkey, many more put out war propaganda but USA and RF lead the way in retarded kids arguing online just like they are #1 and #2 militarily by a long shot
It's funny that most don't know that Australia is probably our greatest military ally right next to Great Britain. You were even with us in Vietnam..
As someone that is actually extremely sympathetic to Europeans and hopes that they'll change their policies to save themselves, you're delusional if you think that Europe is in better shape than the US in most ways besides having a smaller percentage of non-whites. America has a much more conservative population, is still more religious, has far more guns, and its police have been dealing with minorities for years.
Oh very tru, Ahmed.
I know these are all Sabaton songs without clicking them. Sweden celebrating Polish, Swiss and Greek history isn't really what OP meant.
I think he's talking about modern soldiers and he's right we don't put out war propaganda, probably because we haven't been in any proper war in the last 70 years.
Ahmed Von Deutschland
>marky mark is a specops soldier yet again
Syria and Turkey are pathetic weak militaries. Are you kidding me ?
What's wrong with Marky Mark?
Nothing. That's what.
Disgusting Muslim shit
Are you retarded or just a commie?
All of them you ignorant fuck
Fuck you nigger bitch
>Like do European nations, or Russia turn soldiers and war stories into celebrities
Are you living under a rock?
I miss Givi so much.
I bet you dream sucking he's cock, you filthy faggot
STFU you aren't even human. You are a fucking leaf.
He was a good man. May he rest in peace.
Russia has it, its p fun to watch
Most countries have never even fought a modern war. So what propaganda do they even have to use??
Again, most of your nations don't fight wars so I wasn't sure how these kinds of nations would even be able to post war propaganda.
Another good one here
Him and his little monkey are dead
Like you knew him personally. He was just a fucking mall guard who was raised to fucking skyes by russian state propaganda, you dum-dum
They do when they have large budgets to spend on it. Poorfag nations not so much
Biggest producer and consumer of propaganda. Right up there with islam
Even the IRA had their propaganda.
Ukraine has made an effort on YT as of late.
lmao this fucker got rekt so bad by that thermobaric
rest in ashy pulverized pieces you piece of shit
Sort your genetics out first, then will talk about who's human.
the US has the most war propaganda movies because we have the largest movie industry, it isn't rocket science nigger. Why do I even bother replying to any of these "lolol amerigoblin" threads
Fun fact: He's hideout was just across the road from mansion of richest man of Ukraine Rinat Akhmetov
Despite that, you're probably more fucked than we are. Your 76% is way more liberal than our 56% and are importing shitskins to your island as fast as possible to catch up with us.
Aussies have gone way down in quality though, their military is ahead of the curve with SJW bullshit. Literally everything wrong happening to our military has been SOP there for a few years before.
The movie industry is liberal tho
Every country makes propaganda.
Are you fucking retarded?
the army and pentagon pay hollywood to make these films I won't drop any links cause anyone who claims to be awake should already know this.
still every year thousands of brain dead flag waving 18 years olds join up to die for their banker oligarchy . the USAs founders were against a permanent standing army for a good reason .
call me a leaf/cuck/pussy but in the end I am right you are pathetic slave country full of fools .
Russia and China put out tons of historical epics, and contemporary films based on their own histories and propaganda angles
>implying "conservative values" mean jack shit
>implying watered down protestant tier christianity and post second vatican catholicism mean jack shit
>implying guns mean jack shit when the population will never use them
>implying the police aren't leashed to the kike system
you literally eat the ass of any muslim who points it at you, nobody cares what you have to say
Western country not have priority over people. why people starve and still home of the brave.
>keep importing shitskins cuck..what can possibly go wrong without a standing Army?
Most cultures venerate their great warriors. Just look how the British remember Dunkirk, or the Marne. Look at how the Finish laud Simo Haya. The Red Baron is a legend of German military history. Most countries see valor and military sacrifice as virtues.
Hell No
>1st world nation
And Russia does more than that, they even put failed sleeper agents as celebrities there.
Vae victis. Our modern heroes can only be sports guys. Have your face burned off in a formula 1 crash, and return 6 weeks later to the race and win 2 more championships. Almost kill yourself in a spectacular downhill crash to win Olympic gold only 3 days later; then almost lose a leg in a motorcycle accident, but come back to win the world cup. That sort of thing.
Officially we're neutral and only occasionally help with this peace-keeping thing abroad. Heroic deeds have no place there. When in 2008 in Chad a group of 8 Jagdkommando soldiers in unarmed vehicles was ambushed by some rpg-toting bandit tribe, at night, and proceeded to counterattack, it became literally a state secret, only leaked to the media years later. Apparently the quarter million worth of ammunition having gone officially "missing" in Chad was not missing a all - the peace keeping mission was just less peaceful than they wanted people to believe. Noone was killed (on our side), so the response to the leak was muted. But somewhere out there must be unsung heroes who snuffed out vermin in the desert.
Id fuck her.
Palestinians do it in pre shcool.
Did they make a movie about it