Asia has a secret.
Asia has a secret
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We had this thread a few nights ago. It concluded when someone guessed that Asians descend from demons.
Really poorly kept secret.
We're having this thread again.
Alright. I actually found it interesting so be my guest. The theory if I remember is rooted in Chinese origin mythology about their ancestors descending from dragon tribes. With the dragon being the snake from Eden. I'm open to the idea, but I came to the conclusion Asians where descends of the cursed seed of Ham
Are you going to elaborate on your theory?
According to Christian Identity, Canaan the son of Ham had a Cainite mother. There is no scriptural evidence for this but it is inferred by adherents of Christian Identity and they believe it is the reason Canaan was cursed to be a slave of slaves. The Cainites also still existed after the flood and in the Bible they are called Kenites.
Ham's curse came about through the drunkenness of Noah. The characteristics associated with the Asian classification are flat face, and epicanthic fold. Do you know what these traits are also seen in? Fetal alcohol syndrome. Asians are meant to be a slave caste because they're inferior to the descendants of Shem (Arabs) and Japheth (Mediterraneans).
Additionally, it mentions one of the lands of the descendants of Ham as Sin, which was an ancient term for China.
>the fruit is an allegory for sex!
>Ignore the part where eve has Adam “eat the fruit” as well
Dumb shit, mate
so my theory about asians being soulless insectoids is true?
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is a allegory for the serpent who was wise, knowing both good and evil too. To eat of it is an allegory for sex.
>To eat of the tree of knowledge is an allegory for sex
It's not. Almost all of the bible is literal, the tree of knowledge speaks of man gaining. The ability to judge as God does, and why this world as we now it was split from the realm of God's. Of which this world was once apart. This is why prior to the consumption it speaks of God physically walking along side man. But later on says he physically cannot anymore, for to do so would burn the mountains like candles. God cannot walk among us in this world we call our reality anymore after the split. Judgement day is when humanity is judged as to how it did with the new found ability granted to it. Judgement day date is not known because it's not fixed, our test only ends when we pass or reach the point of not being able to pass. We decide when judgement day comes based upon how we do
itt retarded christians spew half baked theories and pretend to be smart
>user finds that it's easier to shit post then provide an argument