Why are americans such soulless douchebags?
This one is like the ultimate american chad - completely fucking stupid and only cares about the money and attention. Your typical "american dream" celebrity.
Why are americans such soulless douchebags?
This one is like the ultimate american chad - completely fucking stupid and only cares about the money and attention. Your typical "american dream" celebrity.
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chads arent famous youtubers
He looks soulless because he's a Jew.
He has a very punchable face.
LOL chads don't even know what youtube is.
he's a filthy rat jew. We refer to them as Amerikikes
Suck off parents or soulless audience?
because it's jewish
Why do people pretend to care about this?
Every normie complaining about this has come into contact with suicidal people and they just reject and ignore them.
Proof he is a jew?
blonde hair, blue eyes. what a jew.
>Only craves attention and money
Here's his brother bullying two Spanish kids he invited to live with them.
t. brown eyeed cunt
His mom mentions his Jewish ancestor.
>Logan’s great-grandmother Lillian was the daughter of Isidore “Harry” Buxbaum, whose parents were Jewish emigrants from Germany and Hungary
he called them beaners and made them hump each other
>ultimate American chad
>e celeb
E celebs cant be chads. All that is is a grown man with a large ego who's only on this board because he filmed a dead body
> (woooooh like le omg right he sawd a ded guy)
and thought it had never been done before on (((you)))tube.
He discovered Sam Hyde’s body in the suicide forest :(
Its obviously dark hair dyed blonde.
Strikes me as an obvious queer. No one straight would have that fucking stupid hair.
>Why are americans such soulless douchebags?
this generalization is fucking retarded. the US has its fair share of intellectuals but Sup Forums seems too stupid to understand that people come in all sorts of different colors, backgrounds, walks of life..
of course Logan Paul is an idiot but for every retard there is at least a skilled, conscientious and mentally gifted person with morals in that country.
>E celebs cant be chads
Says fucking who?
He looks like a stereotypical chad, he acts like chad and he's in fact a chad.
Mainland Chinese are worse in my opinion. Logan Paul doesn't really represent the majority of the American population.
Mainland Chinese people though...I don't know why the fuck they are the way they are but they do much worse in terms of being "soulless douchebags" than Americans.
post proof
Yeah unlike the other people who re-positioned drowned refugees for propaganda?
This is a Jewish kid
I, as an American, sincerely apologize to our Japanese friend:
We are so sorry!
same here. generalizing it up like fuck.
it's a big ass nation with a lot of good and a lot bad people.
Keep talking about him. It will surely be his downfall. It will not lead to increases in his popularity and subscriber account at all. These two brothers did not build their careers entirely off of drama and controversy. Give them more and surely they will be taught a lesson.
Why are Russians all soulless inbred faggots?
Tell your awful tyrant of a leader to stay the fuck out of other peoples business.
>Reddit full of outrage over this guy
Moral fag posts like this on pol keep popping up hmmmm
Leddit go home
that's a jew. Goyim are cattle to them, remember?
no need to be buttmad, John
Because people here are only valued on how much money they have and how many whores they bed and we consume too much trash media
Americans are most attention whore people on the planet.
Look at their president.
Two seconds.
so if i honestly found nothing wrong with what he did that makes me????
Can you say anything critical about your dear supreme leader online? Or would men with suits come and break down your door?
Russia has no idea what freedom really is. I feel sorry for you honestly. You've had to grow up in a shitty country.
he's not a chad. he has a soy face. look at those beet red soy lips
>John is still this anally wounded
Make a deep breath.
I'm amazed people on this site are considering this disrespectful
This is reddit 2.0
99% of Charities in the US are money laundering operations or jewish scams. Rich people donate money to their friends to look good and write if off on their taxes
>1 man is all of america
>posting this on a board that wants to genocide brown people
This faggot is a chad? He feathers his hair like Farrah Faucet.
does nobody else notice they both look like John Kerry? dudes wont age well
Just answer me one question:
If you were to make a Facebook page called "I hate Putin" what would happen to you?
Broooo. wtf. he just said he was a mutt
Like fucking kek
Ah charities such as Kars4Kids which give simply to Jews like said.
>the buttpain will never get cured anyway so he devoted himself into stalking someone on the anonymous imageboard like a real retarded creep he is
The funny thing is, the guy you posted in the original pic looks more white than most Russians I've seen.
I heard niggers have yellow eyes so I doubt your ability to see anything white at all, I bet it's just all yellow.
>only cares about the money and attention
Implying you care about something deeper, Oleg. You're the same as us
Everyone sucks from our teets and bitches at us for it not tasting like wine, you're all just tiresome to deal with and all of you only care about what our country can do for you while never doing a damn thing for us.
You'll never understand what's to have empathy, friendship and soul, Bob.
Reverse psychology OP.
He is pretty based though I agree with you.
>wont answer my question
Speak critically of your leader or else you have proven my point.
The guy definitely loves the cock, so do you OP for promoting it.
Sucide in Russia is a touchy subject and since the sucide rate is so high most people know someone who's been affected by it. In America the sucide rate is very low so most Americans can not comprehend why someone would kill themselves. That is probably why he acted like this because this is his first time experiencing a sucide.
do you need a hug bro?
If had to guess because Pewds hates the Paul's and Sup Forums likes Pewds since the nazi/nigger stuff.
Hence pol is joining the the normies on the outrage train.
Why would you want to suicide in American when your chances to get legally killed in schools, on streets by niggers or your own cops is way higher than Japanese or Russian suicide rates?
So are you telling me that if I go to Moscow right now, I won't see douchebag "new russian" kids with iPhones and old homeless babkas begging on the street? Nice try, Yegor
Looks whiter than 90% americans.
There is an inverse relationship between prosperity and suicide.
Pewdiepie got the nordic genetics
He is more red pilled than average swede
Sweden is a sad sad place...
It could be partially japans fault for fucking up their people
As opposed to crying like a little bitch when you see a dead person?
>completely fucking stupid and only cares about the money and attention.
Isn't that just what gopniks and slavs in general are, Ivan?
Looks like a filthy rat american than a superior Jew. We refer to them as Amermutts.
Well that's what reddit wanted even though laughing is a genuine coping method , I think he was actually disturbed
he's got a big ol' combover.
hes jewish
is it famous. is it on here. it's jewish. this derp faced trudeau is the newest khazar milker i guess. the milk from his khazar cock i guess. nice and crippled
Not necessarily. In africa which is universally recognized as the grand cojones of shitholes, suicides are almost nonexistant. But I do agree the low economy tier countries like Russia/Brazil etc have more suicides than the most advanced countries.
This. Normies always talk about being nice to depressed people and social rejects but they are hypocrites.
he was hitting up that sake too so there's that.
As opposed to someone who understands that there's nothing to grimace about and make le funny faces XDDD just to get attention and views on youtube.
Sane person would just report to the police and never make this shit public.
She's coming for you Logan Paul
SHE WILL release the footage!
Fact is losers on social media are extremely jealous of his fame and would attack him at any oppertunity
what did he stumble upon Sup Forums?
>amerimutts meme
You faggots have been a pozzed multiculti country way longer than us you Mongol rape baby
A Canuck playing dress up?
He is a dream celebrity, because the new world order demands retards. Not my fault Hollywood is in Cali USA
If it was a norm for us why would he create a thread then?
An under appreciated memorial?
This. And also herd/mob mentality
They have no culture, and fed vapid consumerism, are taught hypergamy and also have negro admixture in many cases. They are the goodest goys in the world.
Found this girl defending him
same girl made this youtube.com
God, what an ugly retard
Another man raised by a woman. He cares only about seeking female approval.
It's true but I was defending superior Jews.
That's the guy who fucks all the girls I want to fuck. Maybe I should live in Russia.
an act of leftist aggression?
i love being a mutt, USA USA USA dont hate
Russia doesn't turn virgins into chads.