Would you unironically dump/break up with a girl that you’ve been dating for five years if you found out she wasn’t truly white (but looked white)?
I need help, user...
Would you unironically dump/break up with a girl that you’ve been dating for five years if you found out she wasn’t truly white (but looked white)?
I need help, user...
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Pic is only kinda related because my gf looks white.
Post her picture. I bet she doesn't look white at all.
All women are garbage and belong in the dump.
yes, obviously!
what's worse cutting your loses after 5 years or causing your own genetic extinction.
remember, no exceptions.
gas yourself.
how can your gf look kinda like that girl when that girl is obviously not white?
Figured someone would ask me, and nope for 2 reasons
1) she’s not white, you guys think she’s inferior (you’re right, I’m not disagreeing), but I still love her and I will not put a picture of her on Sup Forums
2) she’s not white at all, I found out her maternal grandfather and grandmother was fully kike, so a picture really isn’t truly relevant (did not know this because she is estranged with them)
Please fucking end yourself, Incel.
Why don't you just donate sperm to an infertile white couple.
I said the pic wasn’t completely related and only used it to show race traitors
I bet she looks super jewish.
Did you have her take dna test?
What she looks like isn’t relevant at this point because she’s basically half kike
I’m asking for advice on whether I should cut it off despite my love for her, not a debate on whether she’s white
Yeah, to confirm, but I already knew she was half kike because I attended a her family reunion with her and met her maternal grandmother and grandfather, they’re super kikey and were very open about their Jewishness
she's white in america
No one here can help you with your relationship man. If her being part jewish is a problem for you then just end it.
More to the point: if you did so, would she consider it a lucky escape?
get your degenerate cuck fetish taken care of or you will be gassed to death soon
>pictures are only useful for help for discerning whether someone is white
>it is already known she’s literally 50% kike
>picture is not helpful
>wouldn’t post it anyway because that would jeopardize her
What don’t you understand?
This thread is more for the purpose of logically thinking what one should do in my situation, I’m not actually going to make a decision off what Sup Forums says, but I figured my ordeal would make an intriguing thread
>dated for five years and didn't know her ethnicity
clearly asking the wrong questions. regardless OP, what's important is how the children will be raised. if they can pass for white, and are raised white, then what is really the problem? would you rather her go find a jamal and make more beautiful caramel rainbow babies for the future generation to enjoy?
>tfw after almost 5 years of dating gf
>didn't understand the relevance of dating within one's race when we started
>she's Guatemalan
>feels bad
Can't just leave her lads.
No don’t be faggot and listen to stormers. Anything 1/4 and under really doesn’t matter and if she is more than 1/4 non white and you couldn’t tell then it’s on you.
The issue is I unironically hate kikes but don’t hate her because she makes me so happy despite being a kike. I want my children to carry on my ideas and notions that appertain to politics, but they’d be a quarter kike. This is one hell of a clusterfuck.
Pic is clearly black
Take the goddamn effort to make a good bait
Its not even worth a consideration with the model presented.
Ps dna labs give 1% african to very pure whites
((((Western)))))))) world is against huwhites.
You may be correct on this.
The picture I used was supposed to represent race mixers in general
Obviously a bad idea in retrospect
Its normal to want khazar milkers from the frog meme that ive seen
Yeah you can. I was in a similar situation. Do it before you have le 56% children. It sucks but you'll feel great about it.
If you're questioning it, then it's for a reason. Your gut feeling is telling you to dump the bitch but your sentimentality is making you hesitant
yes kill all niggers nigger nigger nigger
>she wasn’t truly white (but looked white)
how is this possible?
le 53% is real
No problem man, you know how it is over here.
:) thanks for understanding
White guy currently dating a Pakistani qt. Her parents were immigrants and her mom is still a strict Muslim. There's some cultural differences, between her mother and I, but my gf is 100% Americanized. I truly do admire how Muslims raise their women, she takes care of me, and is super devoted and loyal. If pick her over any white girl. White women all across the west are getting blacked and kebab'ed, so you're damn right I'm gonna dip my dick into tight brown pussy every chance I get. I already have a 100% white baby anyways so I've done my duty to the white race.
She has pale white skin, light brown hair, and her face from a profile perspective isn’t Kike-looking at all. She looks 100% European, but her genetics are 50% kike. I wouldn’t have pursued her if I knew she was literally a kike.
>tfw balls deep in this cute chick who's amazing in every way
>Tfw have to dump her if she wont give Christ a chance
M8 I know it sucks but the fact you posted it at all means you know the right choice and yes I would dump her but I know what it's like to be in a relationship like that it's always a bad time to end it
I can relate to this more than I feel comfortable with. At least you knew you were with a girl with inferior genes; I was completely uncognizant that mine was a kike.
Hardly intriguing. Even Nazis had programs to wash out jewish genes.
I truly do get it....I understand that if I reproduce with my Paki gf, I'm throwing some genes away, but she treats me amazingly. She's redpilled on the JQ and she's already denounced Islam since meeting me. I will always be here to raise my white son and assure he's a success, but I'm 28 and I'm not going to waste my life sifting through money-grabbing, cheating white sluts for the next decade trying to find wife material. She has nice lips and a phenomenal ass, plus she's more devoted than anyone I've ever encountered. All these "MUH white women" shills on Sup Forums are the ultimate hypocrites, most if them are childless virgins anyways. I only have one life and I intend to enjoy it.
smash jew puss OP
Despite her inferiority, your lover sounds wonderful. I wish you and her the best of luck in any future endeavors you might undertake. :)
as long as you dont have blonde hair or blue i would say it probably doesnt matter.
>s-she has nice lips
You sound like a retarded piece of crap. Those aren't reasons to date someone.
Meant to reply to
your a certifiable lunatic
marry the bitch
but first youll have to convert to their mohamedism
a cult made up by a pedophile skitzo
youll fit in well with the jihadis
did your part by having a white baby?
kys traitor, you did no such thing
doing your part is having a family where you raise your kids with a wife and support each other
so your real question is "should I date a kike Sup Forums?"
what do YOU think the correct response this question in?
Yes, even if they look white but are like 25% nigger like Sargon of Akkad you can will find harmful lesser race elements in them. So you need to stop being in relationships with those.
Heil Hitler.
She's hot as fuck and actually understands the duties of a loyal partner/wife. Have I not listed my reasons for dating her? If you want to hate on me for dating a Paki, go ahead....I've progressed the white race, and I'm at least bleaching an Indo-aryan on top of that. Can you say the same?
I have blue eyes and dishwasher blonde hair. I'm curious to see how my genes hold up. She has brown eyes, but her family is comprised of mostly light skinned Pakis like pic related
Tell that to his white mom that was raised to view men as baby makers and a source of income. I'm not staying with a cheater. I'll always be in my son's life DESPITE her efforts to keep him out of mine because it means more monthly gibsmedats for her.
Fuck off and get a girlfriend yourself if you're so worried about it. You'll soon enough learn how terrible the swamp of white women is.
Thanks user. You get it.
I don't date godamn niggers or beaners or fucking slant eyed slope whores.
Hell, i can barely stand race traitor white sluts much less some godamn creamie mutt.
From what I know love is a meme and women are horrible non humans. Sorry user I can't help you
so you already proved you are inferior material by breeding with a whore
so what? that excuses you?
im set and i actually look after my family
yeah i know there are a lot of hoes out there but youre just an excuse maker
you deserve everything you got coming
indo-aryan lol more like semi retarded cousin fucker with IQ of 84
but since you already admitted to childing up a dumb white whore "progressed the white race" you are probably about 84 IQ yourself
I would not mind dating a dark-as-night black girl if she knew how to behave, had class and intelligence.
I dont mind shit-talking people for behaving like subhumans and I dont mind looking at the statistics in an unbiased way (most blacks in the USA are utter garbage for example), but I do not subscribe to the idea that just because someones skin is of a different colour there is absolutely no hope at all for them. Statistics and individual cases do differ quite a bit.
I can pretty much tell from looking at most girls.
I'm exclusively attracted to girls who tend to have blue eyes anyway. Although I'm well aware there's girls who are 25% black/75% white, yet can egregiously possess blue eyes. Although there's usually enough of something about their face that just looks off to the point where you can tell.
Pic attached of girl who is 1/4 black.
Wow. You're right. I'm gonna go get my IQ tested tomorrow. Just wait. Your wife will stray sooner or later. You post on pol. It's inevitable. Take this as a warning. I hope you aren't married, at least. Screech about IQ all you'd like....I know you feel the pit forming in your stomach.
Khazar milkers?
Racemixing with Jewish women is the only acceptable type of racemixing
Yes. The genetics of the offspring is more important than any selfish feeling.
im an elder you spoiled child
and you are the one who will learn
i knew more then you before you were a twinkle in your low IQ fathers eye
Are you both Christian? It would be more acceptable if you were both devout. I'm 1/4 Jewish on my dad's side but nobody has practiced anything but Christianity in over 80 years.
Did 23andMe put her as
>misunderstanding my argument this bad
read my post again, and give back the planes and boats you guys "dissapeared"
Your pic related isn't 1/4 black lol
She is like 1/4 African-American that in turn is like 40% white, but looks/identifies as "black". Certainly.
americuc go eat another burger
I mean African-American that is 60% white
Five years? No. But if she finds you talking like this, she'd be a fool not to leave you.
Her grandfather is black. Look:
I'd dump her for not being black enough.
its called deviation to the mean
its what happens when you meet a lovely smart african woman and start popping out kids
you assume that they will be smart like their mom
they wont
smart parents have grandkids that are dumber then they are
if you are swiss your average iq should be high enough to know that breeding with africans is STUPID AF
and that any kids, even with a smart one will be lower then the average swiss
that is simply put a selfish thing to do to your kids and grandkids
you want to feel good today so forget the consequences
thats TNB
are you actually swiss?
ahmed go eat another kebab
I am a white nationalist who would B L E A C H her
would bleach
bullshit, if you get 2 high IQ people and breed them chances are their offspring will be high IQ also.
Why are you on an incel board then?
Why are you?
Mankind has always learned from nature and her anomalies. A mixed raced human is a big one, a big taboo. The problem is that one should not act or even talk about genetic manipulation in order to create a next-level super race as a scientist. You will lose (((credit and funding))). They prob have been working on it for a long time, they know the results and I know mine... I would not want my daughter or son to procreate with another or mixed race. I feel this deeply, an instinct, without hatred, envy or pity towards anything other that lives
Until you can prove to me it can lead to superiority. And please don't post pics of dark eyed mongrels w/ big tits. I want to see brain research dammit, and transparency on how their technology works
I skipped that problem and went directly for an Asian wife. I know she's not white. And thank God for that, because white women are trash.
5 years user?
and you're asking this Laotian breadboarding forum what to do?
SHE deserves better.
She has a dumb nigger look on her puss
Watch out, some angry slant will post AMWF facebook posts at you.
Nordic women look like niggers anyway. They are snowniggers, after all.
And you're a full nigger. So what?
you're thinking of german women having manly faces. Nordic women are beautiful
Don't do it. Stay with her. Just stand by your morals and beliefs though and don't convert.
Whose side are you on here? I'm confused.
You assume a 100% genetic intelligence, which is utter BS.
Intelligence depends a lot on nutrition, childhood and most importantly: education.
Even the staunches "nature" proponent in the debate "nature vs. nurture" will assume at most 50-60% inheritability of intelligence.
Do you know hat is also 100% inheritable: Money.
Does that mean that Money is transmitted through the DNA?
No, the only reasons I’d leave my gf are if she lied about being a virgin, or cheated on me.
I knew you'd link that, he stated that that was his own interpretation of the data. Experts agree with a correlation of .5
yeah, a youtube video is going to be much more convincing than academic research papers...
No, I wouldn't. That's stupid.