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Kemono Friends
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Reminder that Mirai was a failure.
>the one skull with an eyeball
I need more Friends
S2 when
>2 servals
c-can I get one too?
The whole thing just doesn't fit together if you are trying to match the game and anime perfectly. It's pointless to try really. Bossu doesn't even exist in the games and he is the main device used to link the narratives. The idea that they could be or are intended to be in a consistent timeline or even alternates of the same timeline that split off at a certain point is just bunk. Things just work differently in the game and the anime, the setting and mechanics differ.
who is mirai ?
Who are you?
Needs more Shoebill
who AM i?
Why does she have the best scientific name?
We are all Mirai.
The one on the left, is a communist spy!
user-kun here, you?
user was looking for this
The future.
What do you mean by this?
Lucky Beasts exist in the game.
Where's the stream?
>Bossu doesn't even exist in the games
There were Bossu Friends, which implies that there were Bossus.
5 minutes
The person who has been manipulating Kaban to become the legendary Park Guide. The Park Guide is the two of them together.
More than implies. There were Lucky Beasts shown, but they didn't do anything like they do in the anime.
In the game, the Beasts are referenced as mascot characters for the park that were never put into use due to the Cerulean outbreak, which clearly isn't what happened in the anime.
Well, she's pretty much a dinosaur desu
This is fake, dragons are not real animals. You can't fool me!
Maybe the mascot characters were activated remotely after the humans left, so the Friends won't starve.
Who are you calling fake!
Ran away from the island, leaving behind only ruins, and rampaging Ceruleans.
She didn't even protected her Serval.
Meanwhile, Kaban-chan succeeded everywhere, Mirai failed.
I was referring to the specific character and as the other user pointed out their function was different. It's almost certainly the case that some similar events happened in the anime's history as in the games main story but they aren't the same world. I mean there is the whole player character becoming park director and whatever too that is never even referenced in the anime.
I want to pet Serval.
Why is Fennec such a dyke?
old fat hag!
MIrai was a Communist.
You would also think Mirai would have mentioned the Cerulean Queen somewhere in her diaries if they were supposed to be linked directly.
So what's actually the deal with this.
I've seen it several times in relation to penguins but I guess I missed the meme memo.
I wonder how the first generation Serval died. I hope she at least died in peace instead of cursing Mirai.
Stop being so fucking gay you smug, fucking dyke.
Kaban was a Friend, Mirai was only human. Does that make a difference?
>Start watching Kemono at start of season
>Drop it
>Read about how good it is
>Pick it back up
>It's really good
>Find out that they shut down the game before the anime started airing
>No plans to revive the game
What the fuck is this bullshit?
I want to ruffle Tsuchinoko's hair
behave yourselves
You don't want to know.
It ain't tanoshii, at all.
What if I want them to pet me?
She doesn't need to be dead at all.
Tsuchinoko is a friend, not an animal
Game was shit anyway.
Maybe they'll make a new one.
I KINDA want to know.
Your post makes me feel angry.
How many times has Fennec had her way with Arai-san?
Her hair is short and rough
The company behind the game Nexon actually recently said reviving it is a possibility but no decision had be made but generally speaking nobody wants that game specifically revived.
All the time they're off screen.
The game was just a reskin of Merc Storia with characters designed by the mangaka of Keroro Gunsou. Merc Storia is shit.
Game was shit and also ran by one of the most notoriously shitty publishers in the world. I'd rather they make a new game with a new publisher than ever give Nexon a single scrap of the anime's success.
Didn't ships used to burn high fat content animals like whales and seals as fuel?
[kshaa in the distance]
Fire is dangerous
I love you guys but it's time I stop browsing these threads for my own good.
I don't get it
There must be a name for this image's fetish, I love it.
How well would the Friends integrate into modern society?
>whales and seals
And pengi
Dinobot Friend is the best girl.
They're wild animals user, they can't
Then it means, you didn't watche The iDOLM@STER.
The twins couldn't eat even half of this shit.
This is how bears actually behave.
The ship must have smelt terrible
Good night friends-nanoda!