stop trusting jews
Stop trusting jews
Martian Luther had the most absurd anti-Jewish arguments ever. Basically, he damned them for not being immediately converted when he tried to convert them.
Luther had no clue what was going on.
Their inability to convert is related to their inability to fully assimilate into European society.
Luther quite seriously thought that he was living at the beginning of end times, with corrupt church abandonng what he considered true Christianity and infidel muslims marching to annihilate Christendom. I don't really know where it came from, but Luther had a belief that the "chosen" part of the jews will convert to Christianity prior the rapture. When it didn't seem to happen, he got quite upset.
Why does the eternal Kraut look so weird and always want to shake things up in Europe?
>look so weird
doesn't look so weird compared to the eternal jew
I was just thinking to myself recently that I've heard it before that Lutheran's are "lazy Christians." Looking back to my sunday school days our teachers made it very clear who shilled Jesus onto the cross. However our pastor was an obvious liberal cuck. I'm beginning to think we've been infiltrated lads.
Modern Lutherans are cucks. There needs to be a second reformation.
There kind of is all the time. The thing is that lutheranism is not cosmopolitan like catholism is. When people get fed up with their lutheran church, they just simply go form their own spiritual circlejerk. There is no demand to reform existing churches.
if you ask me this ends of times thing is taking too long tbqh
> double chin
> block heads
> dour expressions
> rat eyes
> question mark noses
> curly hair
It's a close contest. Both like to scapegoat each other.
Do you mean Lutheran as all Protestants? Because most of the Lutherans I know are very conservative theologically, I myself being one of them. I agree that other denominations need a second reformation, especially Methodists who now have a openly lesbian Bishop. Surely there can little doubt even among the most liberal Christians that this is an endorsement of sinful behavior.
Martin Luther was the first autist.
Luther was smart
Nah, the pastor was insistent that there was nothing wrong with being gay. Granted, the (sadly) aging congregation weren't in agreement, so he was removed, but that didn't stop him from spreading filth to my confirmation class and undoubtedly others before he left. It's hard to reverse once the damage has been done.
t. Samuel Goldstein
Full text of "The Jews and their Lies" (1543)
Honestly, I don't really know what I'm saying. I just see(from my ignorant perspective) that most of modern Christianity is cucked.
Shut up Adolf
Fact: Martin Luther advocated murdering autists.
>Eight years ago [in the year 1532] at Dessau, I, Dr. Martin Luther, saw and touched a changeling. It was twelve years old, and from its eyes and the fact that it had all of its senses, one could have thought that it was a real child. It did nothing but eat; in fact, it ate enough for any four peasants or threshers. It ate, shit, and pissed, and whenever someone touched it, it cried. When bad things happened in the house, it laughed and was happy; but when things went well, it cried. It had these two virtues. I said to the Princes of Anhalt: "If I were the prince or the ruler here, I would throw this child into the water--into the Molda that flows by Dessau. I would dare commit homicidium on him!" But the Elector of Saxony, who was with me at Dessau, and the Princes of Anhalt did not want to follow my advice. Therefore, I said: "Then you should have all Christians repeat the Lord's Prayer in church that God may exorcise the devil." They did this daily at Dessau, and the changeling child died in the following year.... Such a changeling child is only a piece of flesh, a massa carnis, because it has no soul.
Source: Martin Luther, Werke, kritische Gesamtausgabe: Tischreden (Weimar: Böhlau, 1912-1921), v. 5, p. 9
He's probably talking about ELCA faggots and not based WELS or LCMS
That's just a high functioning autist vs a low functioning autist.
Have you ever had such a sperg rage that you throw your ink bottle at Satan while autistically screeching because he's disturbing your translation work?