American Hate Thread.
American Hate Thread
I'm unironically a white nationalist but have black and Navajo blood in me. Everyone a bit mixed. Doesn't mean i'm not white.
Hate us cause they ain't us: The Country.
i hate how rich and abundant they are
Don't forget you are also 8% McDonalds grease
meme flag, sage probably african
Aren't we meant to be hating Americans here, gotdam
>Eurocucks so poor they cant afford the full version of image
the only people who hate America are terrorists and African niggers
His high resolution license expired
Roughly seven-in-ten (72%) Americans say they believe in heaven — defined as a place “where people who have led good lives are eternally rewarded,” according to the Pew Research Center’s 2014 Religious Landscape Study.
But at the same time, 58% of U.S. adults also believe in hell — a place “where people who have led bad lives and die without being sorry are eternally punished.”
w-w-whiter than you, Ahmed
Don't tell me,.gov currant or retired?
Neither wtf are you talking about
>just stay in my thread so i can dump my memes
find someone who has time to fritter away ma'am
Show your flag now
I love Americans.
I just also happen to love the entertainment of pointing out that they performed internal censuses and freely told the rest of us the results of them that show they're less white then any other white-founded nation.
Better dead than red
>Better dead than red
Show your flag pussy
>S-s-s-how your flag p-p-p-p-ussy
the amerimut theme is no different than niggers trying to desperately make fun of white people
this ones definitely the best muttmeme
El Ogro de las Americas
Communism has lost by the way. A long time ago actually.
Na son, I am just on the winning side.
300# diabetic unionized. Gov middle school lurker? Corrections man-cager rump-ranger? Half-breed nigger checkpoint child molester? Creepy PE coach? Double dipping your snout in the public trough after 20 burning babies 4 billionaires?
>the amerimut theme is no different than niggers trying to desperately make fun of white people
Do it you coward
Even the commie coon is getting what he deserved.
>it's always a nongeo flag
Are you a leaf or plain shill? Saged either way
Still in liberal media
Being shown as a good thing in our schools to the younger audience who know no better
The red menace is still with us in our shadow still waiting for its time to strike us!
You need to fix your diabetes problem
I don't hate Americans, desu -- they're mostly pretty good neighbors.
>Being shown as a good thing in our schools
Can you give me an example? I don't think teachers praise the USSR, Lenin or something like that.
what movie is that
Nigger confirmed
american posters are fucking cancer, especially since trump
Either is better than living under capitalism. Bring it, you fucking nigger.
Hahaha I love this one for some reason.
Americans are pretty fucked up and that’s coming from one.
I hate how my country doesn't have hate speech laws because it is smart enough to know that hate speech doesn't exist.
I hate how this country protects everyone's voice and doesn't let mob rule trample all over anyone who doesn't agree with them.
I hate how this country gives people the right to self preservation from threats domestic, foreign, and those from a tyrannical government.
>I hate how my country doesn't have hate speech laws because it is smart enough to know that hate speech doesn't exist.
>I hate how this country protects everyone's voice and doesn't let mob rule trample all over anyone who doesn't agree with them.
>I hate how this country gives people the right to self preservation from threats domestic, foreign, and those from a tyrannical government.
El profano...
we're not saying european governments are better we're hating on americans themselves because you're a bunch of good goy mongrels who shit up Sup Forums
Gotta change "Germany is muslim" to "Sweden is collapsing!".
Kill yourself spic.
>Gotta change "Germany is muslim" to "Sweden is collapsing!".
>Argentinean claiming to be white
Gets me every time
>White nationalist
>Part black
Are you also a gay catholic or Jewish nazi?
Literally whiter than you Cleetus
You have been visited by the flag of freedom. Freedom and Liberty will come to your country, but only if you can finish the song "OH, SAY, CAN YOU SEE, BY THE DAWN'S EARLY LIGHT?"
>You have been visited by the flag of freedom. Freedom and Liberty will come to your country, but only if you can finish the song "OH, SAY, CAN YOU SEE, BY THE DAWN'S EARLY LIGHT?"
Yyyyeeeesss, this is good.
I detect severely rustled Jimmies.
Did I hurt your little beaner feelings? Hey maybe you should do us a favor and slit your throat open.
>meme flag
I don’t care what you think.
>Did I hurt your little beaner feelings? Hey maybe you should do us a favor and slit your throat open.
>Cops think they work for a different country
The first known report of Amerimutts comes from the Spanish missionary Hernando de Luna y Arellano, member of the jesuit mission of Ajacan, in the current Florida. A kind and religious man, he suffered a crisis of faith during his mission in the Americas, before returning to Spain and dying in his birthplace Toledo. The forensic report written by his personal doctor states that he died while screaming the words "el monstruo" incoherently. After his death, a piece of paper that seems to describe his encounter with an Amerimutt was found among his belongings
"Oh, Holy Mary, Help of Christians, I commend myself unto you, for my spirit is plunged in the deepest of sorrows! It was fated unto me that my footsteps met with a most wretched creature of the devil, whose form I will detail below as a warning for future travelers of these places. So use my words as a guide to avoid these beasts.
I was walking through the bay of Santa María, happily contemplating upon the beautiful landscape, when an ugly being arose out of a nearby bush. His skin was a dirty, coppery hue, darker than that of the Indians who inhabit these lands. Strange marks and symbols adorned his skin, the most profound of them a kind of yellow letter 'M' emblazoned upon his broad forehead. It measured about seven feet in height, its size being considerable, as of a pig or a wild boar. Wide nostrils and tiny, distant eyes adorned his grotesque face, which seemed to writhe and distort with odd gestures. He wore ragged clothes adorned with several white and red stripes and white stars on a blue background. At first, I believed this creature to be no more than a strange species of macaque that the natives had disguised as a prank, but my views changed as the creature spoke."
Dont be a jew.
Lots of whites in america.
Fuck off jew nigger
The moment the beast opened its great maw, all other sound ceased. The squawking of the gulls, the roar of the waves hitting the shore, and even the sound of my own breath were muted instantly. The beautiful, bluish sky turned black and the Sun was extinguished. A poison spread throughout the are, quickly rotting and killing the lush vegetation of the place. After a seeming eternity, the monster spake the following words:
"whiter then u muhammad"
The voice of the abomination was heard simultaneously from all directions and from none; I felt it in my mind and in my ears. Such was the intensity of the encounter, that I suffered a slight faint and I had to be assisted by Bro. Cosme, who attributed my spell to a simple sunstroke. I do not know whence came the words pronounced by that Servant of Be'elzebub, because they did not seem typical of the native language of the place, or of any Christian language; but when I heard it, a regret that prevents me from continuing my mission was established within me here. I return, then, to Spain, with the hope of cleansing my spirit. "
The End
Cry more shitskin