How's that wall coming along?

How's that wall coming along?

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we can't afford it because we have to protect jewish interests again

That's a nice wall.

It'll die of SIDS

also because if the thousands of white bois that will be killed we have to bring in shitskins to fuck their women

bingo, what was all the talk of 'draining the swamp' again?


that's the prototype they selected

Really fucken good. It blocks illegals retroactively.

Prototypes are up and being tested; meanwhile, OP can't stop sucking that nigger dick up.

he'll be draining blood, money and life out of American's like his jewish masters told him to. Trump you filthy fucking traitor, send your jewish whore daughter into battle instead of our sons.

fuck you cock sucking traitor.

the prototypes have already been submitted and the best one/best features from a selection of them are currently being picked out. construction will begin this year.

if you weren't such a clueless little shit eater you would have known this already.

Imagine, with the money, resources, time, and manpower put into building a border wall, we could build fucking mansions and Ferraris for every person in the United States. All the money spent for Israel and military to protect bullshit bases and countries around the world could be used to provide high speed trains to connect all the metropolitan areas of the country. We could repave every highway and expand it all by one lane. Meanwhile we have millions of people unemployed or doing work that doesn't provide wealth.

So much wasted potential

You do realize he just said today he was going to start making Israel pay more for the Jerusalem thing.

You realize he just jewed the jews?

Also, currently happening.
Take that meme flag and use it to soak up some of the nigger jizz leaking out of your ass.

Just sage these “how’s your hurr-durr wall coming along?” threads. They know it’s coming and they’re just trying to demoralize. Just wait until the “how do you like your big wall that’s stopped the migration of Monarch butterflies or cartels start catapulting victims against the wall making Mexican pollock paintings”

I think this would be a far more effective deterrent for illegal immigrants.

>pic related

And then...

what i do know is the farce of 'the wall is happening' is hilarious. It will NEVER be made to the specs Don promised and the Mexicans will never pay for it.
Keep the dream alive though bro.

Why do you say never? Unimaginative?

33 billion max to build wall.
330 million people in the U.S.
>$100 per person
>Mansions and Ferraris

You do realize the one time cost of the wall is less then half of the annual cost of illegals using the system without paying taxes into it right?

>1 post by this ID

0/10 you sheep fucking mongrel. you've fooled no one and accomplished nothing. fuck off, dumb shit.

I’m sure receiving slightly less of those 3 billion $ will be like another hall of cost

do you believe in the hall of cost?

I lost 6,000,000 sheckels in the hall of costs, its not a laughing matter. I will be informing you government that you questioned the loss of 60,000,000 sheckels. I hope they may you and your progeny pay back all 600,000,000 sheckels lost.

It’s way exaggerated