ITT: old things you miss in anime
TL notes
ITT: old things you miss in anime
TL notes
i really miss that
Karaoke was annoying, it would clutter the screen with 3 different fonts all changing colors and shit.
Most subgroups still do karaoke. Stop downloading HS.
Most sub groups are dead
I miss funny translator notes.
I don't miss "keikaku means plan."
>(Source: Sup Forums)
I fucking hate translator notes. It is either something you already know or don't care.
There was a video about someone who translated the lyrics of an OP while complaining about the anime being shit. I can't remember what anime was.
That was pretty funny.
This is beautiful.
>Starcraft 2 happened seven years ago
>K-On is reaching a decade old soon
Where did time go
oh my god
What am I doing with my life?
I miss hidden TL notes only visible if you extracted and read the script.
Don't worry, its only going to get worse
When some dialogue is not translated because fuck you.
translator notes make sense sometimes, when someone makes a joke or pun that doesn't translate well, or if there's cultural knowledge that you couldn't reasonably know as a foreigner.
I watch a lot of Detective Conan so this is very relevant.
If K-On progressed in real time, all the cast but Azunyan would be cakes now
kono bangumi wa:
Explaining the joke never makes it funny. You can always presume that is something that can't be translated and getting an quick explanation will probably not help. It just feels bothersome.
My favorite part of watching K-ON was hearing PONY CANYON
Funny and "funny" chapters
TL Notes made anime great! I miss those illegal moves in chess.
I never thought I would miss this. And yet I miss it a lot.
Remember when beach episodes were mandatory for every show
Fuck me I miss this.
Remember when hot springs episodes were regular episodes instead of OVAs?
I would miss a significant amount of stuff in Urara Meirochou without them.
gg did nothing wrong
Commie is shit though.
Okay, quick poll.
Translating a joke and explaining it vs changing the joke to something English gaijins will get?
>Explaining the joke never makes it funny
It's funny for me. I liked reading about the banana story in Gabriel Dropout, it was interesting.
Of course sometimes a TL note is not enough (like in the banana example) but it helps in a lot of cases.
first one
anyone who says change should be removed
Translate and explain, if it's actually funny it'll still be funny after the explanation.
I miss chapters in general. It's so convenient to skip OPs and EDs with simple press of page down (MPC-HC). It's especially useful when there is some sudden additional footage after the ED, it's easy to miss it without chapters.
Also gg didn't even add any memes to the names of their chapters in Macross Delta and Kuromukuro last year. I was truly disappointed.
A big part of why explaining jokes makes them not funny is not so much the explanation, but because if you have to explain it, it's likely that you two are just on different wavelengths and the person who needs it explained won't really "Get" the explanation either.
Which translations or cultural background, it can be alright because all that's missing is background facts, not so much an explanation of the thought processes. It's still unlikely to be as funny as if you got it right away, but it's not like the joke will be destroyed any more than when you hear a joke you've heard before.
I noticed that everyone who fails to capitalize first letter in their sentence is usually a faggot and newfag. Once again I'm proved right.
Depends on the joke. The only correct answer.
depends super-heavily on the joke itself and the show it's in, something like Paniponi or SZS demands full liner notes and a sad head-shaking at EOPs who don't get references to whether an '80s pop star is wearing socks, while throwaway puns in an action show are whatever.
I remember but I don't miss it.
I will never not love this.
The joke TL notes are what you mean, but I miss genuine TL notes which are rarely ever used anymore. Rakugo S2 had a lot of scenes where they would have been appropriate in CR's script.
>No Daily Lives of High School Boys
I love when the subs get in on the show being silly and make the subs silly too.
>something like Paniponi or SZS demands full liner notes
Yeap, it's something that was completely forgotten in modern CR era too.
Now shows do not have anything like this:
What sub groups are still active nowadays?
Good luck understanding Saiki Kusuo without any notes unless you rewind constantly.
The poor quality of the typesetting made that show near unwatchable in the horriblesubs version.
I think FFF is the only group who regularly puts out shows but I don't know if they're just crunchyroll script edits. Fansubbing is dead.
Doki, Doremi, Mori.
Off the top of my head FFF, GJM, Asenshi, doki, DDY, Mezashite, and Commie unfortunately. And keep in mind i used a rather loose interpretation of active.
Overtime does mostly toku shows, but it subbed the Gekkan Shoujo specials so i count them in.
Where is the one about the rabbit looking like its made of shit
Vivid says they're working on BD/backlog so I'm hoping they become active again.
I miss autists making long posts about why other sub groups had shit translations and editing.
Now I just have to deal with Daiz shitting on Crunchyroll and their encoding.
I know many people find it annoying but I really miss SS-Eclipse karaoke and wapanese subs.
I remember when everyone used to use that one sub review site to see what group to go with every season, fun times
crymore still exists yknow
You still have Commie arguing that their memesubs are the best and everyone else sucks.
>morning rescue > all three madoka episodes
I played in the beta and can't believe it was 7 years ago. Also unlike previous games you'd be region locked into servers and I had friends in both Europe and USA that I wanted to play with so I'd have to buy the game and expansions double to play with them. I didn't even buy it in the end because of that and other reasons
Morning lescue was the main draw of Madoka before the head chomp happened
Sub groups spending all their time playing MMOs instead of finishing the next episode.
Even after that morning rescue was still the best part of meduca. Overrated twist that over half the people in the threads were calling.
I remember something like that in the yuri anime about the dog girl and cat girl
I thought the purpose of Schneizel moving his king into place was to play on the motif of Lelouch comparing real life to chess, often thinking of his soldiers as "pawns to be used" (at least by the criticism of those around him). Schneizel, by moving the king piece into a checkmate, breaking the rules. Lelouch could have taken the king, but it would have put him in check, allowing his king to be taken the next turn.
Schneizel's chess move is a twofold rupture to Lelouch's chess-to-war analogy, and therefore his entire worldview.
1.) Real life is not a chess game in the sense that there is no "game-winning move" - the arrow of time continually flies forward. If his next move puts him in check, then the enemy's piece will take him immediately.
2.) When he is presented with a chance to achieve victory, is he willing to put his life on the line for his values?
Schneizel's game with Lelouch is a device Schneizel uses to get into Lelouch's head. In the chess game, Lelouch steps away because he fears death and he's not willing to personally accept the consequences of his ambition.
Lelouch resolves this internal conflict by first understanding and internalizing the consequences of his actions and the value of life. Furthermore, he realizes that Zero, the figure he has created, is itself a danger to his desired version of liberty simply by Zero's existence. Zero is a mortal, anonymous being depicted as an immortal celebrity. He needs a way to transition away from government-by-Zero in such a way that Zero disappears forever and cedes control to a more stable, reliable form of government. In order to do so, Lelouch must convert Zero back into a mortal, anonymous figure in the eyes of the public, and the only certain way for him to do that is death.
Lelouch answers Schneizel's challenge another way the second time by sacrificing Zero, a metaphorical chess king, and by extension himself, to the idea of freedom.
ok koda
This was very entertaining.
It was the only entertaining part of the 00 Movie
That's sad.
Also checked.
>If you paid for these subs, you got ripped off!
Everything is FABULOUS
My favorite one of all time.
Why is Bill Cosby there?
Zip zop zoobedoo bop, I guess.
Remember when this was a big thing here?
I forgot how much I liked that
This mother fucker.
I miss actually knowing the lyrics to muh OPs and EDs.
Fuck that. Groups fuck it up too much.
>only good quality BD release of Kaiba hardsubs Karaoke to the ENGLISH song with subtly incorrect lyrics
Fuck I miss this so much
>TL notes
Those felt really fucking forced in Shisha no Teikoku.
Sure, they filled you up on the various references the author had made.
But then you also got a lot of shit like pic related.
>means pla-
What were they joking about here?
I really don't understand why crunchy subs doesn't have have them. They would have access to the official script so why not the OP/ED lyrics too?
I've no idea, actually.
Waiting days for the subs to go out, and shitposting on Sup Forums about the group being too slow on Sup Forums.
Waiting days for the subs to go out, and shitposting on Sup Forums about the group being too slow*
Fuck, I shouldn't edit sentences after I've written them.
I can't tell if this is a joke or not, so I'm just going to autisticly answer anyway: "plan"
I'm ESL, that completely breezed past me.
In hindsight, they do sound somewhat similar.
Oh fuck. I thought it was some sort of joke about Hayaku itself, not the Keikaku meme.
I'm not and I forgot about that meme.