How do you think nationwide recreational marijuana would change US culture and politics?

How do you think nationwide recreational marijuana would change US culture and politics?

Really doubt anything would change other than adding being high on marajuna next to any alcohol related Minor crimes.

lmao dude everyone would be chilled out 257 and they'll invent robots to bring cheetos and funyuns XD

The LMAO WEED vote for Democrats would disappear. That's probably the extent of it.


People would complain about it for a couple years using emotional arguments and then people would just argue about how to best monetize it and how it should be regulated. I don't think it would take to long for it to reach a state where it's just an accepted part of society like alcohol and, to a lesser extent now, tobacco

It will increase the amount of docile passive worthless stoners. It will make people more leftist and hippie.

It would be bad because its going to make the masses L O W E N E R G Y and therefore less competitive.

humans need vices
its only within the last 100 years that the governments of the world have banned all the vices, shit we used for thousands of years

Trump will do nationwide Medical Cannabis for Americans in 2020. Republicans will be a rock and a hard place as it's too late for Kike Mormons to do anything about it, it'll pass ensuring the election.

Screencap this.

This will then be a supreme court issue which will also pass by the 30s.
Prohibitions will only exist on illegal import/sale/manufacture and not personal use/consumption as well as in democratically issued moratoriums.

I don't think so. The CIA is profiting from the war on drugs

Just see how Canada goes to shit when it happens

It lowers testosterone too, so it will make them more leftist. That means they will impose their hippie leftist policies upon us.

weed won't be legal in Texas until it turns completely blue

I support legal cannabis, but not nationwide.

What state-by-state legalization does is encourage political migration, as potheads and dealers flee their states and go to where its legal. Over time this will make legal states EXTREMELY liberal while also correspondingly making illegal states more conservative. I don't know if this effect will be enough to offset demographic changes, but it might be just enough to keep states red that are otherwise projected to be blue.

What we should be doing is finding other issues like this to accelerate the trend. Send more liberals fleeing to the coasts, and more conservatives fleeing to the heartland.

Did you guys grow up during the "just say no" days or something? I turned 18 yesterday, I'm so glad you're going to die before me.

>How do you think nationwide recreational marijuana would change US culture and politics?
Yes I smoke it daily.

Just move it off schedule 1
Half the country allowing it for med use while it's federally classified on the level of heroin is pants on head retarded

I was just reading about the surplus on the west coast and how they want to export their garbage. There is this thing about weed that makes people think it's a great investment. Dude, it's a fucking weed. Are weed farmers going to want government subsidies for their surplus?

why is the left more sporadic and africa-shaped

I'm never smoking any shit anyone else grows once I can grow my own. So many scummy and shady people that won't hesitate to spray it with pesticides or with chemicals to make it weigh more. Until then, I will remain sober.

This. I've seen with mine own eyes the sudden sharp decline in quality of West coast imported since legalization, first there was mexi brick, then the beasters mid 90s, then hey man good shit, then chemified extracted stepped on, faux dream. Thanks guys.

>laws should be made to strengthen my political party at the expense of dividing the country.
How very American of you.

Very true and that's kinda unfortunate. While I don't partake I do recognize it's potential as a new tax revenue stream. It did wonders for Colorado's tax base after they legalized recreational cannabis

>niggers somehow become even lazier

So basically, Coloradans get stoned and vote DEM but Wisconsinites get drunk and vote GOP.

Hmmm. Sounds like something a politician would do.

>Monetize it

That's the golden ticket for legalizing it. Expand the state's tax revenue stream.

leftist infighting vs "dont punch right"
The country is dividing no matter what, user. I'd just like to know where the lines will be, and to hurry things up so I'm not too old to fight when the time comes.

This isn't a political issues, this is a capturing a commodity and duping the public issue, big tobacco is poised to centralize the industry. That's been the plan, so are you voting for or, against? I vote it's a fucking weed, a beautiful fragrant one, it should be given all the respect of marigolds and tomatoes,

It wouldn't.

good picrelated because you are right. the hidden nature of marijuana would be revealed and the Chinese would overthrow a sterile Texas and impregnate the americas in a comfy midland with some surviving breeders. mostly white women