Is anime getting worse?
Is anime getting worse?
Satanic trips of truth.
Anime has been shit since the late 2000's
ive noticed something about anime. the bigger the eyes, the shitter the anime.
am i right or not?
CLANNAIDS was pretty shit.
I'd actually say it's getting better.
However, it constantly seems like it's getting worse because of the over saturation of trash put out by the industry
When you're new to anime, you catch up on the greats and ignore the trash of the past. When you're watching seasonal anime, you see all the shit among the gold as it filters in. Anime hasn't gotten worse, you've just started paying attention.
It's getting more bland and consistent with producer and studio oversight plus budget cuts. Japs don't have the same creative freedom they had 20 years ago so while we get less absolute shit, there's also a lack of stand out productions.
No but, you are.
If I still get shit like Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, I'm fine. Just because anime is getting saturated with weeb shit doesn't mean it's all trash.
I think if you step back and only look at "greats" then it's pretty easy to see a decline in quality.
Nah, you're just getting old.
The only possible answer is ' yes'.
Name a SINGLE show next season that is good and isn't normalfag sequel bait or a light novel adaption.
you mean this season? I'm not really sure
I don't know
No, our taste is getting better.
Think about that for a sec.
You only noticed this now? better now than never anyways
Yeah probably. Manga is still great though.
I honestly don't see why one would think that.
I think it would require a pretty distorted view of the past and/or some ignorance regarding the present.
Do not repeat the question.
It's certainly getting much fewer strongly detailed action anime, which is a huge shame.
Most action anime now star a shitty little girl in some way.
If that isn't your taste, then yeah it would seem anime is getting worse.
Could you repeat the question?
>remember that time Saikawa did that face?
>let's keep repeating it again!
Maid Dragon might be the most stale comedy this season.
Surprise box.
>running gags are bad
From a technical standpoint, no. The technology is better. But from a creative standpoint, anime has hit a big stale point. The industry is plagued by dirty jap dudes wanting MORE of the same, and therefore, less creative process is allowed. I mean, every anime now is seasonal really. 12 episodes and nothing to take away from it usually. Even the decent moeshit like Maid Dragon felt choked by the 12 episode grip, with no usage of the side characters besides fucking Saikawa who was just something else.
Pic semi related. Manga > Anime
They are when they aren't transformative. Repeating the same situation, beat for beat, with little variation is boring
>repeating the same jokes every episode is good
>running gags are boring
>anime elitists doesn't like anime anymore
>anime newbies love anime now
Makes you think.
Anime is the same, we just haven't had the time to forget the stupid anime yet.
I mean, people like to rant about pop music being repetitive and stupid today and 80's/70's/60's/50's music is so much better, but if you listen to the stuff that isn't the classics you already hear lots of, it kinda sucks.
70's anime was mostly shit too.
running gags in maid dragon
>tohru wants kobayashi to eat her tail
>saikawa cums over kanna
>lucoa is a titty monster shota predator
Those jokes make up maybe 10% of an episode.
Yes, it shouldn't do that
is it the fault of the industry for not taking risks
or is it the fault of the audience who are less willing to spend money
Natsume S6
Says who? I find Saikawa's antics cute and Tohru's persistence endearing.
Definitely not.
Are shitty animes over saturating the market? Hell yes.
I blame light novel adaptations that haven't ended yet, resulting in 12 episode LN commercials.
Yes it's getting worse, it was already running on the 80's fumes by the 90's.
The talent pool for traditional animators has been contracting for decades. Only the digital switch making shows cheaper and faster to produce has artificially inflated the industry. There's still a real lack of talent because time intense cuts are routinely done by cgi now so the animators don't build the same skillsets they had to back in the cel era.
Not really animation per se but backgrounds being nearly 100% cgi now is actually pretty disgusting too.
It's in a pretty decent state now. We get so many shows per season so there's something for nearly everyone and increasing foreign investment into anime productions will increase the variety. Recent years have also presented some really well-made TV anime like Space Dandy and Mob Psycho which gave young animators a chance to shine. Industry working conditions on the other hand are kinda shitty due to the overwhelming amount of work though.
That's good for you buddy but your taste is unrefined
That is my only gripe with the current climate. Too many adaptions.
I don't mind the advertising angle honestly, they should do what they feel is best for their series, but holy fuck give me some fucking closure. It definately kills some of my enthusiams for adaptions (and likewise boosts it for originals) to always know going into the show that it won't have a proper ending and probably never will get one.
>Stuff didn't get worse by globalization and capitalization of everything
>Nowadays people have easier access to knowledge and arguably comfort and still they shit out music/movies/series/animes worse than done by people 20y ago
>Besides the infinite copy-paste
Sure post-modern loving cunt, we are all nostalgia fags without reason, you are above us all
You just seem to have irrational hatred for running gags. Protip: they exist and are prevalent in all sorts of media because they work. Buddy.
Industry work ethics are reaching a breaking point.
But the actual quality of shows produced is still fine. Anyone who argues differently is viewing shit through nostalgic lenses like said. The vast majority of shows from Cowboy Bebop's era were Beyblade level kiddie shows.
I don't hate running gags, I just think they're not done well in Maidragon. Like that other guy said, it's repetitive. Running gags are best when they're used in unexpected ways.
I'd say a mix of both, desu. From a business outlook, it's just not worth it to take a gamble anymore because if it flops, they may not have anything to fall back on. The fans of anime have became more niche over time, partly due to the uprise of social media. They're able to complain more. Combine that with golden sales on generic moeshit/isekai/bad shounen and think, why try something new?
To put it in perspective, if Jojo weren't a sought after series in Japan, the anime likely would have failed. Especially since Part 1 sales were hit or miss.
>backgrounds being nearly 100% cgi now
A lot of them are digital, but they're not 3D. Also, digital art can look good so it really depends on the art director in the end.
I don't think its getting worse. Although it is kind of feeling stagnant
Kemono friends was produced with all the budget of loose change and used crappy 3d animation and still did just as good as any anime with muh high end animation
Actual animation quality doesnt mean shit
I've never seen a cgi background that didn't look like garbage, weather its built with models or sprites.
At best some of what Fuga does with digital color on hand drawn backgrounds has made me go 'this isn't hand painted watercolor but this isn't hideous either'.
This 100%.
maybe anime needs:
stop the shotgun approach. stop overproducing
focus on having less but better products
and stop overworking their animators and treat them like actual humans for once?
stop listening to otakus with madonna whore complexes
Can't go lower than the bottom senpai.
Just read manga man. Much more variety.
Obviously it means a lot in terms of having an actually "good" project, but yeah things can become successful on a whim these days via social media hype and the like. Kemono Friends is baffling, I wonder how much of a shock its success was to the creators
really activates the almonds.
Satan please take me.
They're completely different art forms
>hollywood sucks these days
>just read poetry bro
Doesn't work like that
and where pray tell do these horrible animes first come from?
Does for me honestly. It's just a way to get a story. I don't really watch tv or movies because I'd generally rather read a book.
light novels
>90's anime wasn't in decline from the 80's
He's being hyperbolical but he's not wrong.
Welcome to the production committee jungle.
Wish I could do that. I'm in too deep
>Now a bunch of fucking jocks are laughing at Ranma
Who doesn't like Ranma?
LN usually. Some of them even manage to take a manga and butcher it. Any genre I think of the peak of that genre to me is a manga. Even if we're talking something like "comfy" I think YKK stomps NNB or kon.
In too deep to what? I got into manga after anime and just found I liked it way more. I think it was actually the whole "only adapt 1/3rd of the story" shit that got me into manga.
In too deep as in, I really care about the formal aspects of animation and I enjoy it in a way that's unique from other things
The only show that does running gags well is Gintama; granted that entire show is a running gag so nothing else can really compete.
Sorta. Even mediocre shows today look better than mediocre shows from 10-15 years ago.
However, there's less creative freedom, and thus less ambitious and interesting storylines. Furthermore, 1-cour becoming the standard has led to a number of shows with rushed writing
That's fine then. It's mostly just a vehicle to deliver a story or characters to me. Manga or anime makes little difference, it's just that I find on average manga delivers me a better story.
It's moreso that the Western fanbase is comprised of idiots who are getting increasingly tired of the common elements in anime and instead of just trying out a different medium or something for a while until they're in the mood for anime stuff, they just stick to anime and bitch about it.
>The only show
Don't try to put everything in the ''utter shit'' basket with dragon maid please
Everyone knows that LOGH was the peak of anime and everything since then has been a big shit-slide down to the sewers of terrible-town.
Satan laying down the truth bombs.
You're probably right there
I watch 15 anime per season and like 90% of them.
Stop having unreasonably high standards.
You don't just "choose" to have standards, they show up as you expose yourself to higher quality stuff
No, and if you actually think so you need to watch more anime.
I like maid-dragon but I think the running gags are only decent. Its just that running gags as a comedic medium are there own separate art form that almost every show I've ever watched has failed to master. Just like most things in life, there are very few absolutely good and utter shit things, the grand majority is decent. When you want to know if something or someone is declining, don't look at the best parts, take a look at the mundane, every-day material. If anime is shit now, compare Gabriel-Dropout to the average show ten years ago.
Yes bad action shows are better than bad slice of life shows.
>I have shit taste, and so should you
You can keep eating shit, but at least do it silently
The same issues with flaming trannies/faggots, we don't really care, but when you try to push in everybody's face that your behavior is normal and we should feel bad you are just a degenerate retard
This is coming from someone who is gay (female)