Dude can toss trucks over skyscrapers. The fuck was he thinking buying all this shit?
Dragon Ball Super
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Each weight weighs 100 pounds.
Reminder that pic related is NOT from U11.
You can write it off as being made by Capsule Corp.
Maybe it weights a ton.
Weights are retarded. Why doesn't Krillin just train under 400x gravity?
However heavy those weights are, they'll never be as heavy as having to carry Gohan.
so what dbz character is going to get wifed up with female broly?
Who gives a shit if she's from U6 or U11?
>so what dbz character is going to get wifed up with female broly?
>pic related
>Who gives a shit if she's from U6 or U11?
My dick does, user. My dick is on the line here.
Speaking of which, what did everyone think when "Fem-Broly" was first revealed?
What were the general thoughts and reactions?
Definitely Cabbage
>Speaking of which, what did everyone think when "Fem-Broly" was first revealed?
I instantly made a folder revolved around B A S E D.
Why Gotenks?
Goku, she will be all like "Goku-san! Goku-san" instead of rage like Broly it will be lust.
ss is god tier
And Goten and Trunks are too shit individually for her
Nobody, faggot.
There were 4 reactions.
People upset Broly is somewhat canon, Waifufags in love, Brolyfags angry Broly is a cute girl, and people insisting that it was just a gag and wouldn't actually happen
>I d-don't give a fuck!!!
Yet you still replied :^)
If a cop can buy all that shit on short notice what does he need 10 million zeni for?
I just thought it was funny how they turned Broly into a girl.
Plus it allows for gags where she completely ignores them when they aren't merged, much to both Trunks' and Goten's chagrin, but the second they merge she's immediately creaming herself.
It's kept upstairs. If it was that heavy it could risk killing someone when it crashes through the floor. If it was in the ground level or basement it's fine.
But you'll only get 30 minute sessions
Why is the Android arc considered the best?
>and people insisting that it was just a gag and wouldn't actually happen
I remember Sup Forums was pushing that one hard for a couple weeks
i don't give a shit how much it weighs, you can't compete against galaxy busters with fucking gym equipment
>We still don't know Girl Broly's name or where she's from
Hopefully we see her next episode. If not then then episode 87 since it seems that's when the recruitment shit will be done and the tournament will start
Femme Broly's story is that cyborg commander was watching the Broly movie, and made a recording of Goku crying.
Then he decided I'm going to create a fan character, and her power is going to maximumer, and played a loop of Goku crying to her, sped up, slowed down, everything, for her entire life, nonstop.
All she can hear is kakarot crying. It's all she knows, and it infuriates her.
>galaxy busters
>not alllowed to kill
>their toolkit gets cut by 97%
>Bald manlet using gym equipment beats them with superior strategy.
Because if you ignore the Cell Games and Super Columbine 2, the rest of the arc leading up to the Cell Games and ending with Trunks going USSJ was actually really good.
Perfect characters don't exi-
Pic not related.
How do you know?
Do you even lift?
I bet that Cyborg guy is a new Pride Trooper recruit.
I hate all the Z babies that are saying Gohan vs Krillin shows inconsistencies in power scaling. A major point in this arc is that the characters wont be able to fight like they did in Z where it was all brute strength without strategy. In its simplest form this fight was DBZ(Gohan) vs DB(Krillin).
That arc went to shit after Cell became perfect.
He could be a villain too. That would be pretty cool
So will they allow Frost to use his poison this time around?
Which one Sup Forums?
Totally wrong, after cell became perfect is when the arc was good. Everything prior to that was the worst arc in DBZ, 17 and 18 suck, cell and cell2 also sucked, perfect cell was the best though.
Considering the cell games as one arc, it is the best in the series, followed by saiyan and frieza. Artificial humans is the worst in the series)
That could work too.
Maybe he's a supervillain in Universe 11 and the Pride Troopers beat the shit out of him and basically force him to join the team
>Gohan being smarter than Bulma or her dad
Yeah ok buddy.
I doubt he's even coming back. Wasn't he fucking annihilated by HITTO?
No since it's a weapon and not actually part of his body.
But I really do hope we get to see a Lavenda vs Frost battle.
Nope. Same rule as before. No weapons. Now if Frost has developed natural poison...
Far right
He's in the OP user.
Perfect for jobbing.
Just a thought (and I know it won't happen), but wouldn't Chiaotzu be good to have for the Tournament of Power? I mean his telekinetic powers seem like they would be a great boon for any team.
Does anyone else think that the survival arc might be the best one in Super?
I'm starting to get those vibes... hopefully nothing fucks it up like usual...
im just gonna go to bed with fries so I can salt them when I wake up and pull NOTHIGN
how the fuck can krillin even stand up to god power for that long?
how did he get so unbelievably strong?
and he's gonna get even stronger when exposed to god ki
>flying around isn't an option
>bald manlet is gently shoved out the ring by someone with ten times his speed and strength before he can react and loses by ring out
>this probably won't actually happen because dbs is shitty fanservice written by hacks
I get the same "vibes" everytime a new arc starts. I'm sure they will fuck up again.
>No more power level shit
>Just techniques, strategies and team work
DB is back
It's obviously going to be Goten
Everything after Cell showed up felt like a chore to watch for me.
thats because cell was your childhood and everything after your childhood was shit
its called being a contrarian or a nostalgiafag
your life sucks now so you think everything sucks
So far this is my favorite fight in Super
Don't forget, the power scale seems to be very inconsistent (getting hurt by bullets)
I will assume that Goku wasn't trying with the kamehameha, but even so, I still thought it was pretty bs.
Damn it. I need the source on that now!
If she's from Universe 11; what's stopping her from going back to her old universe after the tournament ends?
Chiaotzu > Yamcha
im not complaining
ive been a bald god fanboy my whole life
I saw something like this coming a mile away with episode 76, it's too bad I can't file a complaint to Toei that he didn't have his new aura in this episode because I don't speak Japanese though.
>someone hates something i like
>better project my own issues onto him!
Seek help, user.
>Krillin beam locking with a SSB
Krillin is the bravest character of all time
oh youre an actual weeb
no wonder you hate your life
This is FUCKING BULLSHIT, Gohan was ready to fight blind against Lavender, HOW THE FUCK DID HE LOSE TO THAT BALD MANLET FUCK YOU TOEI
>faggiest of the universe
I'm so sorry for you in general, kid.
Try and stay safe out there buddy.
I just hope I get Ultimate Gohan to go with these guys desu, I'd settle for a Buuhan.
oh no! you called me a kid!
youre clearly the adult here and won this virtual argument!
Lol I ain't even him. Just making a statement, kid.
Looks like someone is upset.
Because its a fucking Solar Flare x100. It disables ALL of your senses temporarily, you shitnigger.
Does SSB even matter? It's just super saiyan with blue hair dye
>implying it won't degenerate on powerleve shit once the fooder is all gone.
This pic looks like something straight out of facebook.
since Boo saga he is a useless piece of shit
>Yfw Monaka shows up at the last second and knocks Goku out of the ring with his space truck
Because of some bullshit explanation like he couldn't sense Krillin's ki anymore or something. Even if that happened, after the first punch from Krillin a single reaction punch from Gohan would end the fight.
It was bullshit but then again, Super is full of this shit.
I was waifuing
It was pretty comfy.
I want to hug Pilaf.
The budokai flashback felt good
>DB will never be reanimated
I wish cell kept his original design throughout the arc. Also, SS2 was a mistake considering all they needed to do was train their base forms.
At least we have that one part of Freeza and Goku fighting from the Resurrection F movie
Gohan wasn't trying to win, he was just trying to see how strong Krillin had gotten. He didn't even turn super saiyan because he thought it would be unnecessary then got love tapped out the ring.
I like this idea