Devilman Volume 2 thread

Alright. I am not the user who started the previous thread, but I am desperate for the fun time and community of last thread so...

Devilman volume 2 thread I suppose?

Last thread!UswAFDoB!VWPAop_1nj1f57_170Cy2w!khoVGJhD

Other urls found in this thread:


Also, why is posting a story time so hard without a

fucking trip code, goddamn it.

Anyway, how are you anons doing today?












Better look at that smile and optimism folks. Soon it'll all be gone.


Also, if anyone is reading, can I get a bump?








Seriously, please may I have a bump?







Oh bugger I screwed up.

Eh, looks like this thread is going to die soon. Before it does though, here is something for the gay threads





Fuck off I'm reading Devilman

While the bumps are nice, it would be lovely if you didn't post images in a storytime, thanks.


Ah we do have a fan. Thanks m8

Seriously fuck off




I don't even care if it should technically be on Sup Forums, I'll take any comics over the neverending surge of Sup Forums shit.


Oh things are going to get so much worse for you sweetheart.

Seriously, what is your problem?


Needs theme music


Fair enough. Also Devilman is fun.


It's probably the same user who was being a total autist about that Akira storytime a while back.

Who drew these?


user that stuff is later

What are you trying to accomplish exactly?


Although the Devilman reaction images are nice, can you please stop posting images in a storytime?


I love Nagai's monsters.




Yep. He is always is good at horror stuff. Especially in Lady when we go to Hell

Anyone exited for Crybaby?





And when they finally pulled the girl's body from the TWISTED, BURNING WRECK...

You're an asshole

Not going to lie, skeptical, but if they manage to do for Devilman what they did for Voltron then I am hyped

Pro: Same director as Ping-Pong the Animation.
Con: Same writer as Valvrave.

That preview looked good but we'll have to see.




Pee wee has nothing on Go.


Trolls have no rhyme or reason.

I'm just glad to be getting something, anything to be honest. It's tough being a huge fan of something this obscure. I remember being super hyped for the live action movie back when I was young and naive. After that disaster I thought for sure Devilman was dead for ever. So glad it's made a comeback recently.


He did the Utena light novels to as well as a bit of Code Geass stuff... He's a mixed bag.


doing god's work
>posting anime and manga on a WESTERN comic board
No sir, you are the autist.

Hey, we might get a scanner for Saga if Crybaby goes through... so I am honestly hopeful.

Fair enough. I honestly don't know whether to be jealous of your trips.

I feel ya user. I'd love a new Getter OVA or something.

Oh fuck off. It's a comic that was produced in Japan. And honestly it is better than a storytime of pain.

>I'm totally not the fag who's posting the images and ruining a perfectly good storytime in the first place.

Eat shit, shit-eater.

Oh no the board police are here!

Just because you think Sup Forums is too scary and mean doesn't change the fact that its appropriate board for this kind of content.
Either fuck off to Sup Forums, or pipe down and enjoy the nice pin up drawings.


>actually giving a shit about "muh eastern/western divide" and not just enjoying things regardless of where they're from

You sound like a complete tit.

holy shit get over yourselves hahahahaha

I don't give a shit about Sup Forums, I'm just trying to enjoy a fun comic storytime and you're being a cunt.

What's your angle?
What does posting bald manlets slobbering over vacant bimbo sexdolls have to do with "reeee, not nuh comic books"?

>on Sup Forums
>that's not DBZ, Naruto, or Yu-Gi-Oh