DIVERSITY AND TOLERANCE YES. Thanks hook nosed kikes for your trickery.
Somali immigrant rapes woman in labour
Forget about just removing these vile creatures from Europe, these creatures should be removed from the Earth.
>not antagonist
im assuming its a shitty italian-to-english translation
Did he penetrate her?
>attempted to rape
>43 year old
Whoah, this happens in somalia all the time. Are you condemning a whole group of people just because that group happens to rape women as they give birth? All cultures are beautiful, exept the west, which must die.
Brb i can hear my wife in labour, hopefully adbullah will be done soon
the baby was probably black anyhow.
This shit here. Proofread your shit. That’s a very unfortunate error.
Jeezus ducking christ
you will understand when your older goy. that samoli was enriching the baby and the mother at the same time. thats 2 times the sin for half the work. thens hes going to pray and say hes sorry and thats that. clean slate and ready to rape again
What is a 43 year old women doing pregnant?
that's my fetish
She deserve that for being such a white cunt
Too bad he didn't murdered that racist bitch
>c'mere white bitch
>dat lil white bitch you got is gonna learn too, bitch.
what the actual fuck is wrong with niggers? It's not stupidity, that level of desire requires at least some level of intelligence to formulate, otherwise he would have grabbed a woman off the street. It's like a genuine love of being evil. Can somebody redpill me on Mormonism? They might actually be dead on correct about everything.
>female cop raped easily in sweden
>nurses aprehend Somali rapist in Italy
top fucking kek, how will Sweden recover?
>redpill me on mormonism
m8, they're a cult, don't do it
t. mormon since birth, got out at 22
b-but how will i get my own planet fampai?
plot twist: it was the father
Anbgela Merkel is contemplating her personal genius now.
Are you bringing up how Mormons say all niggers are direct descendants of Cain the first murderer? Yes they believe niggers are cursed to be evil no matter what.
niggers are not human
Somali bioweapons are fucking everywhere, thanks UN you fucks.
very racist to say they were Somali
by not drinking alchool, coffe, black tea, and getting married a virgin at around 21, when you come back from 3 years of preaching the word of jesus in a 3rd world country, apparently
y-you too
You're right man, it doesn't seem so on the outside. I'm a protestant myself who's grown up being close friends with a kid who's in a mormon family. Very kind and probably good people. Strange af when you find out what goes on.
you gotta admit, on a surface level it's so absurd the only reaction you can conjure up is gut busting laughter
I have to agree with you. The fact that everyone is blind to the kikes being behind this shit is getting so comical at this point that all you can do is laugh
What was she wearing when it happened
A hospital gown you fucktard
She had her cunt out and legs spread....she was askin for it betas.
Why are you angry Goyim?
He was just trying to help her open her legs
Somolians are the worst. I actually dated one who was a refugee years back... they dont give any respect. Whole senpai was like that. I was treated well in the very beginning and he ended up being a literal rapist and beater. This was long ago, when I was still brainwashed. Stick to my own species now!
I don't even know what can be said anymore
Zoomali indeed
And they smell don't forget the niggersmell
Being blacked even once taints your body and soul forever. No white man will ever want you ever again, as they will smell the nigger on you, racemixing whore.
>b-but I was brainwashed
>it was a long time ago
Not an excuse, kill yourself right this instant so that we don't have to do it in your stead.
When I see how brazen it is it makes me wonder how retarded I was when I didn't see it, and even now with family I respect they never fully acknowledge. Very strange, we've been subjected to some crazy conditioning.
>with a somali no less
They are the ugliest motherfuckers around with a 70 iq, what the fuck?
Dont fucking judge, the guy clearly had a sexual emergency from years of living under oppressive rule and poverty
Weak bait Pedro. Stay your side of the wall
>t.somalian flag checks out
Not even out of the womb and the poor kid is getting diversity rammed down his throat.
Poor fucker.
Why do you even post this shit?
This savage will be treated like a child that needs to be taken care of at the state's expense and if the woman kills herself then it'll never be reported because it'll 'stir up racial hatred'.
There is a point posting stuff like this when there is actually a point to be made or even a population who can be convinced of something, but it seems that no one in the mainstream even cares.