Nobody cares.
Everybody cares.
What's with the blurry pic nobody can read? How about a rundown instead.
Literally HUH
Crossposting so forgive me.
>Cripplechan user cracks Q's tripcode
>Code is #Matlock
>Traces it to a Robert Golden Matlock
>University emails prove it was a (((False flag)))
>inb4 thread is shut down
Explain lads!
>Bear Tom,
where is this from? it looks like its photo shopped in numerous places. give actuall source please.
The Q bullshit was obvious since the start, there is gullible retards that fell for it?
It's not mine m8.
It's from cripplechan Sup Forums.
Get this man stat, the cognitive dissonance is about to set in. He can't accept he was retarded enough to follow this blatant larp. That, or he's just a boomer.
Never cared about this qanon bullshit.
WHanon had more credibility.
Literally who?
If QAnon was a LARP, I expected him to be some kind of mega-autist NEET in his early 20s or something. Still, pretty successful LARP I must say, he deserves an award or at least some kind of recognition.
If this is true...this is fucking huge. Alex Jones did a huge piece about Q last week and had self-described reddit, Sup Forums mods as guests talking about the authenticity of Q
You're a LARP too.
The eternal boomer
what exactly was the point of this if it's a LARP?
the end result is it turned a mass of normies against the deep state, and more loyal to trump
well done, liberal professor
boomers have to be euthanized.
Well, he said that the information matched up with his sources. Not that Q is real, or his larp wasn't a good guess.
alex jonestein is a kike shill, this isnt news to anybody with any sense whatsoever.
What does it mean to crack a trip code?
I saw that. As soon as the people introduced themselves as Sup Forums mods I knew they were lying. But someone else I know had to watch the whole video. They also spent several hours watching Tracy Bean videos and get mad whenever I said anything about it. That's why I hate Q. The LARP has actually had a direct effect on the quality of my life for several weeks and I would love to see that guy die.
Q here.
Alice in wonderland
Big things and storms up ahead
Deception is necessary
Operation LARP is a go
Q here
It's getting cloudy
Storms coming
Better bring your umbrellas
>Robert Matlock
>not Ben Matlock
I ignored q shit since day one and i still don't even know what it's about
It's pretty sad over all, this place has turned into GLP basically
>thinking its about Some Nobody Matlock
>instead of TV Matlock
full retard
you're as young as the CBTS boomer larpers are decrepit
And as smart as David Willcox says he is, he interviewed Q. hahaha what a shit face fuck, he says he has sources and writes books he is a shill and a larp, people love him hahaha
I'm having trouble finding this image anywhere else. Anybody able to find the source?
yeah but she has cute feet
>Sup Forums mods as guests
we need /ourguy/ swaglord to confirm/deny
How do trips even work actually ?
Never used one
At this point Q has been doxxed like 10 times as 10 different people. The more people they name the more the pool of Q gets diluted.
How does a couple of pics without context show that it was a LARP? The proof, they say, is in the pudding.
If the info is solid, and stuff happens as stated, then not a LARP
the (info) q gave was all conjectur, everything everyone thinks of, just a bit simpler. it is nothing but a cold reading larp.
Q here
>gas the likes
>race war now
Q here
Can confirm John Podesta is licking my balls as we speak
Alice in Wonderland
This. Alex Jones wouldn't be covering it if it was legit
I can get behind this.
But who controls Nk?
You forgot your 2nd ! in the tripcode...
This thread BTFO +++ and ++++ stand for operator. As in...intel operator.
>Q Efforts
>Regarding Q Statement and "Doing The Lords Work"
It has nothing to do with DoE, more like s4 (where they keep the Ayy's and UFO Tech outside of Groom Lake aka Area 51) type MJ clearance.