Heroes of western civilization?
Judaism for good goys?
Thoughts on Freemasonry?
Judaism for good goys.
Islam is better and if you refuse to pick a side you should unironically be burned to a crisp for thinking like a kike.
It's supposed to be the latter
But it's just another spinoff of demon worship
Think of it as the prototype to Scientology
That pic is a museum.
Don't act surprised when people call you out for talking bullshit.
the last place men can hang out without women
Western civilization was always meant to be a stepping stone to something else
>Islam is better
Germany.. just.
A museum of what friendo?
Dumn cunts won want to larp like they're a modern mystery cult.
Finish your thought.
It's made to look like a hall but with extra edge to get people like you interested and hopefully buy a ticket to go in.
It's in Jakarta I think.
Some guy just made it.
>people like you.
Just wanted to know Sup Forumss honest opinion on these edgelords
Duality is the root of all conflict and suffering. As long as there are people there will be wars unless society can be brought together through the technological singularity and create Oneness. Western civilization allowed for technological advancement to further that aim.
Implying the perceived edginess of it intrigues you.
It's a frat for adult men, nothing more
It's the only way for normies to get into the Cult of Saturn.
That's the allure of it anyhow, people have a natural urge to want to be part of the elect.
I personally want nothing to do with it other than to understand the enemy.
Grandad is a mason have been inside the hall a few times just a bunch of old boys talking shit extremely uninteresting.
"h-hey doc, if my brain chip ready yet"
Good goy.
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
Read Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike, He says there are degrees after the 33rd and it's all about the Kabbalah and the worship of Satan.
If you have a normal job you'll rarely get past the blue degrees
Are you sure the masonic duality that leads to war so that they can reach their "3rd way" isn't to blame.
Just started this and quite frankly it's the most fascinating thing I've read in quite some time. Very honest (and I suppose obvious) critiques of the inevitable flawed conclusions of our methods of governance which still persist today. I wish I had become interested sooner.
Freemason here. Grandpa, 32nd degree Mason, encouraged me to join and gave me a recommendation alongside a friend of his. Ask me anything.
Are you still stuck in the profound illusion of symbology or have you gone far enough to make contact with the aliens?
The Masonic lodge will always explore different avenues to increase it's power and influence.
shoddy masonry
A Freemasonry museum in Toledo,Spain.