Is Azumanga still the most comfy show of all time?
Is Azumanga still the most comfy show of all time?
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Current Sup Forums has never watched it.
It's done right.
Everyone has watched it.
I loved this anime! Watched it from start to finish.
I'm currently watching it for the first time
I liked the manga better.
I miss AzuDaioh memes. Post 'em
Of course it's not.
I don't have much saved from back in the day, but I do have a few gems.
Comfy? more like feel good. Then again, I suppose you could argue that the two are the same thing...
The dub was better
Current Sup Forums here, never bothered with this garbage. K-on is better anyway.
howdy pardner I'm from osaka y'all
I havent. I read the manga though
I'll finish watching it once I don't have to edit my own subs jesus christ why has no one released BD fixed subs yet.
made this a little more wholesome
There were a few threads of people watching the bd's for the first time.
I know because it's the only way I found out it got a bd release.
I don't know man, I just recently watched Non Non Biyori and thought it was the most comfy show I've seen by far.
Azumanga is still my number 1 favorite of all time though.
3/10 Too stupid to be real
Apply yourself faggot
I want to be her friend
American Osaka is cute.
posting superior akari
Kagura, go to bed.
Fuck no. The anime is bad and you should feel bad for liking it. There are actual anime that improve on the shitty source material like K-ON. Azumanga is NOT one of them. The manga is VASTLY superior to the anime.
>that "Houston" accent in the dub
It's weird they made it so specific but it's sorta accurate.
Fuck Tomo
Marry Kagura
Kill Kasuga
BD subs when?
Idk but I really enjoy it
Azumanga Daioh the manga is superior to Azumanga Daioh the anime in all shared aspects.
Aria and YKK are comfier than Azumanga Daioh, in my opinion.
The anime has a ton of overly-long and repetitive jokes but the OST and voice acting are great.
Azumanga, Yama no Susume, and Flying Witch are my top three comfys.
Never seen Aria.
No other comedy slice-of-life came even close to it in the last 15 years. Azumanga is ageless.
I couldn't choose one over the other, but Hidamari is healthy competition for that spot. Still need to watch/read Aria.
Flying Witch was the most comfy thing that's aired in a while.
But why do her fingers smell like fish
From playing with fish probably.
Ah, that explains it
Yes it is. I need to rewatch this.
I'd probably put rokujouma and GJ bu. For me, the ghostwriter scene is one of the best ever.
I haven't watched the anime. But i have the manga omnibus.
Everytime i pick it up i end up reading it all and the ending is still so bittersweet i end up a little sad yet somewhat happy.
>YKK anime
I wish, at least we got some OVAs. Alpha is my waifu :)
>I haven't watched the anime.
So you're waiting for...?
Alpha as fuuuuck
It gets to good to drop it even knowing how it ends.
You won't.
It's simply not possible to do it once you start.
Anime and ova aren't mutually exclusive terms.
Texas ya'll
do you even NonNon?
This fucking guy
probably the earliest form of "our guy"
Not anymore.
You were very close though.
Obvious bait