Hey Sup Forums so, say you won the powerball, what would you do with your proffit?
Powerball Jackpot
Give it to Bernie
Will you match me?
Buy the votes of politicians (surprisingly cheap) to make weed legal on a federal level. Make sure it's taxed so they can fix the fucking roads in my state.
No fgt
I would employ some people at reasonable salaries to do my menial labor.
Trickle-down Economics, bitch!
Buy bitcoins. Turn my millions into billions.
Depends how big it is of course, but generally:
Invest 50% of it. Mostly in shares and stocks, but some bonds and mutual funds as well. The rest in gold.
Use 25% to start a business. Buy/build hotels on the coast.
Keep 25% in Swiss banks for delicious intetest.
Donate half to kidney foundation, give family a portion and use the rest to take care of myself
I would donate it all to the Open Society Foundation.
Make a community that makes the culture we like. It would make redpilled movies, TV show, games, etc. We would celebrate traditions and holidays, would be themed fantasy (like dungeons and dragons), and of course it would be white nationalist.
That sounds fucking glorious
Get it in cash, livestream me setting it on fire, demand gibs through patreon.
i would give half to the naacp and the other half to b'nai brith in the name of Sup Forums to apologize for white privelige and the holocaust.
Yeah if you are 15yo sheltered neckbeard
be even lazier
spoil my parents, buy a house and knock up my gf
donate / give lots of money to good causes and spread the holy spirit etc
and a lot of drugs :^)
Lobby politicians.
Buy a thousand acres somewhere desolate, like Wyoming, Montana or Utah.
Pay a Jewboy to invest a bunch of it smartly so I don’t have to work.
Build a compound with a defensible house with underground bunker, hangar, and dirt airstrip.
Buy a bunch of guns, motorcycles and ATVs.
Live in my isolation and never work.
Commercial Real Estate
start a off shore gene therapy lab . make a few abominations through rapid fire trial and error testing . talking thousands of test a year. anything that doesnt kill the cell moves on to phase 2. a single change in base pair arrangement per phase 1 in select areas using others research as to what different genes do in humans.
while it may seem pointless i see it as code. the addition of a single character in a line of code can cause a error. if its not a CTD it might be interesting. compiling interesting or at the very least non destructive errors might be interesting.this includes what i like to call base DNA not just human specific DNA so some code for cellular mitosis might get changed ect
inserting other species genes into humans might be pretty cool too if nothing of merit is found with trial and error since its easier it can be done parallel with less effort
and all of this can be done for relatively little. the hardware cost the most and 1 trained lab assistant who never knows there is nobody else in the building because they dont have clearance for the locks and im larping as a coworker taking the data the work on. all the hardware has instructions its what scientist dont want you to know but there is only so much time in a day
twice a year i would start a thread on Sup Forums and give $10,000 to the first Sup Forumstard that rolled quads
Take the lump sum, pay taxes and shit.
Get everything professionally invested.
Buy 1000+ acres in Montana or Wyoming, get self sufficient systems in place for water, power, etc.
Buy a bunch of guns.
Spend the rest of my days dicking around and living off interest.
Buy as much land as I could in a state that has seasons, and lots of open area. Build a modest house on it, and that's it. But I'll never win since I don't pay into the voluntary tax.
Don’t steal my plan you fucking nigger
Some investments,would open a Swiss bank account for interests,become a full time neet only leaving the house to buy groceries.
I like the way you think. You typed out the plan I wanted to type out, but I was too lazy to do it. Should've read the thread before I posted.
Pic related to the most expensive of pornstars whilst ignoring the troubles of a world undeserving of my attention?
Invest at least 2/3 of it because I can't handle saving money and don't want to be one of those retards that win 50 million and end up flat broke 5 years later. I'd stay anonymous too because it's fucking creepy how even strangers track lotto winners down asking for money.
buy the dip
i would take the lump sum in cash and bank none of it because fuck rothschilds. i'd invest none of it on wall street because fuck rothschilds, goldman, sachs, etc. just a huge walk in vault full of cash and gold and some bitcoin because fuck rothschilds
>I'd stay anonymous too because it's fucking creepy how even strangers track lotto winners down asking for money
I don't know how it works in Australia but in the US, part of accepting the lotto payment means you agree to be part of press events related to winning the lotto. You basically are forced to tell the world you won the lottery in order to actually get the money.
Donate it all to AIPAC
20% bonds
65% stocks
10% crypto
5% spending money - house/car/clothing/furniture/etc
>buy a house
>make a thread telling people they can come live at my house as long as they are actively furthering white nationalist/fascist goals
>fund creative Sup Forumsacks, would give sam hyde a million
shit like that, but i wouldn't buy a ticket cus i'm not a retarded faggot
Aus you have an option to stay user or be a retard and brag about it. A lot of people stay user but my local place that has Lotto has a wall with people standing with big checks, they still live here and it's a small town too, not the wisest idea.
Some states allow winners to be anonymous. Regardless, why pass up the opportunity to trigger half the country by saying you'll probably give most of it to the Trump 2020 campaign?
>give half to family
>change my name
>buy three houses under $200k
>cycle between houses, travel the world
hmm actually, idk
I definitely will have to change my name though since I might get murdered or get spammed with begging emails and people coming to my home
I'd give the ticket to my parents so they would have to deal with that bullshit instead of me.
They'd prob use it to buy more land for us to farm, grow mums pet business in the city and give a bunch to the church.
The fuck are you gonna do with 1k acres? That's too big for a homestead, and way too small to farm.
1k acres?
Use it for hunting. That's a cube with 5/4th miles on each side.
Buy it somewhere with trees and just let it sit, like in New Hampshire. Alternatively, get old logging land and just let trees grow everywhere. Odds are the land may be worth something in the future .
You can't do any of those things on 1000 acres. I think you think that it's bigger then it is. That's only a section and a half.
You're not gonna have replenishable numbers of deer or other wildlife in that small of an area. There's not enough trees to make it worth the time to cut them down.
If you're buying land to live on, you only need a quarter section. 160 acres. If you're buying land to use you want at least 2 full sections minimum. Fully cleared land.
If you're buying land to just "have" for shits. You want 4-5 sections of bullshit.
I will pay Sudanese $5000 to leave my country and never return and also hire existing Sudanese to terrorise the remaining Sudanese . Ill have to get a lawyer to find out how much of this plan is legal first.
I will never win the lottery because I have a high school education.
Lottery is for the uneducated and the desperate.
Create a real estate empire to turn the money into passive cashflow and hire a team of expert to run it for me. Then i can divide the montly income into a spending, re-investment and charity category.
>mfw Americans have to pay tax on lottery wins
let it ride
If I won? I would pay off my parents mortgage and see to the restoration of my church. I would move to the parish from where my family originated into a modest but sizable home and start a very large family.
I would then probably live out my days doing local historical research, family history research commercially; and writing books regarding these subjects.
First I'd buy 5k worth of coke and snort that until it was gone.
Then I'd buy a regional town over a period of years and only rent to white people and try to start my own unofficial ethnostate.
In between I'd buy a porsche, a lamborghini, a few motorcycles, a nice rifle, a 4k TV, a gaming PC, do a world trip and then shitpost on pol about how I'm totally not a crypto-kike landlord who derives income from non productive assets.
Steal this guys plan like a nigger.
I'd probably get some pancakes at some point
You get pancakes first. See this is why you'll never win the powerball.
pay off any bills for the next few years, get a gym membership (dont have to work 60 hours a week anymore), put most into long term investments (some for my retirement and some for my children if that ever happens), the rest for education so i can get better jobs
My mom made me suck period blood from her old tampons, but that's alright.
Send all the niggers back to Africa on tires. They can use the tires to necklace one another once they get there
2 chicks at one time, man.
Jesus you're a square
Become the anti-soros.
You'd probably blow your load within 30 seconds and disappoint everyone involved.
Be the fascist Soros.
Melbourne must really suck right now.
That is almost the most patrician way a Sup Forumsack could spend the money, and you're calling him a square?
You need to go back to Sup Forums.
setup a college fund for my niece and nephew
pay for my parents new driveway, not that they can't afford it i just want to help
buy cars and guns
maybe buy another house (already have 1 house)
Hire Russian hackers to fake news whoever runs against Trump in 2020
Diversified portfolio of shares, real estate and other growth assets. Then with the change I'd buy a massive farming property or island here in Aus and live my days growing my own food and wearing nothing but a pair of jocks.
Quit working at Walmart
Get my teeth fixed as I haven't seen a dentist since 1992
Buy a house for my brother
Buy 3 houses for myself
I don't have more than five years to live anyways and would probably just have fun living in a perpetual rap video until my untimely death.
Make movies. Wouldn't hire a single kike for anything. No kike actors, no kike writers.
Build a homeland for my people.
Good luck getting it distributed. VOD direct for you
This is why lottery winners go broke, doing retarded shit like this.
Hurr durr, I'm gonna invest my money, in hopes I make money. I'm gonna also buy a lot of property so the upkeep will make me go broke, hopefully the money I invested in dumb shit will make up for it.
Die face down in a pile of cocaine.
It's not hard to get it distributed. If you have the money, it can be done.
>50% into mixed mutual funds and gold
>25% to my mom to dispense through the family so I don’t have to deal with it
>move to a much nicer apartment while I search for land to build a house
>build a small house with a large garage
>import R32 Skyline and RX-7
>spend a lot of time just driving around the country
>eventually move to the coast or somewhere like Hawaii where I can sit on the beach and drink when I retire
>I don't have more than five years to live anyways
>untimely death
user, pick one.
Pay off my parent's mortgage, and any outstanding credit debt.
Then do this, bet on btc and altcoins as well as a diversified, high-dividend stocks.
Then I'll probably buy more guns.
kill all the Jews.
Id love to have a ballpark time. Its for whenever my now mild chest pains become too much.
you forgot
>go broke replacing apex seals while trying to drive a car with a meme engine around the country
unless you LS swap it first
when i'm on my last leg i would have 50 teenage thots take turns sucking my cock in 20 minute shifts 24 hours a day on cam. whoever kills me with a heart attack gets it all.
I'm old and sad so probably strippers and alcohol chased with Prilosec.
>quit my job
>run political campaigns
>openly discuss Sup Forums tier shit
>redpill millions
>Galactic Reich
Shareblue, Shareblue,
Time to leave the boat!
Nobody wants you here,
Don't forget your coat!
>go broke replacing apex seals
worth it tee bee aich
might have some aftermarket guys make a quad rotor monster to put in there for shits and giggles
>doubling down on the meme
>making it sound even more like the lawn equipment Jose uses
well, have fun with that
Buy business rental properties.
Primarily warehouses. But possibly offices or even apartments if the market cap was right.
Hold on to it for a year so I can pay income tax
Put it all in tax havens after that
>hire a lawyer to act as my proxy so i can stay anonymous
>hire a financial planner so i dont fuck it up
>buy some good land somewhere
>build a decent house
>put the rest of my money to work
Non profit charity for white communities only.
Bonds are basically a lose market. The interest on it doesn't cover the tax. Just paying to government.
Why gold? Even as Iraq was destroyed they didn't peddle gold or use bartering system. They still used paper money. Even in the apocalypse people wouldn't give two shots about gold. Food and water and ammo with guns.
>no NSX
>no Silvia k's
>also not buying an efini
>not buying a nismo or spec a R 32
pleb taste
those bastards have even figured out how to tax poor fuckers who only have a few bucks to their name
who says the poor dont pay taxes? hahahahah
put the money into shares and collect the dividends.
>pay off mine and my family’s debts
>buy a modest home
>put the rest into whatever is the safest and most guaranteed way to grow your money
>live off the interest