Do we have a fucking 11 year old for a president and why is the answer "yes"?
Do we have a fucking 11 year old for a president and why is the answer "yes"?
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Hahahah Putin is on another level to these "leaders."
t. buttonlet
I think the only people acting like what trump said is a big deal are who is acting like children. Srsly shut your fucking mouths you stupid liberal faggots. Its good to taunt and bully little faggots across the ocean that we can obliterate, and flex on these fucking gooks
In some ways yes - and this is good. Because
1. He's trolling the media, leftists and hollywood and steadily making them lose their minds
2. It's fun
3. Other countries are losing their shit
An 11 year old president is more than we could have ever hoped for given the infantile and ineffectual state of our politicians currently. Most of them are whiny children who only care about keeping their toys and what they can get instead of the people around them or the people making up their constituency.
The sad fact of the matter is that a good majority of them are not leaders, just leeches looking to keep their jobs and doing the least amount of work possible and being passive cucks. At least Trump is trying, even if what he's doing is pissing people off. But then again, everyone's favorite guy Winston Churchill said it best. Pic related. Now fuck off.
its an indication of butthurted rightists knowing that their god emperor can easily be triggered on Twitter. On new years day too of all days.
You'll learn to love him over the next 7 years
> my button brings all bois to the yard
riiiiiiight. 4d chess........
>2. It's fun
I think it's important not to dismiss how important this is when dealing with Kim Jong Un, he's a young man somewhat interested in Western pop culture. By tweeting at him with some mischievousness, it signals to him to lighten the fuck up and come to the table.
Being a clown is a very strategic move on Trump's part, more than just breaking the old media and making left wing politicians, all of which are hypocrites, look ridiculous.
only when he has his footstool and foot lifts
Is that you're opinion, or was this expressed personally by Trump himself? Because this type of false justification happens alot every time Trump makes mistakes.
Western propaganda, lies, smears and shooping!
Glorious leader Vladimir Putin is 6 feet 5 inches tall. Donald Trump is 5'6" inches tall but often he is wearing large shoes, like American boxing hero Rocko Balboa who is also 5'6".
I'm stealing this response
So, you'd rather have another bitch for a president who is afraid of a fat loudmouthed limp-dicked Nork?
You libfags just hate Trump because he's more man than any of you or your candidates have ever been. It pains you to see what a man with testosterone and nuts will say/do, I know it frightens your little nancy boy panties to witness it, but get fucking used to it.
Faggots, every one of you. It kills you to know Trump and his voting base aren't afraid of you any longer, and that he just set your agenda back 50 years. Go kill yourself.
I don't know why anyone is even surprised anymore when posting their threads on a site like Sup Forums which is literally a cesspool for right winged cucks that want to circle jerk Trump everytime he makes a clear as day dumbass post.
Don't expect them to rationally explain shit. The fact that they're even defending him since day 1 of his appearence is already proof enough they could give a fuck less about what Trumpty dumpty does so long as it "Pisses off does libwells!!!!"
Keep trying, Trump faithful.
The majority of the country hates him, and the only people too delusional to get the disdain are literally the blind followers of Trump himself.
You're dismissing me because I'm clearly not an expert? It's always been obvious that Trump's mischievousness is a strategy, the entire left wing has completely and utterly failed to appeal to white males and many white Hispanics. That's 30-40% of the population. Where Hillary Clinton called them deplorable, Trump played along with their memes. You talk about mistakes, turn around.
>mfw looking for putin
he is destroying your country, made himself basically king of russia, and is stealing money, hes already a billionaire but its never enough, he needs more money and more power
Dude trump called his bluff exactly like he said he would. I'd rather have some light hearted banter than doom and gloom.
Trump was born and raised in NYC, and his entire career was half built on character judgement. Kim is a simple man. Also why would trump reveal his hand? That is bad strategy.
Read some of the art of the deal, it is essential reading for understanding trump. He's the same man he always was. Just older.
mfw President Trump leads the world into an age of peace and prosperity with pure bantz while all of his critics go insane from constant rage.
Oops, forgot my face
>Do we have a fucking 11 year old sage on pol and why is the answer "yes"?
Oliver Willis lives in Waldorf Maryland. Most of the ShareBlue CREW lives in DC, Northern Va (NOVA) or MD. And I know who, where, and who all of their relatives are, and where they are as well.
I've been nice by not going 'public' with your "FULL" doxxes. I have a feeling that will be ending soon. I've put out 7 of you. And I own ALL OF YOU! Expect a present, soon XD
Isn't that what most of pol wants? A strong leader such as that. Democracy is a meme and it leads to women, wops and Muslims running the country.
If you're Russian, pro-Russian for for-Russia then you will at least try and do things right by Russia versus some Jewish or Nigerian leader in the West who is elected for (((diversity))) and couldn't give a shit about the country or the people and will fuck off back to their native homelands when they fuck it all up.
And yet here you are faggot
40 keks. Your hanging will be quick and painless
i'm not dismissing you. I just find this state of psychological delusion to be typical whenever something happens that is out of Trump's control. It's a pattern that takes a more solid shape as time passes.
im pretty sure that the banter was part of Trump's unrehearsed repertoire. And the banter is certainly light hearted. But it is very interesting to see people assume they know the inner workings of Trump's brain, rather than accept things for the way they actually transpired.
Like my benis when I see a hawt qt3.14?
I don't see trump and putin as similar at all. Not sure why anyone would even compare the two. being a "strongman" is basically every leader. In America we pretend our government isn't corrupt and it seems to be held to at least slightly higher standards than Russia.
Pretty much. An unsummoned erection typically falls into that category, or at the very least a similar category. You can't help it, yet there it is. INB4 I get 5 replies.
Dawwwwwww....don't be so heartless.
Yeah he might be going too far, but it's otherwise a working strategy. Politics has dismissed the young white man for too long, holy fuck they even manufactured a white male youth unemployment crisis and the media covered it up as a general youth unemployment crisis. Black youths have always been unwilling to find employment.
Again, you want to talk about mistakes, Trump is the consequence of the left wing.
its a collective machiavellian strategy then. I assumed as much. It's very ambitious. the majority of the planet's population could not even begin to pierce the veil of deception. Ultimately though I'd rather have everyone be safe, regardless of race, creed, sexuality. But I know that it not the end goal here.
I know its hard to accept it's not "dumb luck". It took me awhile to see the genius in action. Hell, it's hardly even genius, it's basically "BRING IT ON, FUCKER", a phrase dating back at least 2000 years
You don't have to ascribe it to trump either. He has a trillion dollar budget at his disposal, he could have hired a team specifically to deal with Kim Jong's personality. Not that he would've needed it.
It kinda is. You know we know the difference between a black productive citizen and a nigger right? We just don't like niggers. If niggers could just be black productive citizens again...we'd be ok. Also, for the Chinese. Africa, is for Africans. Mexico, is for Mexicans.
>Getting my drift?
It's nice to visit other cultures and enjoy them...but not bring colliding cultures into your own house. It destroys culture in itself. Understand?
I was just joking though. Everyone sees it as clear as day. In fact, the leftist news organizations have already been countering it with their own tactics since day one. But we'll just play along like good little soldiers. Heil himler.
an addendum. No matter which side you play, you play right into he hands of the establishment, because they control both sides.
this shit doesn't faze me. god help him
I thought that tweet was a joke when I first saw it here, then checked it and it was real I fucking lmaoed.
Say what you like, but talk like that to the North Koreans is entirely unheard of. They're saying they'll nuke everybody and now America has gone "lmao we'll nuke you back, SAD!" and laughed in their face.
Worst part is the North Koreans *know* it's true, it's not a bluff. Now they're talking to the south.
Imagine that?
I play neither side. I think for myself. If that aligns with 'a side' be it, but im nobodies sheep. It just so happens that a majority of what I believe, and value, are conservative. Aside from bud 8^)
That's what makes you mentally stronger ;)
No, we have a senile grouch for president,not a child.
Da faq are you on about? We have a shitposter in chief!
two years older than you