These people are probably the worst group of self righteous welfare pricks in the world. When it comes to their massive hero complex to their ridiculously easy job consisting of sitting around doing nothing all day, these people provide no real value to society.
Firefighter hate thread
Mad cop is mad.
fpbp, why do cops hate Firemen so much anyways?
Why so salty?
Infantrymen dont like combat engineers until they are being dug out of rubble by them...
>A cop calls someone else lazy
>If he wants a vacation he can shoot someone and get paid leave and no conviction by saying the guy was reaching for his pants
Somebody took the wrong test I see haha
Ask most normies, they love dem smokey boys but hate the jack booted thugs.
>literally pulling people out of burning buildings
> ridiculously easy job consisting of sitting around doing nothing all day
Oh, and usually when a Fireman, or a Paramedic shows up, they're there to help you out. No matter what the cop shows up for, they're looking for a reason to arrest or ticket you for something, even when you're the victim. Oh, and they also have the privilege of not having a reputation of shooting at random people when they arrive as well, so that's nice.
Firemen still have the 9/11 heroic effect. Cops lost theirs because of them said killing of blacks
There was a fire across my street one day. The first guy who got out of the truck tripped and fell on his face
>the entire department where I live if volunteer
>nobody is getting anything out of it
>welfare pricks
They're miserable pricks who hate their jobs and only do it so they can push around the public.
Also, they failed the firefighter test because they're too fat and stupid
OP is either a disgruntled ambo, a shitcunt cop or a person who's just failed the fire-fighter physical and was rejected.
Most cops I've known were failed military.
>Be so fat or retarded the military doesn't want you
>Feel bad
>Decide to be a police officer so you can wave around a gun with an undeserved sense of self importance.
Fuck off zogbot.
it is a tradegy she is fat and blows niggers. she would be 10/10 if she was skinny.
>not volunteering at your communal firefighter station
But yeah, you're right about the self righteousness, alot of people just do it to profilize themselves and are actually complete fucking unmotivated retards who are never on duty and just come from time to time to wear a uniform.
t. volunteer EMT and FF who does it to fight his depression
yeah fuck those firefighters.
Top camwhores or findoms take ~$60kn- $120k a month and not only they provide nothing to society, they actually leech and drain alll goodness out of society like evil vampires.
There are many people we should be hating on and planning to sabotage and destroy than firefighters.
98% true
Honestly we don't overly lionize our public employees and they're all fine people as far as I've ever seen. I've never met an attention-whoring cop/fireman/soldier here (off duty obviously since part of their jobs can be to attract immediate attention).
The only times I've seen people bring up their work like that was to help people.
I imagine the work is pretty shitty, maybe there's part of them that feels like they don't get enough for what they do and they're sort've trying to get added value to their job by fishing for arbitrary respect.
Mate the Melbourne Fire Brigade are a bunch of over paid sooks who do jack shit were as the ambos are under paid legends who are saving lives while dealing with the absolute worst of our society, they literally have a 50% chance of being assaulted on a call out to SAVE someones life!
Meanwhile the MFB fucked up during the black saturday bush fires by playing big dick games and not letting the CFA do their job(the CFA are great, all voluenteers and usually decent community minded people).
I can only speak for VIC but yeah the MFB are a bunch of useless, overpaid cunts.
My pedophile brother failed fbi twice, ice twice, local pd twice, and now he's trying to be a teacher. Someone needs to take him out back and put him down.
LARPing Call of Duty fags.
Firefighters in spain:
>work one day
>3 days off
>when eventually there is a fire they make as much as high executive /hour
>5 days work
>5 days off
Atleats I have respector for Poilicia Nacional which gets the trash out of the streets, but all others corps are trash
And firefighter departments should be privatized
As a medic I agree FUCK RETARD FIREFIGHTER FUCKS just die in a shit fire already and get your line of duty death
I have never seen firemen hate on here once.
Are you fuckin’ one-time?
>t. fire
>one third of the triangle has been deposited into your account
>hating on firefighters
Fucking kys
Do you have nurses and doctors as well, you fucking prick?
Fuck off of pol, we don't want shits like you here.
STFU and clean the toilet medic. No one asked your opinion. Now go on your bellyache run and hide out at the hospital for a couple hours.
kys. Most I know don't call themselves heroes. You are probably dealing with Wackers, or volunteer firefighters.
I've been in fire and EMS for ten years now. Firefighting is about 10% of the job and most of that is small fires or exterior attack only.
Seriously overrated job and a misallocation of resources. The only reason were still going is because our union is fucking good at manipulating taxpayers with hero imagery.
EMS is 85% of our volume give or take and most of these fucking assholes only do it because they have to to ride Big Red. They don't give a fuck about their most important job function.
He's not my responsibility. I don't cover for him. I ridicule him to his face.
My Aryan brother, I'm starting EMS-basic next month. Any advice for snagging a job in the field when I'm done with my training?
I heard a story here in adelaide about how the metro fire brigade had to call in the CFA to fight a fire because metro had spent all their time doing fuck all and had forgotten how to do it
>that way I can absolve myself of responsibility while still feeling like I am doing something.
Kek, whatever you say. But we both know WHEN he does it, you'll spend the rest of your life regretting not doing anything beforehand. Our village pervert got such a solid beating he hasn't batted an eyelid since. We understand he's incredibly angry that he's being watched, and this will likely one day drive him into doing something terrible, almost out of spite. But he knows we'll do considerably worse before the Hard get him.
>Gards. Fuckin racist new phone knowing nothing of my people's lingo..
The best Jobs are with third service County agencies or a good flight service. Fire pays better than third service but you will actually get to practice medicine with people who care about it at a county Agency.
Work a year in a busy system then go for Paramedic. Don't go medic right away.
Lastly, don't whine and work hard, and TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. There is a 25% retirement rate in this field due to back injury.
Good luck!
They provide no real value until you need them. In your case that would be when you brain overheats from watching gay porn and you spontaneously combust. Or maybe it could be when you crash your car while driving and shitposting on Sup Forums with your phone like you are now. Then they are pretty useful for cutting your mangled corpse from the wreckage so the only left of value can be towed to the scrap yard, that being your car.
Like the other user said, firefighting is a very small portion of what firefighters do all day. In the US most EMS is handled by fire departments, so a lot of them are over-trained.
what is the alternative? the united States is a cultural waste land and totally atomized, you're not going to have all volunteer fire fighting brigades pop staffed with local lads like they have in small towns throughout Europe
good advice? on my Sup Forums? how dare you
Thanks a million. The back injury rate is frightening, but as long as I keep lifting and don't do anything stupid I should survive.
CFS in SA are top blokes too, until I worked with some I never realized how many times their pager goes off and they have to leave work only to find it's some dumb ass block owner who didn't let anyone know he was burning off all his rubbish, or a retarded person calling in nott investigating whether it's a proper fire. I've had them come to my camp once saying they got called about an unattended fire despite me and my car sitting right next to it. Any cunt who works in a Metro service should have to do a year in these voluntary situations to give them some perspective.
Back in the 70's everybody at the gym wanted to be a fireman. 4 days on and 4 days off, lots of time to train. Good salary, you could buy a house and get married. Many got in and then quit in disgust. The hazing period didn't last 6 months, it lasted well over 6 years.
Around here the core of the fire department is all Orange Lodge Freemasons. If you're not one of them then they'll be assholes to you forever.
Bucket heads.
Cops hate bucket heads.
ever worked with a really tall fucker called Keith?
Because you're a bunch of welfare queen scammers claiming disability.
Nah can't say I have.
was a fire - momma outside screaming nigger baby she left inside - truck and the pigs show up public gets the talk to the hand from main piggy - fireman take literally half an hour to suit up, put a ladder to a second floor, jackass to slow walk up with a tank on his back, reach in and grab dying smoke choked now mentally retarded dindu...
Weeks later they got a bigass reward front page and center and paper write up and local radio glory...
can you rewrite this in English? I'm sure I get the gist of what you're trying to say but it was painful to read.
Get a phone call saying you have to go scrape a drug addict off the side of a train car and then tell me how much you hate ff
Cops hate Firefighters because people actually respect Firefighters.
Think about it this way. All a cop does is goes around and make people's lives shittier. Your only interactions with the police is probably some dumb bullshit like getting pulled over for some petty grievance. Not to mention that cops just fucking kill people and get away with it. They abuse their power and lord it over you.
Then think about Firefighters and what they do. Sure, the fire marshal **maybe** has ticketed you once, maybe, but generally speaking a firefighter isn't fucking with you while you're trying to go about your day. And unlike a cop, you know a firefighters is literally there to save you from certain death.
I'm a volunteer fireman, and I do masonry work for a living. OP is probably a nigger. Its called giving back to the community, Jamal. That is the opposite of gibs me dat.
> life would be better in a lawless shithole
This. The overall existence and presence of cops is good for society, but cops generally don’t interact with you’re a criminal or you did some stupid shit like go 10 over or piss in a bush and now your entire week is ruined because of that interaction.
>Ambos save lives
Glorified taxi for old geezers
Emergency surgeons save lives
a substantial part of fire dept income is organizing the intentional burning down of buildings. Businesses sometimes see it as the easiest way to end an unprofitable business. easier than trying to sack workers who have indemnity agreements against being sacked.
For this reason, fire depts are needed and funded by kikes.
>Our village pervert
Good thing he's not a village rapist.
>All a cop does is goes around and make people's lives shittier
I thought they protect and serve. Why do you keep them if that's the case? Abolish police and import more Indians. They will make your streets shittier for free.
firemen are terrible people. they are literally do-nothing, non-contributing, worthless pieces of shit. and if there ever is a fire? they will stomp through your house, break ALL your shit, literally DESTROY everything you own, all in the name of "welp, we had to make sure the fire didn't spread" as they cause THOUSANDS of dollars in damage to your property and home. and it is done DELIBERATELY.
i've suffered having a real house fire. my shit was broken and destroyed more from the firemen than the fire. imagine priceless, irreplaceable collectibles. toys, comics, mint condition video games, things of actual value, trampled and stomed on and hosed down into nothingness by these fucking losers.
the fire department owes me $300,000 of damage for what they did to my personal property and no lawyer will take up the case because these faggots are in they city's back pocket. literally irreplaceable gem mint items, destroyed by "firemen".
Damn right they have a fucking huge hero complex. I remember the one time they held a huge funeral service for two fighters in my area. They blocked the freeway for several hours during rush hour for the funeral procession.
They also tried to ban helmet cameras after an incident where fire truck ran over an unconscious woman was recorded by a fireman.
They would turn on their sirens even when there's no emergency, if they're in a hurry to go somewhere.
They also run a racket with equipment rental companies. The rented equipment just sits in front of the fire station for months, used for nothing.
I don't think he's saying that at all.
You can realize the need for police while still pointing out that current cops are corrupt, poorly trained, incompetent, border line retards.
Essentially, if we are going to give cops the ability to suspend or remove peoples rights then we should expect better from them
This is the most jewish thread I've ever seen on this board. Zyklon yourself.
Volunteer firefighter here (NSW). There have been shitty people in charge at times, but you have to follow the chain of command when you have 60+ trucks, 300+ crew members all attending a major incident. Higher ups have made bad calls in the past, but they are usually paid members once you get that high up. 99.99% of all fire and rescue and RFS members are people that would risk their life to save yours in a second.
And to everyone ITT with absolutely no idea how firefighting works, it is not the same work as being a cop or a paramedic. The work is different, the demands are different. Try seeing how tough you are when your pulling half a person out of an MVU. It isn't the same as all the gore you watch online at 4am, trust me. Unbelievable some of you hate fucking firefighters of all people.
i've had a hatred for firemen ever since my loss. i concur. they are a racket, they are a bunch of pussies who expect the same level of respect as the police, even though they never have to go bust up a crackhouse or face being shot. they're entitled faggots and need to have everything they've ever had taken away from them, because they will do everything they can to take everything away from you if they get the chance.
>collectibles. toys, comics, mint condition video games
>things of actual value
Tiptopkek. Also, on the off chance this isn't bait, you're a fucking moron for not just claiming those things were damaged from the fire and having your insurance reimburse you.
Fuck you dickless coward. Firefighters are one of the few remaining heroes we have left on this fucked up planet
there are plenty of heroes my man, they just don't get a spot light
Someone broke your toys because you started your house on fire. STFU and get some homeowner insurance.
impressive breakdown
Mick Dundee has a point here.
Jewish C&D thread.
Jewish C&D thread.
Jewish C&D thread.
>stop respecting heroic males Sup Forums
Ehh maybe. I have literally outed him to our entire family at a funeral and i have no ties to him.
>Hating people that risk their health/life to save other people
>Paid by government
>Absolutely sucking the dicks of military personnel that are basically the same people, paid by the same government, also doing nothing, but actually doing even less than firefighters.
>When they are doing something, it's mostly killing, and once in a blue moon, they save someone or do good.
>Mostly serving the interests of their jew master, petrol and ressources
The ultimate Sup Forums hypocrisy.
>The Virgin Military vs The Chad Firefighter .jpg
>Sup Forums hypocrisy
>not obvious leftist marxist tricks
OP is too fat and out of shape to be a firefighter
you cant take out insurance policies on comics and SNES games, you nimrod.
it doesn't work that way. you are all broke faggots who don't understand what it's like to own and procure a collection worth thousands of dollars, let alone have the space to properly house such items. get lost.
lol faggot. You know when you apply for a job and then do it? That's not being a hero, that's doing your job.
Firefighters are paid well in New Zealand and Australia, there is nothing heroic about doing a job you applied for.
Real heroes put their lives on the line (with zero financial or social incentive) to save a life.
>THE emotional mother of children saved in dangerous surf by a heroic stranger who lost his life says she doesn’t know how to thank him.
>“He’s a father and a husband too. He lost his life. I don’t know what we can say to his family,” an emotional Islam Hammed said at her Wollongong home today.
fuck off with that shit
I'm a volunteer. I've literally saved people's lives. for free? and you've done what? play jew victim i see. gas yourself.
I know right?
This one time, the fire alarm was going off in my building when I got home. I went in to get my mail, firepeople were just standing around joking in the lobby. Told me to evacuate.
I said "Are you asking me to leave?' he said yes.
I said "I'm fine, thanks". Then he said "Now I'm TELLING you to leave!" Like he had fucking power over me or something.
I said "Fine, just let me lock up" and then I didn't lock up, I just went inside to post on Sup Forums.
Fuck those self-righteous pigs. The fuck do they think they are telling me what I can and can't d.
The most irritating part of this thread is that a lot of people working as firefighters are not chads at all. I am definitely not one. It is people who chose to go into that career because they wanted to help people. Fire stations almost always run charity work, community support, door knocks etc. And as for cops hating firefighters, ambos etc... You have to be joking. These people know each other, half of them do work for other services. Hell, half my unit is ex armed services, there's a few paramedics in there. Especially in this country, in my state, fighting fires is not some pussy job, they are fucking lethal.
That back injury retirement rate is mostly bullshit. You cant disprove chronic back pain with any objective means so when you retire all you have to say is that your back hurts because of the job and you get 1.5x your pension and get to retire 10 years sooner
Fucking skels
What do you think getting sprayed by a fire hose feels like?
I'd like cops more if they ramped up the nigger extermination.
If you get aggressive with firefighters where I live, expect a hydrant bar to the kneecaps.
thank god for /pol, I thought no one would ever understand.
I was a security guard for 4 years while I did college and I saw the firefighters in "action" every fucking day.
Here in my province the firefighters helped write the firecode and they made it in such a way that it increases the number of calls made to the fire hall. Like if an alarm goes off and it's CLEARLY a false alarm - like if I see a small child pull the pull station - I wasn't allowed to reset the system, oh no, I had to call the fucking fire department.
Or if someone burned their toast and it set off the smoke alarm, I and the superintendent of the building weren't allowed to just reset the alarm, oh no, by law we were required to call the fucking fire dept. I worked at my college in the student dorm, and students set the fucking smoke alarm off every goddamn day burning their food or lighting a joint where they shouldn't be lighting one, etc. The fire dept came every fucking day and every day it was for bullshit. 99% of their calls are for bullshit but all those calls jack up the stats so that their budget doesn't get cut.
And if that werent enough, they keep adding more retarded shit to the laws that is fucknig annoying. In my province, every door must have a heavy door closer on it BY LAW. So when you are trying to carry your dinner from the kitchen to the living room, you drop your food on the floor because the door slams on you and you're not allowed to remove the closer because if the dept comes for a surprise inspection (once a year) and find you removed it, it's a $500 fine.
Where is the Marxism in my comment?
Comparing them to police, military or medical is completely warranted.
I wasn't trying to shame pro-military folks, just pointing out the usefulness of both. Capitalist wise, firefighters actually are (more) productive, also cost way less than military, because of size and equipment.
Compare the 2 budgets, and their every day usefulness, and realise it's a pragmatic capitalist thought.
firefighters are not only a union (commie bullshit) but also are ALL on taxpayer money for foods stamps, healthcare, etc. they are literal socialist welfare queens. i know you odn't unjderstand if you are really from japan. but they are costing the city more money than homeless and people in jail combined and they do NOTHING.
jewish lefties playing usual obvious games again
no one falling for your garbage
Ask your girlfriend after I jizzed on her last night
>when you have 60+ trucks
stop larping. no single firehouse has any more than 3 trucks. gtfo.
Idk the building next to me caught on fire last summer and the firefighters got on scence in like 3 minutes already suited and the younger guys were already halfway up the fire escape breaking windows and pulling people out.
Thought it was overkill until I looked over and saw this relatively small fire already spread to a three floor inferno