Press S to spit on their graves

Press S to spit on their graves


No more brother wars

F to them.
S in OPs face

Any non-German who larps as a Nazi should get the bullet.

Press R to resurrect

S because 10 million dead krauts is funny

Ehh I'd rather spit on the graves of Vietnam veterans.

Have you guys ever watched any documentaries on that war? Shit was just a bunch of war crimes. Barely a "war" at all.

>no more brother wars

The maybe the German retards shouldn’t have invaded white countries. Start shit get hit.

>poland, with a population that was 30% jews
they deserved it son

press SS just for the irony

What's wrong with you idiots? Sure, the British bombed civilians, but it was worth it. We usually just kid around about being racist, but c'mon, life under the Germans would have sucked.

If it wasn't for the sacrifices that German civilians had to make, like being bombed, we'd all be speaking in German, wearing uniforms and being told to march in front of giant Nazi memorials and halls. Also, no Mexican food or video games.


>starting a war that killed 30-40 million white people
Germany is 100% at fault for WW2 and the resulting degradation of western culture.


Go away mutt using EU flag


>life under the Germans would have sucked.
Speak for yourself, nigger. I'm 6´3 blonde haired blue eyed, I could have been some high-up SS guard or something. Now I am a wagecuck and it's your fault REEEEEEEEEEE


RIP my great-grandfathers.

SsssssssssSIEG HEIL!

You could still join the military


I'm European, there is no such thing as American ethnicity.
Σ · V · R · Θ · Ρ · Λ

They "Invaded" Polish occupied Germany, .Thanks to Churchill's meddling, Poland was being uncooperative and belligerent while Germany was making peace offer and giving ground on negotiations for the sake of peace.


Your country literally got gang raped and beaten to death by Russians and Americans. And now your country is antagonizing America and Russia again. Germans have no brain.

Polish occupied Germany

Anons dont actually have the balls to be in a war or the motivation to be an officer. They just LARP.

Don’t lose ww1 then, retard.

kys nigger

>no Mexican food
What makes you think that?

Fuck off back to Europe then

Even if the Germans were 100 times "worse" than the kike propaganda paints, and they killed everyone on the planet outside their 1939 borders and/or not German, it would STILL be a utopia compared to today. At least some of the white race would carry on and thrive, unlike the case with the soulless materialism that we have in this current "diverse" timeline. I'd gladly give my life to ensure the survival of my people.

bullshit, Gdansk (danzig) had been a Polish city for centuries. Germany invaded their only buffer against the soviet union and killed many white nationalists and civilians. Hitler was a retard

RIP brother, my grandfathers fought on the Axis side, the Eastern Front specifically. They made back but died young.

>invaded white countries

And killed 50 million whites, intentionally. For jews.

Fuck off. Hitler did nothing wrong.
>Be Germany
>Want your land back
>Imperialistic Great Britain who is always trying to rule the world and goes to war against everyone says you are trying to rule the world and declares WW2
>"muh poland"
>Germany loses 5 million, killing 55 million that wouldn't have needed to die if GB either a)didn't declare war or b)accepted Germany's peace offer
>GB lets Europe burn
>They leave Poland(the entire reason for war) to get raped anyway
>World gets raped with Communism
Britcucks should be nuked.

OK Shlomo


>other countries owned and controlled by Jews, who had already begun encouraging national degradation (see: first-wave feminism, transracial philosophies [Kalergi], international banking, and, of course, communism, among others)
>Germany, the country that told the kikes to go fuck themselves, is the problem
Sometimes you have to fight, even if it means throwing the first punch.

>germany declared war on them, it wasnt the brits who declared war on germany and started ww2.

when you mutts comment on history im never sure whether you are baiting or really that uneducated

Are you in denial that getting DP'd by Germany and Russia is one of Polands longest traditions? Are you in denial that the 250 years prior to WW2 that land had belonged to Germans and Russians longer than the Polish?


>be germany
>lose ww1
>land gets rightfully annexed by victor
>get pissy and angry, like a little child
>start WW2
>invade 6 billion different countries at the same time
>convince your only real ally to attack America
>your entire alliance gets gang raped on 4 fronts at the same time
>lose war again
>70 years later, retarded natsocs on some Djiboutian fishing hook forum go around saying “GERMANY DINDU NUFFIN” and “allies wuz bad guyzz n sheit”

lmao, I have a home in Europe already. Now I'm selling my assets here and you can proudly become 55% :)

thank me later

Jesus Christ this shouldn't even be politics. Men at arms who fell seven decades ago. F to them, F to grandpa's red army mates, F to allied forces, just F.

Isn’t it illegal to be a Nazi in Germany? I’m telling Merkel

Maybe Europe wouldn't be our bitch today if you had kept those Jews alive.

it wasn't
originally it was the soil of pomeranians who were just slavs , then they got invaded by german knights and got germanized but even before that german settlers were moving in there germanizing locals
poles tried to make pomeranians polish but they always managed to get indpendence

Krieg bis Sieg
and thank you.


>be user poster
>get everything wrong on Sup Forums
>blame germany for japan attacking us
>make assumptive argument without having ever read a history book that germany even knew about the attack beforehand
>walk away from argument feeling smug like you won an argument that you were wrong about everything on

>and thank you
The Jews literally migrated to the US because of the Germans.

You should be a history teacher. not even joking

bitch, Amerijews are the ultimate bitches. don't worry, the jews also sell opioid painkillers and prosthetic limps for when John Hernandez Jr comes back from Iran or NK


The only real Nazi achievement was mass murdering white people and giving Jews as much power as they wanted.
Even today Naziboos are preventing right wing and nationalist movements from going mainstream with their "hurr heil da fuhrer xD" idiocy.

and I'm emigrating back to Europe. What's your point Amerijew?!

Fuck off.

The problem is that now the Jews are influencing the world safely in their muttdream of a country, the USA.

How many Russians did your filthy jewish great grandparents kill in 1917?!

It didn't have to be this way.
Before WW2, GB was the lapdog guardian and carrier of the Jews will. Then they burned their own Empire down to spite Germany and elevate the Jews to their 'holy land.' GB lost WW2, and US received the spoils of war.

>his own government was better at killing subhuman russians than hitler was
>"but muh hwite people"

Tell me more about Stalin's 60 billion, mutt.

60 billion? 80 billion!

>Surely, the Nazis would like me because I'm herrenvolk

They'd use you as a male model or as cannonfodder.

You had to look like this to be a big guy in the nutsy party.

>his own women are better at killing Russians through abortion than Hitler™ was
>jews are pimping their women to Asians, turkshits and jews in israel

>be russian
>defend a government that committed genocide against your own people
>while simultaneously condemning the germans
>claiming "muh white people" as they raped their way throughout poland and half of germany like the niggers they are

F, no amount of shills can change that fact

>an Amerijew talking about cannon fodder when the returning vets weigh more in carbon fiber and pills than human.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, kike.
Germans deserved rape, genocide and much more.


Ill spit in your face before I fuck you into your grave.

They were never part of the Polish state, they were in personal union with poland for a while for Teutonic knight protection.
Danzig was part of the hansa league.
When the league of nation's separated Danzig from Germany all the males protested.
Sadly it's a Polish city now, Germans are not dumb enough to stay in Pooland
Do poles claim Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine too?

your based (((putin))) is a jewish puppet. 20% muslim population and 50% of your people's deaths are due to alcohol related issues.

I think you're getting what you deserve

They really didn't.
If GB didn't declare war then Germany would have been able to wipe Communism off of Earth before it could really become a problem and hopefully genocide all the Russians while they were at it. How does it make you feel that the only things Russians have in history to be proud of is thanks to the Germans? Cuck.

How does it feel to know that the only thing Germans have to be proud of is starting wars, losing wars and destroying Europe several times?

How does it feel to be an American sucking the dick of a country you have no connection to?

You nazi larping kikes sure know a lot about Russian history.

>the only thing Germans have to be proud of
Well, I'd say climbing up through the great depression after the Treaty of Versailles and becoming the #1 military power, #2 economy, and innovating technology to such a level that paved the way for the space age and computer era is a few things.

How does it feel sucking the cocks of Jews who betrayed you, and betray you each and every day - while you watch your own society decline into a cesspool of its own decadence?

Wait, are you the same user who thought Germany did Pearl Harbor? Why are you still posting, brainlet? You're clearly too stupid to handle the internet.

When your foundation myth is lenin and mass killing of yourselves alcohol is going to be a problem.
When your foundation myth is being evil and killing God's chosen you will do whatever you can to prove yourself good. It also kills your humor.

fixed 2 typoes you had there
How does it feel to know that the only thing *Americans have to be proud of is starting wars, losing wars and destroying Europe several times?

How does it feel to be an American sucking the dick of a *(((country))) you have no connection to?

>#1 military power
>”hur dur lets invade 60 gabrillion countries at the same time”
>gets absolutely, positively blown the fuck out

You aren’t even german you absolute faggot.

>being this far in denial that the country with a 100-1 k/d ratio in a global war GB foisted upon Germany was not the #1 military power worthy of the fear of ((globalists))
Notice how this retarded nigger still won't acknowledge how he thought Germany did Pearl Harbor.


Japan, Germany’s ally, did Pearl Harbor. I never said that germany did Pearl Harbor. Maybe you should pick less retarded allies next time we have to kick your ass.

>""""we""""" have to kick your ass
Sure thing John Hernandez Jr. It was you who defeated the Axis, not the Russians having more zombies than the Axis had bullets.

Oh yea thanks Russia for all that help against the only honorable enemy we faced in the war, Japan.

And ru*ssian deserve the life they have. HIV, chink colony in siberia, more r*ussian dieing every year, no economy etc.


well you sure honored them by nuking 2 civilian cities with German scientists and technology.

You said Germany urged Japan to do it, which, like everything else you think you know about history, was wrong. Suck it up queer and accept you lost. Why do retarded faggots like you assume anyone who thinks WW2 was unnecessary is a Nazi? Does it contradict your programming so much that it triggers retard rage within you? Do you not realize that, as you simultaneously blame Germany for the destruction of Europe that you're the only one here who defends it? I doubt you have the intelligence to contemplate your own cognitive dissonance so I urge you to sit on that for a while.

>civilian cities
Now you went full retard.

you bore me

>why do retarded faggots like you assume anyone who thinks WW2 was unnecessary is a Nazi?
Nazis started the war, retard.


Never forget the 13 millions.

Wrong again. Just stop posting and kys.

Threads with +75% american posters are pure comedy gold.


brits declared war on germany and dragged the whole world in.

dont worry. our payback was / is frankfurt school. when all of you fucks fall into degeneracy maybe one day you will realize it was a mistake to fuck with the master race.

Anyone who thinks our actions in that war turned out best for us also should get the bullet.

Why are natsoc larpers so retarded? No wonder you faggots are pushing people to the left


>mistake to fuck with master race

Lmao what are you gonna do, get your ass kicked in a world war again?