Hi, Somali Finn here, I just want to put a stop to the racism targeted at us every day on this site. Myself, I am married to Finn with two young children. I own a cleaning company, and I play pesäpallo for a local team. I am a full part of my community and love living here. Our family is modest and atheist, our girls dress in a Western way, and we are red pilled on the Jews and homosexuality. Thanks for your time
Hi, Somali Finn here, I just want to put a stop to the racism targeted at us every day on this site. Myself...
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you go to sauna and eat mämmi every day?
Somalians don't know English
Like not even a little bit
Pick one
i fucking hate Europe so fucking much
Larping faggots posting the same exact shit - word for word.
Sage and begone
Weren't you kiwi? How you moved to Finland in such little time?
Being Finnish isn't how you look or how you act. It's about how closely you are related to Genghis Khan
>Somali Finn
No such thing, user.
>we are red pilled on the Jews
If that were true you wouldn't be a racemixer.
>not white
Wow what a shock
I'm sure people immigrate to Finand from Sweden
whiter than you, Mohammed
> I play pesäpallo for a local team
Which team? T.pesäpallo-pro
>Hi, Fennoswede here
Fixed it for you
Fucking lol'd.
>Somali Finn
AfriFin Americans when?
You remind me of your cousins cat. Killed that too
Nice try Pekka but somalis don't know how to access Sup Forums and they can't use proper grammar.
what the fuck
Hello taqiyya, how are you?
One of our black celebrities tried his best to larp a while ago, even trying to create Black Live Matter in Finland when he claimed that police harrashed his sister and mother. The women got charged for violently resisting a police officer in the end, and whole thing died down.
Also, anything prerequisite to Finn when describing your identity means that you are not a Finn, Finnish and therefore not welcome. Like a coward you fled your country and your own people in search of something easier, instead of staying and making things better for your own kind. It matters not if you have your own business, pay taxes, are one of the "good immigrants", you are using and benefiting of something that you or your kind had no hand in conveying, building and maintaining. If you are what you say, I'm willing to admit that you are indeed better than the vast majority of your kind, but by this admission I also invite you to look in the mirror and ponder what you are doing to your own people by being here. They will never evolve out of their primitive ways if all the better ones flee their countries in search of a cushy life. Go back and do good for your own.
When push comes to shove you will hang like the rest, after the traitors of course.
sheeeeeeeeeiiiiit nigrumps
>austic rant
veli, I'm a Fenno-Swede as well. I hope you don't actually think OP is a somali. Like I posted above, somalis don't know how to access most internet services.
In this video they try to use an escalator, failing miserably: youtube.com
The behaviour of your fellow Somailans reflects badly on the community as a whole.
If you care deeply enough about Finland, your social standing and the Finnish people you will go above and beyond, with help of other like minded Somali immigrants/refugees, to get rid of the bad elements within your community and improve the social view of your community as a whole and along the way be accepted as a Finnish citizen.
Anything else is just talk and you will be lumped in with the rest of the refugees.
>I hope you don't actually think OP is a somali.
I'm feeling generous. Although, I was just reading that other thread about a somali trying to rape a woman in labor in Rome. This is clearly a weakness in me I should seek to eradicate.
Also, you have to go back.
A Somali in my country broke into a hospital to rape a woman in labour.
That woman you're with should be beaten and you should be burned.
Fuck all Somalis
>Somali Finn
No such thing
>Also, you have to go back.
should I go back to Finland? I think I would just be seen as a Swede there, and here people see me as a Finn. Fugg :DD
Yes, cheating Asians is hard because they do it so much better than anyone else so it's no wonder Finns didn't fall for it.
Well fugg. Missed your flag while focusing on "Fenno-swede". Got me there, sven.
you're not finn because you got papers
you're not finn because you're just born there
you're a finn if your ancestors where vikings.
>you're a finn if your ancestors where vikings.
only in the vikings series we're vikings
Umm is this a aussy pasta?
I have norman ancestors thereforce I am PERKELE
Not 100% true, if you are from Proper Finland (south west), but yea, there were no massive amounts of Vikings in Funland.
Karelians had more contacts with vikings due to the close proximity of rus though, and most of them joined the varangian guard to constantinople.
Get out of my country you dirty fucking mixed nigger
>hi, nigger here
Stopped reading there
True, but I believe in Åbo we had actual settlements. And towards Rauma / Pori as well.
There were some studies done about, so probably not fully accurate. But I want to believe so I do.
why not plunder her strawberry field first? then you sell her in vienna to the muslim slavetraders
>Hi, Somali Finn here
What in the fuck is a somali finn? Gtfo
FinnOP trolling. We all know the truth
>the symbol broke when touched instantly, as if refusing the owner
>and then a local cuck repairs it for the nog, spitting on the will of the old gods.
holy fuck genius wordplay
You are not real finn if you can't shoot arrows while riding reindeer on full snow.
can you make a mean pasty?
also gas yourself
Unfortunately they didn't teach me that in the army
>Somali Finn
you are an oxyMoron
>Somali Finn
You are a Somali in Finland, nothing that you could do would earn you the title "Finn".
At best you are tolerated in Finland at worst you are an invader, in no case are you actually a Finn.
>in no case are you actually a Finn
I pay my taxes, employ Finns, vote in elections and I served in the army. That makes me a Finn.
>That makes me a Finn
No it doesn't.
And every Finn hates you and talks about you behind their backs. Also your cleaning company is 99% a front for drug selling.
Youll be in jail by 2019.
Sharing the genetics of the majority population makes you a Finn. A piece of paper from the government does not.
so only want to stop racism against somalians.
Bit harsh when you think about it.
If you're not Jukka or Pekka then GTFO
>Somali Finn
no such thing
Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chiken
It's humanly impossible not to be racist towards them
Wow, ya really made me think.
You're like the dumb fucks who have a pit bull just to say "b-b-but mine hasn't mauled anyone yet".
>I pay my taxes, employ Finns, vote in elections and I served in the army.
It just is something which most (or a lot off) Finns do, it really has nothing to do with being Finish.
>That makes me a Finn.
A Horse doesn't become a Fish when it starts swimming.
>Somali Finn
Spidey knows what
Hes right you know
kill yourself.
lmfao, you're not finnish you mud cunt. get the fuck out
Why the fuck do Finns let Somalis in? I thought you guys didn't even like Russians.
what race is she, she looks uncannily like this abo model
>somali Finn
No such thing you filthy shitskin.
You and your kind will be exterminated from this land of Finns
but are you Christian? Only then you will count. Remember Sup Forums is a Christian board.
You are not a Finn. You never will be. You and your parents are invaders. A heavy price you will pay for your invasion and all that your people have stolen from white europeans. It is coming and when it arrives don't say you werent warned.
One think that always made me wonder is why are there no Fenno-swedes in Satakunta? Varsinais-Suomi and Pohjanmaa are both full of them but in Satakunta i dare you to find even one Fenno-swede. I've literally seen one Fenno-swede (who was from Vaasa) after all the time i lived in Pori or travelled around Satakunta.
Obvious shill thread; sage, but
Nice try heretic
DEUS VULT infidel
youre not a solami finn, youre an enemy and a foreign invader. you and your wife should all be hanged.
imagine being this ashamed of where you come from
Good for you, you aren't a nigger. Don't take it on yourself if we real finnish people call you names and make fun of you sometimes (by real I mean finnish heritage and ancestry). If you really are a somali I am very proud that even couple of you became independent via our billions of euros, what we have spend on you.
>somali finn
Does not compute.
Gtfo of Europe
I would ask you to show your boobs to prove who you are, but I see you don't have any. Definite subhuman shitskin.