>he believes citizens can't own certain photographs
He believes citizens can't own certain photographs
>he believes his right to life isn’t as arbitrary as his right to the liberty to look at certain photographs or the right to protect people from participating in the creation of such photographs
Amos Chink will attack laws against these photographs, but won’t attack laws against taking his life... really activating my almonds, almost as if some people know better than others.
it seems Sup Forums has a cunny poster now
Having CP is not as bad as making CP. But it's still participating in the process. Plus it's victimizing the child every time some sicko whacks off to them being defiled.
Everyone can own any photigraphs they're able to get, literal retard.
Their spreading might be prohibited but possessing something illegal becomes illegal the moment someone gets to know about it.
Can you follow me, katalanifag?
Fuck off Catalonia, how do you think thiese pictures get taken? it promotes the worst kind of child abuse you fucking cunt
>he believes the photographed humiliation and mental scarring of children are harmless things for personal amusement
she's really good at writing
What kind of liberty and freedom have you got when your government prohibits you from looking at a 13 year old girl's pussy at 1080p?
>Plus it's victimizing the child every time some sicko whacks off to them being defiled.
I guess someone gets re-murdered every time you see a picture of a murder.
I do believe it's a dumb law only because it lends itself too easily towards entrapment. It's very easy to access someone elses' personal computer nowadays and plant CP on there.
Actual pedos can go kill themselves in a logan paul video of course.
not all pictures of children involve abuse
They believe sex is evil and damaging untill you have made enough rotations around a giant ball of hydrogen gas undergoing nuclear fusion.
At this point of time it’s a rush to have as much as possible or you are a social failure and potential wizard
It's creating a market for CP, thus abuse. So it's worse than just "participating". It's creating the process.
>he believes all sexual relationships cause mental scarring
Didn't realize this was tumblr.
Its wrong and sick but we cant just hide it and try to bury everything. We need to be real about it and confront it, solve this social fuck up rationally.
Market implies money being exchanged. A viewer who doesn't pay, while still illegal, is considerably less fucked up than one who pays or one who produces.
can you guys take your ethical CP discussion to /r/destiny or wherever you retards came from
No. They are dead. But there are still certain laws surrounding that even.
The child is probably still alive.
Imagine you were raped by some gang of niggers and the video taped it and gave it to HBO. And then HBO decides to air the rape ever year on the anniversary in celebration of your rape. Is this fine with you?
I’m not even a pedo but I do believe almost all arguments against cp and having consensual sex with minors doesn’t hold up to logical scrutiny.
It’s rape is still rape no matter the age btw do not excusing that.
In the U.K. class 3 child pornography is a legal image that someone masturbated to. Thought crimes lol
>torrent movies/games/music/adult porn
very harmful to the industry
>torrent cp
very beneficial to the industry
I don't have the necessary 200 IQ to understand this logic.
Idk. Do people really buy CP? I mean how the fuck does that even work? I imagine most just make it and keep it for their own perverted use.
How is someone looking at a picture creating the event again? We were never talking about national TV airing someone being raped, you are creating an extreme hypothetical scenario and its very poor argumentation.
>consensual sex with minors
I will be waiting for you at the gates of heaven so I can see you fall to hell myself, heretical scum.
>but they can choose their gender at age of 3
It is a violation of privacy. A huge violation. That child has to now grow up knowing sick perverts are sexually gratifying themselves to the demented shit they had to suffer at the hands of an even more demented psychopath.
If you can't see that you are nuts.
Now... this if for true CP. I mean kids that were forced victims of this shit.
If some 14 year old slut loli webcams for a bunch if perverts then hats her own damn problem and I have no issue with that.
But basically child rape.. fuck no. It's wrong to have that shit
>Someone used a concept in a way that is politically incorrect. They must be dumb!
So kids cant consent to having sex, but can consent to cut their dicks off, or taking hormones that change their body and mind
Are you trying to say that just because they're politically incorrect means they should get a free pass at being degenerative?
Someone gas this fucking Jew right now
By this logic having sex with anyone with an IQ below 60 is also rape
The kike is right.
I think a good 90% of resources should target producers and purchasers.
People only viewing should be monitored to lead to new producers.
Yeah, it's called bestiality
>It is a violation of privacy. A huge violation.
Maybe you should tell that to the FBI who hosts massive amounts of CP. Why is that an invasion of privacy but not pictures of murdered people? Sex is worse than murder?
>demented shit they had to suffer at the hands of an even more demented psychopath.
Look up Rind et al. Most relationships between kids-adults aren't actually harmful other than on other people's emotions, and there's usually nothing demented.
>kids that were forced victims of this shit.
Obviously that's wrong, but it isn't common.
So nothing new? Black people rape each other all the time
well there we go then
webcam cheese pizza ought to be legal then
Yeah, we dont want to have sex with niggers or retards either where have you been?
Please stop posting these images
but real talk, how do you aproach a children in a romatic way? do you see one with its mother and you go like hey good looking do you want to go out for a happy meal or something?
this is the only thing i dont get from pedos
Can someone please track this guy?
I mean he's clearly got a boatload of CP.
>Please stop posting these images
dont tell him what to do faggot
No, I said someone isn't dumb for using concepts in a politically incorrect way.
>asking for a friend
Get lost pedo
I've reported him to the proper authorities.
>lewd pics your dad took of you when you were a kid.
The definition of kids is pretty high
I started tapping at age 11.
Obviously babyfuckers are wrong
Not this thread again
Its called studies, retard.
>Hello, FBI? Someone said something I don't like on Sup Forums.
where do you think you are
>Thinks raping a nine year old should be considered a family function
Get out -56% communist
Its not participating if you dont pay for it or make them money
The kid isnt harmed if you have a photograph of said thing on your computer or whatever
The kid does not know, and if its illegal or legal, wont change anything
But it would change the fact, that you dont go to prison by looking at certain pixel combinations at your screen
The sharing of said material should be illegal yes, but not the possession
What about baby pussy licker? Are they ok?
I just wanted everyone to know I already contacted the FBI, fucking degenerates. No mercy for you.
pixel combination is a good way to put it
images, at least digital ones are just numbers
going to jail for pizza is going to jail because you are in possession of a number that is illegal
Nice autism
>my uncle works for the pentagon and can arrest you sick fucks on your malaysian fish gutting forum
Right, 100,000 Pajeets downloading CP from Limewire is creating a market for CP.
They make CP just for Pajeets.
are you retarded?
Unironically, D.O.D.
children aren't for sex
am I?
if I write a computer program to generate all combination of pixels on my monitor, it would take a very long time but it will generate every single image that can fit on my monitor.
Somewhere in that process, I will "generate" pizza and go to jail for it.
>american intellectuals
So heteros were the real degenerates after all.