QUICK you will be sent to the My Hero Academia universe and you can pick your quirk what is it?...

QUICK you will be sent to the My Hero Academia universe and you can pick your quirk what is it?... mine would have to be the ability from mercer from the prototype games be able to steal quirks with those ability's HARD MODE you cant pick a power that has already been picked or is all ready in the show.

My quirk is omnipotence!

The power to gain all the benefits of sleep from shitposting.

Rewind time 5 seconds at a timely

10 second cool down period

>steal people's abilities

You don't steal abilities in Protoype you just create them with new biomass, or you eat them for their memories. I just replayed it last week very simple enjoyable game for how ridiculous it can get

Quirks are supposed to be actual physical things or biological affects. Conceptual shit like time travel doesn't exist in the setting.

Super Healing

maybe but if i remember when you kill your first hunter and absorb it you get the claws and if you are able to steal memory's i think it could be possible to get quirks since there DNA based if they are DNA based


Fulgurkinesis, and all the bullcrap that such would entail, such as magnetokinesis and some forms of technopathy.


The ability from princess sacrifice, where i can steal peoples abilities by fucking them.

rosewaal or orochimaru body swapping ability

Some of them are pretty out there like Nighteye's precogniton

Vita sexualis.

The ability to impregnate with a touch

Best quirk
>heal slut why?

I'd have a quirk of having a larger hippocampus than most humans which would allow me to have advanced physical traits, a superb emotional output/input, and superior memory above others.

Perfect Recall, the ability to perfectly recall my own and other people's memories as if I was there in the moment.

My ability would be complete nullification. All powers do not work within a 10 meter radius of me.

The power to end my life

The power to blink (short distance/fast teleport) 30 feet with a cooldown of 3 seconds.

Power to impose my will on others by just thinking about it

>[Insert To Aru Lv 5 Esper Abilities]

XMen stuffs would also work

My quirk would be to give an objective opinion on everything and being able to tell if it is objectively good or bad.

My quirk gives me my opponents quirk +1

Exhale massive amounts of smoke. And have shark teeth(for purely cosmetic purposes, of course).

So basically you want to be riff raff

Nah I want to have cute shark teeth.

The ability to make my arms really long so that I can whip em about. Like 1-B's big hand quirk but shit

body control.
I can control every aspect of my body.
imagine a full body Migi

be able to recover 8 hours of sleep in 1 hour


My quirk is to make every sexy loli my sexslave.

I'd have the ability to produce the bestest quality of Marijuana and burn it altogether as my metabolism. I'd be a hero and my hero name is 420.

I don't follow To Aru that heavily but aren't most of those powers already in BnHA, just not at a retardedly overpowered level?

>Conceptual shit like time travel doesn't exist in the setting.
>seeing into the future and instant teleportation via warp portals are powers
Maybe Chronostasis has some time fuckery power. Though I'd like to see that on someone other than a mook.

the power to create rope so i can kill myself.

I guess I'll go with Reality Manipulation or Omnipotence. High Tier Mind Powers ala Prof X, Speed Force, Doomsday set or Martian Manhunter set (sans Fire weakness, of course) would be nice too.

If all else fails, Paper Manipulation.

Given that Eraser has the Quirk to turn off Quirks, Nighteye's got the Quirk to see into the future, All For One has the Quirk to transfer Quirks etc, I don't think Quirks or purely physical/biological. I'd agree with no conceptual powers though, because conceptual powers are LAME.

Roughly half the human population already have that Quirk though.

Fucking easy, DIO's The World. Can practically punch through anything and stop time for 11 seconds as much as I want? Yes please

Dragon physiology - the ability to have the inhuman physical strenght and senses of a dragon and the ability to transform my limbs into dragon limbs. But because nature is a bitch, I'd prolly get a lame ass quirk like that boy woth the snail eyes in Deku's old class

Would love to have some kind of Quirk that always lets me stay connected to the internet and have some kind of USB-port as a tail that makes it easy to hack computers/fuse with the computer. It'll probably be a Quirk suited for a villain or the brains in a rescue operation.


Clone anyone I see (appearance, knowledge, abilities) except the clone is completely at my command.

Even a 5 minute clone would make me a happy man.