What's Sup Forums's opinion on Emily Youcis? She's lost weight in Korea if the Red Ice livestream indicates anything

What's Sup Forums's opinion on Emily Youcis? She's lost weight in Korea if the Red Ice livestream indicates anything.

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in Korea? what's she doing there? I live in Korea, just visiting family for the holidays. would she be my gf?

Are you white? She had to flee Antifa.

I am. She picked a good place to flee to

lol fleeing the country because of a gaggle of scrawny faggots.

>tattoos, unless it's your bloodgroup



I like her

f a t

Why are in Korea? Don't tell me you're ricecooking scum?

They were throwing bricks through windows and stalking her. She also lived right in the middle of the deep ghetto and all the blacks knew she was a white supremacist.

She's a great example of he kind of messed up person that gravitates towards extreme movements like the Alt right.

I didn't know she'd gone full 1488 but I did recently listen to her interview with that alt right podcast and she described basically how she was bullied and not accepted as a kid. So she's found this movement that basically allow her to be full on racist and she'll be praised for that, but she doesn't actually espouse any of the classical alt right traits for women, she's doesn't take care of herself (tattoos, fat, drugs, degenerate behaviour like doing topless stuff for "media")

She thought she was hot shit for "owning" a stadium that she sold nuts at.

She wont make a good mother she probably wont drop her media and cartooning shit to raise a family the same way none of the alt right women actually have kids while constantly banging on about it.

She is a mongrel jew subhuman that look like a spic.

The "alt-right" brought Emily from a 3/10 to a healthy 6/10.













not with that stance she isn't


She stopped drinking and has already lost weight. Watch the New Years Red Ice broadcast at around 6 hours in.

She looks like a hapa here, in a good way. Getting into Korean fashion would probably make her look even better.

Only thing she'll kill with that fucking lean back is her shoulder and her nose

She is a jew you retard . She look like a mongrel sunhuman

This. I thought that was a photo of a random hapa for a second. She has shit colored eyes so if she dies her hair pitch black she could pass as a mixed asian probably.

looks nothing like a jew

Why is there a photo of Jesse and Youcis? How did you even get this?

Did they fug?

Probably a pool party

shes fucking cute as fuck

You don't believe in second chances?

red ice stream?

a new one or old?

you fags might want to change the script, "i don't like the way you look and you should shut up and have children instead of discussing the politically incorrect" is getting old



or copy and paste link


these people are fucking scum if anything hes most likely non-white and HATE every fucking thing the alt-right stands for.

she's hot but she's got a bit of a mystery meat look to her

fuck her! she wouldn't even show mircea popescu her tits for 0.01 btc, what what she thinking?!? lol

she's clearly i-talian, she'll put you in a pizza

Yeah I'm sure she's improved, point is that she's damaged goods, no decent man would want her as a wife, maybe if you're equally as damaged and you're in the alt right because basically you've got just as many problems as her.

She's adopted those positions to fit in somewhere, it's the exact same reason we see white people getting indoctrinated into muslim gangs, dysfunctional people with issues who will jump at the first chance to be accepted into a community.

literally who?

Pretty much this. She's an extremely troubled person.

concern troll somewhere else

"Altkike " detected

Second chance for a whore?

Her sexual partner number must be well over 50.
She must have had every kind of depraved sexual act from a threesome to a gangbang.

She only views white nationalism as a form of washing off the old sins just like every other e-celeb like White Rose or Lauren Southern.

Youcis eeew.. heck I remember her from the old alfred alfred newgrounds days when there was a video of her running through woods naked with her male friends posed as some black metal posers (it was a parody video but still.. eew).

I want to fuck this mutt

>ass mad nigger detected
haha fucking loser thats all youll ever be

no she's not
this is prime body for fucking
the bounce, the sound of hips clapping against that ass of hers, can take a good slap on the cheeks aswell, the sweat, the moaning will be al the better.
this beats any bony ass cadaver of whatever girl that looks like they need food.

but that tattoo though >:(

Emily Youcis, a Jewish pistachio girl who was supposedly fired to being pro White, has a similar, but staged encounter with some anti fascists who can barely keep the smiles off their faces. Of course, her hair does not actually get any egg on it. She is sprayed by some sort of liquid she says, and of course she is not worried about it, because she was never in any danger from her fellow Communists. Just how stupid do these Jews think Whites are?

Well a few years ago there was a clip, now seemingly not available, of a blonde girl idiotically saying “moo” repeatedly like a cow… these self- chosen ones who made this video want to place us in this category. They want us to be “goyim”, or human cattle. Because we are the actual human beings in this scenario, as opposed to a species of demented trolls like them, they want to degrade and warp White Europeans, to use and mock us, and this is exactly what this mentally ill Jewess who mentions going to temple in an interview, Emily Youcis, does, while the other Jews who employ her laugh. Now it is being said that she meant temple university and that she is not a Jew when it could not be more obvious that she is one. If she were not a Jew, it would be immaterial, because regardless, this woman is the enemy of our race… but she is a Jew.

kek more irrelevant ad hom

>Emily Youcis, a Jewish pistachio girl

is the Alfred Alfer movie still happening?

I think she's a chameleon and will do whatever to gain status in places that will accept her because she obviously isn't normal enough to just live happily in wider society. And the alt right accept her because they'll do anything to get their numbers up including the idiots who are dumb enough to roman salut at spencer talks.

Not my script, I'm not alt right, I'm interested enough to listen to their ideas and occasionally listen to a podcast or read some articles to get a feel for what they're about. Spencer is the more sane of the lot and has a lot of reasonable ideas I'm OK with but most of that movement are fucking insane, the talk he had with Anglin, it's like, that dude is fucking off his rocker, no reasonable person is ever going to agree with the sort of shit he spouts.

I'm as white as they come, blond hair blue eyes 6'1" male with an IQ at least 1 standard deviation above average.

Problem is the alt right as as movement makes some interest political claims and has some ideas when presented by well educated civil people like Sepncer and then you have idiots like her, Anglin and people of their ilk, who are all "niggers this" and "1488" the other...

Her dad was arrested for child molestation years ago, I wonder if she was his victim.

...whoreloving cuck

She admits that about herself. She's in it to help turn the tide for others. Even weev and Anglin like her. She lost her job and art prospects for her beliefs.

>I'm as white as they come,
yeah sure you are kiddo hang yourself nigger

Perfect girls don't exi-

The point is nobody should even give this whores 2 seconds of their time. They should be shunned and banned.

anglin just enjoys riling people

you should be shunned in banned for the stupid shit you've done when you become 'red pilled" you haven't always been red pilled or even know it seems you are some blue pilled faggot that doesnt understand how the world works or the people that live in it work you make me sick.

She makes art and is talented. She's not like Lauren Southern or something.

You have some points. Anglin is full retard and Spency can be too. There are really good people in this but people like Anglin shit it up.

Anybody got her feet pix?


I've never done any stupid shit. Straight A's, never been in a fight, debate club member, conservative since my first political opinions formed. I'm as pure as they come and I like to surround myself with like minded people. Growing up in a conservative middle class family with good ties is always a plus.

yeah sure you were
>conservative since my first political opinions formed.
Well we've found what the problem is now haven't we you little stupid fuck. I bet you sucked Bushes dick and all the other kike republican dick at some point. What a piece of shit you are and you should never have a chance to a real life for voting and promoting degeneracy you fuck. On the day of the rope only the 100% red pilled even before they were born will be allowed to live. Good luck with that one faggot.
>Growing up in a conservative middle class family with good ties is always a plus.
Standard republican fuckboy.

Purity spiraling right here.

That wouldn't surprise me at all.

Yeah he's essentially media so he's whatever the alt right versions of the jew producers are, he's there to make coin writing and speaking about what a minority of people believe. But the fact that people take that stuff seriously, as if a movement who are openly running around going "nigger nigger nigger" and "1488" and un-ironically roman saluting are going to ever get mainstream acceptance are delusional at best.

It doesn't look good from the outside, as someone who is a potential ally to their cause or whatever a European variant would be, no one with any brains at all is going to associate with people doing that. Spencer is smart enough to know that because he's obviously a smart guy, and listening to him try and dance around all the "kike, nigger" bullshit when discussing things with these people, it's just cringe-worthy, feel sorry for him.

it's from jesse's instagram

I'm not an american... being conservative and right wing was a matter of life and death in eastern Europe.
white knighting for useless whores... lol how far has /pol fallen

> being conservative and right wing was a matter of life and death in eastern Europe.
don't fucking make me laugh kiddo and your shitty fucking meme flag. Quit lying.


You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.

You aren't the type of demographic anyone needs to appeal to. If you don't understand what Anglin is doing then you're not nearly as intelligent as you think you are. You mistake faux respectability and timidity with intelligence. Good for you but you are no man and will be of no use in a serious movement.

If the very future of your race and your descendants wellbeing isn't enough to motivate you then nothing will convince you. If you think effete intellectuals sitting around and being polite to the establishment and bending over will win then you are hopeless. Just make sure you stay out of the way when the actual activitsts try to change things.

Chick lean is just proof a woman needs a man to teach her how to shoot.

And Emily is doing something similar with her art imo. Edgy and shocking memes to attract people.

>They were throwing bricks through windows and stalking her. She also lived right in the middle of the deep ghetto and all the blacks knew she was a white supremacist.

Then why move to Korea? Plenty of places she could move to, buy a gun, and shoot anitfa faggots and niggers lurking around her house.

she didnt move to korea you dumb fuck

Movements need people, we live in a democracy which either you win by vote or you need enough numbers to overthrow, so you necessarily need to appeal to the average person with your ideas.

That's why this movement will go no where while it's full of spergs who are obviously offputting to society. It'll hoover up all the people like Youcis who are yearning for some kind of group acceptance as long as they can follow a few basic rules, not unlike white Islamic converts.

Sure, I'll move out the way and let them do whatever they want, which will basically be nothing.