Apologize to Sup Forums right now

Apologize to Sup Forums right now

Good thread.

There you go, guys.
Vote as many times as you want for your favorite show.

No. Kemono friends was shit.


So Kemono Friends is basically the Japanese equivalent of the brony phenomenon right? Weird childrens' show finds meme periphery audience who insists that it's actually super deep.

This one was shit

No it's masterpiece. If you don't watch anime why are you posting on Sup Forums?

Pretty much. I swear getting into a conversation with one of its fans is like having a flashback to 2011.

But even that MLP show had actual animation.

>this is what MLP should have been.

Naw Konosuba was great.


>Canada on suicide watch

>Little Witch Academia

The show hasn't even finished. Fuck these idiots who voted for this. First 12 episodes were garbage anyway, Trigger needs to step the fuck up.

>Hand Shakers only got 4 votes

I want to meet the 3 other bros and buy them a beer just for sticking through with the series

Onihei is really good.

it's what mlpfags have been waiting for

It's not furry enough for them.

Firstly, that poll is shit taste. Secondly, it is blatantly rigged just like the other one was. Thirdly, you're a faggot.

>no captcha
Who do you want to win senpai. Give me 5 minutes.

Pretty much sums it up.

Cunts will probably never shut the fuck about it either because it's not really about the poorly made show. It's about the waifu, fan art and lewds.


Not watching it.

Are you blind or retarded for purpose?

I would say LWA is more like mlp, if OVA's are anything to go by. I cringed just as much watching it as what little I've seen of mlp.

Kemono friends, on the other hand, was no where near as cringe inducing, except perhaps times where Sever or Kaban went all meow meow meow.

It's not a masterpiece in any meaning of this word, by I did enjoy watching it very much

Doesn't work.
Your browser is fingerprinted, so you'll need to randomize your user agent + other factors alongside your IP. There's also reCaptcha.

Most free proxies do not work nicely with google or SSL.

Face it, Kemono Friends won fair and square.

You realize it's probably troll votes right.

Nigga I voted 6 times

Congrats you're autistic

>Maid dragon not winning despite having +4 threads up all the time
I guess it really was just pedos constantly spamming it

Pretty much.

What a bad graph . Now that I know this board is full of leafs and spics I won't believe in Sup Forums's taste anymore.

I've rigged polls before. Not this one but it's not the hardest thing in the world.

More like people got swayed by Japan's huge popularity of it.

So basically it's no different from any other anime getting popular from bandwagoning. Neat.

Mere bandwagoning won't make it what it is now.

>Weird childrens' show
I'd argue Kemono Friends presents itself as aimed at children, but was gunning for that mobage audience, as well as a more general audience, seeing as its based off of a mobage. This was just a good mobage adaptation.

MLP seems to be totally focused on young girls.

>unironically watching japanese dora the explorer

>Sup Forums's projected AOTSes getting blown the fuck out by a cgi anime

People still don't understand why KF was successful and I love it.

how fitting

Really activates the grey matter

No casual plebs and other ironic weebs just pretend to like it because it's popular in Japan.

AOTS isn't even on the list, no apologizing.

>mlp winning
Well they have a whole board and all, it was to be expected.


The memeing has gone too far, Sup Forums.

So basically it's reddit that's upset and confused by Kemono Friends.

Or they just don't give a fuck because nobody mentions it there like they do here.

You seem to be implying they don't come here and get upset and confused at things that are different from there.

>unironically watching w i d e faces doing the same things everyday

There is 3 kemofure threads in front page of r/anime now senpai

nice go back there


You seem to imply that that you can tell who is a redditor and who isn't when we are clearly all dogs.

I'm a little girl you fuckk.

Language, miss!

Kyoanus on suicide watch.

Little witch more like MLP? You're such a dumb-ass. Kemono friends has an animal cast. Little witch has Humans.

Did the anti-KF fags watch MLP that they're comparing it so hard and even find similarities?

what`s up with all the reddit lately?
what the fuck man?

>no one talking about best show

As someone who watched both I can say that they have very little similarities. One is a modern western kids show with talking animals, with everything that entails such as simplistic characters and stories, ligh-hearted atmosphere from start to finish, lack of any real threat. It only stands out compared to the rest of western cartoons for children, but taken out of this context, it's an okay but very forgettable show that you watch for the cute and the nostalgia of childhood. Nobody would be talking about it in 2017 if it didn't make hordes of manchildren get out of the woodwork for some reason.
Kemono Friends just look like a kids show at first glance, and has girls with animal ears and animal-patterned clothes. It's kid-friendly but it's worth watching by anyone that likes a good story. Its mingling of iyashikei, comedy, adventure and road-trip elements is pretty much unheard of in the medium and its narrative prowess make it one of the best anime ever made. Kemono Friends will probably know a fate similar to Princess Tutu, at first loathed by casuals because of its ridiculous name and appearance, but years of lauding by anime fans convinced them to watch it and its now widely accepted as a masterpiece.
They both promote positive values and self-worth, but so do every shonen manga and half of fiction in a more or less subdued way.

I know most of the horses mentions are probably just shitposting, but I don't like the idea of people taking the comparison seriously and disregarding Kemono Friends when its clearly one of the best anime series of this decade.

Tanya's face is just ayy lmao

The two are so very different from each other. The earlier show has way more budget going into it and it was clear from the outset that they want to sell plenty of musicals that are packed into it, while Kemono Friends doesn't have a budget at all, and it relies on the lore and the characters to sell. Kaban is not the kind of protagonist that children will be excited to look at on top of that.

Yeah, people who insistently compare KF to MLP haven't watched either, go figure.
Both seem to cause untold amounts of butthurt so I guess they at least have that in common.

Naw it was garbage

More like cunts wouldn't shut up why a masterpiece is being called such

Nah redditfags are easy to detect

Watch the show before posting shit

LN trash.

Yeah as if casual pleb watch anything outside of battle shounen or LN garbage

It's not that the content is the exact same, but the fanbase clearly is.

How so?

>this gets praised
>meanwhile berserk gets shit for looking the same

Why do people say Kemono Friends is a kid's show? Didn't it air at 1am?

Berserk needs 2D animation to excel KF doesn't

There would be no mention of horses in Kemono Friends threads if not for the shitposters. The most common comparison that do happen in the threads, outside of Dr Moreau and Planet of the Apes, is Zettai Bouei Leviathan.

no thanks

>series for little kids that looks like garbage
>people suddenly pretend it's deep and somehow better that anime aimed at non-kindergarten kids
>turns out they are just invested in the lewd furryshit and fanfiction/art trash

I don't visit furry threads, so I can't comment on that.

>rewrite only 1%

Never watched horse shit. Nice assumption newfag. Watch more anime and lurk more.

>Little Sales Academia
Must've been every single one bd buyer.

holly shit so much bullshit in one post.

You're talking about something you didn't watch, why should anyone give a shit about your opinion?
If you don't want to watch Kemono Friends, it's your problem, but don't spread lies and let others give a chance.

You don't visit and somehow you are able to know for sure about all that? Damn, that's some grade A projection right there.

Is this the so-called IRC crew falseflag/sowing discord you lot have been talking about?

>series for little kids
The show airs late in night, and as staff said in interviews, it was aimed at adults to watch after work, with characters reminding people of their daughters. It worked out, because teenagers and such are less than 1/4th of viewers.
>turns out they are just invested in the lewd furryshit and fanfiction/art trash
In percentages it has less lewds on pixiv than Kancolle or Touhou.

I only made it halfway through season one. Did it actually get any good?

Nobody said it's 'deep' newfag. It has coherent story and proper conclusion. Something 90% series don't have.

>I have not seen the show, know nothing about it except what I hear second hand from other triggered faggots who also know nothing about it, and think my opinion is valid and accurate.
You're basically the representative of every single triggered KF hater on this board.

lurk more underage

>You're talking about something you didn't watch, why should anyone give a shit about your opinion?
I watched the first three episodes and it was fucking shit. The autistic in between narration about animals should give you a clue at who the show is aimed at.

>The show airs late in night
Most anime airs after 20:00 because only popular franchises get daytime slots, so that point is moot.

>after 20:00
>late in night
Is that when your parents send you off to bed?

Art is one of the things Berserk was known for. They took it away.
There are also differences in shading and shadows. KF does a lot better job in mimicking 2D style and colors. The moments with still animations really negatively stood out in Berserk

KF is popular on Sup Forums because it's such a good anti-casual and norrmalfuck series.
Most of its hatred comes from said butthurt "DB and Death Note are REAL anime" fags.

Pretty sure normal kids at the age of 1-7 aren't awake at 20:00. And most that are older have a life, so they wouldn't watch anime at 20:00+ everday.

Go back to watching OPM newfag. Your opinion isn't worth shit, but your taste certainly is shit. If you don't like it, the fine, no one gave a shit or will give a shit and stop shitposting about a show you don't like because you're a sad, jealous little bitch that can't handle the fact that others can enjoy a show that you can't.

>Most anime airs after...
How about you actually address the interview where they specifically say it was catered to adults instead of nitpicking because you don't have an argument?

Kids go to sleep at 19:30.

KF is shit because it's such a good casual and norrmalfuck series.
Most of its love comes from said butthurt "cartoons aren't that bad" fags.

It's not based off of a mobage at all, people really need to get their facts straight about shitty rumors.

>somebody narrates facts about animals
It's for kids!

>How about you actually address the interview where they specifically say it was catered to adults
Gochuumon is also aimed at adults so what?

All the insults make you look really butthurt.