Why is anti-semitic worse than racist?

If all races are equal, why anti-semitic is faced with worse consequences and punsihments than let's say racism against browns, yellows and other non-semitic races?

How are jews become such an unoffendable group that's above everyone else?

i wonder...

>If all races are equal
that's why you got fooled
being anti-semite is natural it's your defencemechanisme of selfpreservation kicking in

it's Satan's tier 1 strategy

he knows that the vast majority of people are easily flattered, and once you tell them that it's 'smart' and 'good' to accept something that doesn't make sense, there's no going backwards

those people will defend their mistake to the death, because to accept that jews are NOT the chosen people, but are in fact the children of the devil, they have to not only admit that they're easily fooled, and thus stupid, but they also have to admit that this has been true for most of their life, which is impossible, because after all, they are 'smart' and 'good'

(it takes a long time to see that jews are doing the will of Satan--you know this is true, you didn't stumble into the realization either, because you had been told lies repeatedly your entire life)

what is Satan's tier 2 strategy? tier 3? You wouldn't believe me if I told you, his deception is so impressive that it is written 'even the elect would be fooled, if that were possible.' That time is coming, possibly in our lifetimes


Because they're G-d's chosen people, bigot.

can you be less jewish this year, faggot?

interesting detail that you may have overlooked, the reason why jews refuse to type out God, or use any specific name of God, has nothing whatsoever to do with respect or reverence

it's simply a compromise, a way to continue to appear to worship the real God, Yehovah, I AM, while never specifically naming him

I don't presume to know what Satan or a jew believes, but when a jew says 'Adonai' (lord) they are referring to their true lord, Satan

Cause holocaust apperntly.

Exactly, your body fights parasites all the time. These ones are just bigger.

hmm who could be.....

>inb4 a jew shows up crying about the holohoax
millions of people have suffered genocide
>cambodians under pol pot
>Mao long march
>millions of people in Europe killed in World Wars
>Japs getting nuked
plenty of groups of people have been fucked up but push on and dont cry about it forever.

The real reason is in your question
>How are jews become such an unoffendable group that's above everyone else?
>above everyone else?
They are your masters and dont like it when babby spits food in their face. Cant fight proxy wars for Israel when you dont respect your boss

this. more chinese died in nanking probably than the holohoax

Two things, god has chosen them, and then hitler killed 6 million of them. These two things combined give them victim status super-powers.

>the Jews are still the reigning world champions of victimhood just narrowly ahead of niggers in second place...yet to be officially confirmed.

>all races are equal
except when (((they))) have an inferiority complex..

because smiting g_d's chosen people is literally teabagging g_d

instead of using seringes we stab them with dreidels

Anti semitism is ridiculous, semite is not a race, Palestinians are semites so Israelis are the biggest anti semites.
They change definitions to suit themselves.
I am not an anti semite I am anti jewish supremacy

*anti-talmud psychopaths

the sheeny curse

I'll believe you. Tell me Tier 2 and 3