Reminder that this guy didnt do nothing wrong and WEEBS and LEFTISTS are both bashing him because he exposed a core flaw in their favorite Asian paradise.
Reminder that this guy didnt do nothing wrong and WEEBS and LEFTISTS are both bashing him because he exposed a core...
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True, besides, who cares about nips, let alone a dead one ? They should have poked him with sticks for shits and giggles
he violated youtubes content agreement. dead bodies are a no no
mfw he staged the whole thing
>wow this body looks fresh musta died only a few hours ago
hm.. so fresh it could be a guy pretending to have done it for the video... blurred so you cannot tell if he is breathing or whatever
really activates my almonds
>Disrespects dead body for attention
>nothing wrong
No wonder why whites these days are dying out by not respecting their forefathers and traditions
I've glanced at a few of his videos before and he just kind of seemed like any other popular annoying youtuber who craves attention. I haven't watched the video that people are calling "controversial" but from what I can tell it sounds like he did nothing wrong. He went into a place called suicide forest and filmed a dead body I guess? I don't get how this is offensive. He's just filming something that was already there. How is this hurting anybody?
Now with all that being said, I really fucking hate that hat he's wearing.
>implying Japan isn't the favourite paradise of le ebin redpilled ethno-nationalists
he hurt the fee fees of fags like this one
What do you expect when you not only have a forest dedicated to mass suicides, but allow tourists to go anywhere near it? If you actually gave a shit about letting the dead rest in peace Logan would've been publicly executed the minute he decided to upload it to YouTube. Assuming you're really Japanese.
how is this a flaw? people deciding to end their live in the woods seems pretty based.
>o wonder why whites these days are dying out by not respecting their forefathers and traditions
It sure works well for you stupid japs. Now why don't you go off yourself in that suicide forest ?
>their forefathers and traditions
Its a white man in Japan. He did the right thing.
And on disrespecting bodies of people who commit suicide, who cares. They disrespect themselves by choking out their own lives. I bet you if you asked the dead body what he thought about what Logan Paul did he would say in some depressed state "waah I deserved it" darwinism is real and good riddance
you faggot Americans will defend anything against yourselves, even if it's a dead serious thing. Fuck you Americans, no wonder why people every part of the corner hates you. Hopefully all the refugees from Europe enters america and rapes your boipussies
YouTube's been taking down the original. All of the reuploads cut out footage of the body. If you want to prove he's human garbage, use this link.
Japanese are one of the most desensitized and apathetic people of the world. You treat your dead with disrespect yourself. Your society breeds suicidal people and created multiple places famus for suicide. If you would have any respect for the dead you would close off the whole region and give trespassers a heavy fine. Instead you let the bodies there rot and turn it into a tourist attraction. Go fuck yourself.
It was as two part series. The dead body was going to be filthy Frank but now they had to cancel the entire thing because of the backlash.
Kill yourself underage faggot
Tell that to zods snapped neck
Slide thread you know what to do.
Who the fuck is this kike, and why is he plastered everywhere?
I'm watching this for the first time and one thing is immediately clear - this group of "people" and the faggot with the green hat (?) are clearly degenerate. Numale, soyboy, cuck, call them however you want, bottom line is this is sad to watch because I see wrecked human beings who have no fucking idea about anything.
damn commie fag simmer down
I thought the same thing until the emergency personnel showed up
>weak and failures kill them selves
>cultural flaw
man that would be cool. Frank hasn't posted in a long time.
Why do people like you always want to be contrarian on every fuckin issue?
Sup Forums should change it's letters to /con/
Why are meme flags pushing this faagot so hard?
Is he an mossad agent?
This was peak alpha performance by Logan.
And his apology is #1 in the trends.
Proud to be part of the LOGANG
should have been (you) in that tree
Keep talking shit gook, and we'll lay you down in piles of ashes for a third time.
When have nips ever been the forefathers of whites
What about Syrian beach boy?
Jake "third bomb" Paul
Jake "dead bodies get me more hotties" Paul
Jake "hang yourself, gonna pleasure myself" Paul
>meme country
Eww, don't post that Molycuck
din du nothin
He's just some Jew. That should answer both of your questions.
>yet another kike e-celeb shill thread infested with manchilds and his underage followers
Jake "that's a dead body, get me more money" Paul
Jake "you know the drill I have got a bank account to fill" Paul
Jake "get the camera there's a jap taking a nap" Paul
Jake "hang in there bro" Paul
>Phone still in pocket but not ringing
Why does that make me so sad
>WEEBS and LEFTISTS are both bashing him because he exposed a core flaw in their favorite Asian paradise.
you know you fucked up when you have to resort to racist tribalism to defend your master.
Imagine when that roastie meme is all you have to defend your youtuber "friend"
i agree, everybody is getting so mad over that vid, come on grow up it's not that bad.
Also, i fucking hate the normies that made video replies saying how disgusting Logan's video is. They're soooo thirsty for approval and likes. Fucking disgusting.
why is this e-celeb shit news on Sup Forums
I don't give a hot fuck if some retard who makes videos targeted at 12 year old girls who think he's hot disrespects some fucking suicided loser's dead body and neither should anybody else here. Have some fucking standards people, this is some chickenshit normie outrage.
there's dudes walking around in front of kids in full BDSM gear with other dudes on leashes, lesbian cunts walking around with their disgusting tits out swearing their heads off, muds marching in the street demanding whites beheaded, fucking gnarly shit everywhere.
And you snowflakes give a fuck about this no name cunt and a suicide vid? What are you going to do next? Complain about best gore or liveleak?
jesus christ
yes... yes, we need more westerners entering these countries, "exposing" their flaws, championing change.
Your bias is off the chain.
> Flaw in their favorite Asian paradise
You mean Capitalism? You do realize this happens a lot there because of the stressful conditions created by the culture surrounding the worplace. Many of them literally work themselves to death.
what do you really expect with Americans? They're mostly are mixed-breed mullatos with no culture or respect
to be fair, suicide rates are high in Japan because of their own baby boomers
12 year olds out themselves
He is a kike now fuck off
Wow, the biggest thing this idiot is guilty of is being a cancerous faggot.
...and I guess violating YouTube's terms and conditions. But who watches this shit? This retard seriously has 15 million subscribers while I wage cuck in a medical profession? Fuck, what am I doing with my life?
At least they found the body before it decomposed or got picked apart by wild animals.
It's regretful that we are forced to defend some faggy eceleb now but that's where the sjw crusade has taken us. But I mean that's what happened with pewdiepie.
We're all laughing at you, little bitch.
He is a jew. He works for jews. He is promoted by jewtube to rot children’s brains. He’s probably Mossad.
Easy ways to make enough money to buy a Ferrari:
1. Dress up as Spiderman
2. Eat poop on camera
3. Film dead bodies while dabbing on them
What, you think getting an actual well-paying job is going to make you rich? What a retard.
Reported to fbi for making death threats. Enjoy your swat team.
Everybody's making fun of you, faggot, lmao.
Please leave, Facebook.
But unironically people have been vanned for making specific and directed threats on Sup Forums.
That fucking hat tho kek.
Also you stupid nips should think about having forest traps that would incapacitate but not kill so the soyslants think twice about death
See how everybody's laughing at you? LMAO.
Look up the Maersk Memphis incident faggot. You'll join that loser in prison soon enough.
>too pussy to live so kill self in forest known for suicides
>deserves respect
Well, at least I have my dignity...[Searches suicide forest near me]
We're all mocking you right now lol.
wheres pics of the body
>Not respecting the dead.
Typical uncultured american pig. You disgusting mutts never had honor.
Tits or gtfo
I don't like Logan Paul and I definitely think that he was a fucking idiot here, the responses from these low test numales are what I hate.
pic related
>numale with a beard
>fucked over his friends for pussy
>disables all comments, only allows ''special'' people to comment
>gets triggered over the littlest thing, bans the autistic people in his chat over nothing
>a pathetic weeb who goes to Japan every few weeks and wants to live there
>whines about how Logan Paul and Pewdiepie ruined youtube
>starts whining about Trump for no reason in a video about youtube and Logan Paul
What's wrong with these people?
He would probably be molesting corpses if he ever got the opportunity. Fuckin' Ed Gein ass little faggot.
That was so gay, this is exactly why everybody hates you and we're all laughing at you.
You're either a vagina or a faggot. That's why you only understand social shaming.
>comparing vlogging about finding a dead body to Ed Gein
Literally fucking what?
Americans lacked the code of honor since the civil war where they butchered and tortured eachothers civilians in masses. Would take a long time for your country to root out al the literal ed gein tier fuckers.
Everybody's making fun of you you little felcher, lmao.
And I can smell your rancid vagina from Canada.
Such a gay comeback, this is exactly why we're all bullying you like a little hoe rofl.
This is the redpill
Logan Paul is broke ass douchebag that makes degenerate shit BUT this whole "scandal" is just a fart in wind.
There's lots of videos older than this showing corpses in memeforest
Not having the video age restricted was stupid but if seeing goreless corpses is harmful these idiot fans then good. They were dumb to begin with.
All it shows is that Logan Paul is as tasteless and tacky as a 12 year old and that's about it. Something everyone with half a brain sees but that's more than you can say about his viewers.
I’ve been watching you.
Posting pictures of some faggot 21 year old braindead and physically dead burnout who’s biggest claim to fame is ushering in a new, somehow even more annoying form of rap called “emo rap” with all the faggotry and self pity of emo and all the unwarranted self importance and idiocy of rap.
Posting them all over this board, and trying to tell other people they should “embarrassed” and “everyone is laughing at them” ?
No dude, you communicate like a fucking high schooler who can’t even competently discuss things so they have to resort to elementary digressions to what end? To make yourself feel better I guess.
Anyways, the only one who should be embarrassed here is you my man, go join that garbage you idolize and kill yourself and hopefully free up some oxygen for someone a little more worthwhile.
Agreed, now post this in the next 20 kike shill threads about this bullshit.
> (((Frank Zappa)))
Pathetic, lmao, I listen to LiL PEEP, retard.