How do we get G*rmany to take more (((refugees)))? We need to accelerate the destruction of the Kraut menace as much as possible, we cannot rest until every white man, woman and child in G*rmany has been brought to justice.
How do we get G*rmany to take more (((refugees)))? We need to accelerate the destruction of the Kraut menace as much as possible, we cannot rest until every white man, woman and child in G*rmany has been brought to justice.
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But migrants do crimes due to white privilege.
Germany is getting raped as well. We can only hope the Nazi party reforms and saves Germany
it's cus dey be opressin dem n sheeit
Who will make my cars if we do this? Germany must be saved for car enthusiasts.
Just pull the damn trigger already
who will make my ficky ficky?
>The reported rates of assault, murder, manslaughter and rape all went up last year in Germany. De Maiziere described the developments as worrying, and blamed it on an overall "coarsening" in society. He pointedly refused to blame last year's influx of refugees - or any particular group - for the problem, and said the statistics bore him out. "We are dealing with a rise in hate, lack of respect and violence in general," the minister told reporters. "We would not reduce that to any particular group - whether left, right, or foreigners."
How can someone be this politically correct?
holy shit is that actually deutsche welle?
fuck me
press s to shit on their grave
A gold medal mental gymnast.
It wont. Germany is done for.
Which probably is great for Europe.
wish we had nukes so we could do an hero
*sits back against wall*
*wipes blood trickling from bottom lip*
So this is it? This is how it all ends?
*sheaves katana*
Italy, Germany, and now me...
*gazes into sunset*
Addi, auf wiedersehen...
*chokes and falls on side*
>slavic immigrant
Go away you fucking ugly alcoholic Slav(((e))). Fuck you commies
>muslim refugee
Please, rape me. You are at home now
Calm down, Takashi.
If only the political elite could be made to go away somehow...
>t. satire
i read that in BPS's voice
Jews aren't concerned with your little island in the pacific, don't get ahead of yourself.
I've reported you to the proper authorities anyways, you can't be too careful. Besides, you're obviously preaching hateful rhetoric.
Please nips, keep Jews out of your country at any cost.
That would mean there were actual German men left in Germany. Best stock that country ever had died in the wars.
And how do they know it's due to migrants and not to racists lashing out?
>Best stock that country ever had died in the wars.
You have no idea how much pressure this removes. If all the worthwhile germans died in the wars then I have no obligation to save anything.
>The study's authors claimed that part of the increase was due to the fact that violent crimes committed by migrants were twice as likely to be reported compared to those committed by German nationals.
>Another factor contributing to the authors' correlation was the age of the migrants. According to the study, men between the ages of 14 and 30 are more likely to commit violent crimes than those in other age brackets.
ouf... reading past the headlines... didn't find negroid skull as the explanation, that must be disappointing.
Why would I revel in the death of an ancient European race and their country? Fuck off, burgershit.
Minato shut the fuck up, you're not part of this
That wasn't meant to relieve anything. Glad I could be your excuse to have let them died in vain, and your country too for that matter.
>then I have no obligation to save anything
You are a fucking cuck with your escapism and defeatism
Jews out in force today. The divide and conquer is up to 11. We fought with Germany in both world wars. We're not going to give up on her now. Hail victory, German brothers.
nice try achmed I still hate your Anglo overlords but not in this way
>mfw these are most likely pure germans
>mfw its all up to eastern immigrants like myself
Yeah, it's up to you to go back to your own country and fix it so it doesn't end up like mine
I take it the other 8% was due to people raised by single mothers enabled by welfare?
Fake news
That’s what you get for unchecked immigration. Germany is too lenient. Anyone who dares so much as to break a traffic law should be fucking deported to whatever hell hole they came from. no questions asked.
Not before I have put your gay asses back in place so I can roam the streets without questioning myself what sex the person in front of me is and without hearing muhameds ugly voice.
Yes 7% and the rest is drugs
Not necessarily. See
i called it
Its still caused by migrantion you retard!
Racism only comes when you put niggers and mudbloods into european countries.
>I don't like people who look different and pray to different gods, so migration is the problem.
i thought the news would tell us the news not news from 1900
>muh war-fled poor fugees
>the fact he raped was merely because he doesn't know its illegal, she also had it coming but he also had a PTSD enabling him to it, we have to be tollerant
You are the reason why there are stomp-on-kitty videos.
>I-It's just cause Germans are racist and will report a migrant more than a German!
>It's not that they're savage, they're just young!
>How do we get G*rmany to take more (((refugees)))?
It's easy, we just don't take any of them ourselves. Their bleeding hearts will win over them and make them open their borders.
>I hate myself so much that i'd rather defend the position of a rapist who raped out of conviction and lack of self control due to the imported culture
WEW LAD. This is why the internet laughs about you antifaggots.
>come to a foreign country
>woman treats you like scum because of the way you look
>come from a culture where such a thing is punishable by law
>no one objects
>decide to take the matters into your own hands
Those racist bitches deserved to be raped and so do you.
You think Smolensk was good or bad for poland in the long run?
So someone can be racist to us in a manner that includes death but mere exclusion/ridicule is WAY TOO MUDSH 2 HANDLE
Yeah, i ought to forcefully remove some hijabs today, because that ain't right in my country. Oh no wait, here comes the antifa self-loathing logic.
Bet you had a great childhood, then transitioning into adulthood where everyone scoffs at you because you are acting like an edgy revolutionary by enabling women to not shave.
I dont see the argument here.
If you break into my house, I wont like you.
Further and more general
I am allowed to not like people.
And if the goverment takes my money and gives it to other people against my will, I believe I have the right to stop this action with lethal force.
And to be honest, everything witch goes against this. I consider fairly extreme.
You arent serious are you?
You are acctually implying that a sandnigger is allowed to take any woman he wants.
Eh, if I think about it it didn't really have much impact by itself. The biggest thing that might've been a result of this was that people noticed how much did PO and Tusk bow down to Putin afterwards, and the "serial suicider" case that happened later and became half-joke, half-urban myth.
Get this...
The author of the studies claims that the sandpeople become criminals because the lack of women.
the audacity of this prick. i mean this indonesian gamelanforum is full of girlfriendless neets and won't have the same crime-stats.
he is known for reinterpreting the data to fit the narrative. paid shill. as we say:
whoms bread i eat, his tune i sing
according to him more than likely "she had it coming." "It's only barbarism when da huwite man does it!"
OP's title is a good example of (subtle) propaganda that is so commonplace within conservative circles. He points out that "92.1%" of the crime increased due to migrants, but doesn't point out that it was mere 10% increase in crime, nor does he actually point out what those "crimes" are or who they are committed against. Contextualizing the issue would reduce the ability of his title to induce FUD, so he doesn't do that.
Here's the thing: if you bring in poor people into your country, there's obviously a risk of a crime increase. That doesn't mean you should not help people. I would gladly accept a minor increase in crime to reduce a migrant crisis that could be the catalyst for world war.
>However, other studies have refuted links between increased crime rates and migrants.
Gee.. I wonder who?
Antifas get the bullet too!
t.Easteuropean import, which is absolutly sick of you whiny, slimy, arrogant cucks
to be fair, when he tried telling the truth, he always got a huge backlash
he just doesn't care anymore as people don't want to believe him anyway
Logical translation
>we invited over loads of shit people and they committed loads of violent crime but some locals got pissed off because their friends and family getting raped and murdered so they're just as bad!
Go home spaghetti nigger.
I shudder to think of the things I'd do to those who betrayed my people if I didn't have a family.
>someone wants Aryan blood
>it's an Anglo
Makes sense.
>"Only better integration options will reduce the risk of increased crime rates among migrants, a study has found"
Has the same study found a single example of a large group of migrants integrating anywhere ever? US niggers have yet to integrate.
dude he is irish, not italian you massive beady-eyed retard.
You are only a good ally to them if you go along, now that you've outed yourself as a foreigner but well-enough integrated to respect the traditions, customs and way of the land you are nothing but a house nigger to them.
Don't mind them. even a bullet is a waste of expenses.
rip english teacher
>never change Russlanddeutschbro.
To be honest most Germans want to personally get rid of as many refugees as possible. The safest method is to report each and every crime a refugee commits. I did it myself. It works. One whole family had to go completely back because of me. Another one was ruined because both males had to go back. Another migrants case is still pending. Report each and every thing even if it's just a kid being too loud. The cops are also eager to help out and might be able to make a case of child neglection out of it.
OP will no doubt be imprisoned for this thread. Be safe sir.
>immigrants don't commit more crime, people with a low socioeconomic status commit more crime
>taking in immigrants doesn't increase crime even though those migrants come from the poorest and most violent countries on earth and naturally have a low socioeconomic status
Leftist logic
Is the author one of (((them)))?
and by that logic i hope you get dragged off raped and beaten to death by those you enable to do the same...fucking white nog
>most Germans want to personally get rid of as many refugees as possible
Wishful thinking.
I wonder if there could some factor that is related to both socio-economic status and crime
>Yeah, it's up to you to go back to your own country and fix it so it doesn't end up like mine
All my life people have been telling me and my peers to be more like the Germans, now Germans tell me that I need to do all I can to avoid becoming like them. We're in a tough spot here in EE, tbqh. We honestly have no clue what to do. We don't want to end up like the (((West))), but we want to make more shekels on average.
dats raycsis
I cry everytime
good girl
>Leading German criminologists have said that the best chance of preventingviolent crimeamong migrants is to offer more integration options likelanguage courses, sport, and internships.
the ride never ends, I'll tell you what's the best chance of preventing violent crime among migrants: go fetch the Dicke Bertha, put one migrant at a time in it and try to aim for the sea
Exactly. I just watched a (((documentation))) about how my homecountry poland is soooo divided with this commie bitch ((((((((((((((((Rosa von Thun und Hohenstein)))))))))))))))))) and holy shit...I've screamed around for like 10 minutes (documentary was 30 min long) in my hellhole appartment full of fucking sandniggers, literal Imam's (I got two, who only let their wifes and daughters go out with Burkas) and lefties, who work partly in some refugee containers.
Too good that my german is literally better than from actual born germans (sorry if that sentence makes no sense, but im in "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"-modus). Even making money with my voice only n shit (could be useful to propagate our ways in the future.)
Im also collecting names of those ppl in case we get somehow liberated, so the occupying army (or me in such time) can hunt them down.
Also approx. 25-30 GB of propaganda material to archieve their ways of deceivement.
Also in my plans are to infiltrate into german VIP society (voice acting is a thing if u have talent and dedication).
With english subtitles.
Also to note (sorry for spam)
This video is only avaliable to see on ARTE's website until 20th of January. So please download it just as I did.
(U need to install some application for that which is called "MediathekView")
>"Poland will become a dictatorship if this continues, but we will not allow it"
Good goy
>let a million of subhumans enter your country
>99% are young males
>crime statics skyrocket
Wew, I wonder why, We have to study this to understand why this is happening.
kek, I'll check it out
Kek, at around 8:00 they're even complaining that some school book says that immigration might lead to the problems seen in Western Europe. Do these people have any idea about what has happened here in the last couple of years?
>nah goy, we need peace, solidarity n shit. Marriages with arabs break the fastest??? OY MOTHERFUCKING VEY
>"Diversity is our strength, how dare you suggest that immigration might lead to problems? That's racist"
I'm getting so tired of this bullshit
BTW, what's the deal with the reparation payments from Germany. According to the documentary you got them
Will you accept German refugees in your country?